Whether you look at energy, water, infrastructure or communication – the supply with goods and services is dependent on and controlled by IT systems. Without this technology it would not be possible to uphold the current level of efficiency and effectiveness. Side effects of this computerisation are, among others, increasing complexity and societal dependency.
The project “Digital Breakdown” examines the implications of a large-scale failure of such systems. Different scenarios are used in an attempt to demonstrate what causes could possibly lead to a breakdown of supply and communication. Do cyber-attacks have this potential? What would be the consequences of a major blackout? Or could geomagnetic storms become a problem?
Governmental and non-governmental organisations as well as the operators of critical infrastructures or services have developed emergency strategies for a variety of disasters. But how well is Austria prepared? Depending on the different sectors of day-to-day life we will consider various possible factors and look at different frames of reference. It is one thing to maintain supplies of water, food or medical care but another to support transport, communication or the mass production of goods under these circumstances.
Finally, by analysing experts’ opinions and the stances of various stakeholders we will develop recommendations intended for policy makers.
-> Today, social and economic processes are highly dependent on different technologies and their interaction.
-> Critical infrastructures are therefore the "main artery" of the digitally networked society and their functionality is essential for the provision of services of general interest.
-> System failures due to external risk factors, errors inherent to the system or unknown weak points can seriously impair the stability of societal processes.
-> The creation of effective security measures requires above all a greater awareness of the previously underestimated problem of system dependencies.
-> Gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Prozesse sind heute hochgradig von verschiedenen Technologien und deren Zusammenspiel abhängig.
-> Kritische Infrastrukturen sind damit die „Hauptschlagader“ der digital vernetzten Gesellschaft, deren Funktionsfähigkeit wesentlich für Daseinsvorsorge und Grundversorgung ist.
-> Systemausfälle durch externe Risikofaktoren, systemimmanente Fehler oder unbekannte Schwachstellen können diese Funktionsfähigkeit gravierend beeinträchtigen.
-> Die Schaffung wirksamer Sicherheitsmaßnahmen erfordert vor allem mehr Bewusstsein für die bislang unterschätzte Problematik von System-Abhängigkeiten.
Studie im Auftrag des Präsidiums der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Wien, März 2017 (überarb. Fassung v. Juni 2016)
Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung
der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Projektleitung: Walter Peissl
Autoren: Stefan Strauß, Jaro Krieger-Lamina
01/2015 - 04/2017