Access, re-use, and sharing of research publications and data is good academic practice. However, issues related to e.g. intellectual property rights or the lack of legal interoperability often occur as barriers.

To cope with this challenge, the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage has gathered expertise in various legal areas and has organized a number of lectures and workshops on legal issues. In addition to that, the ACDH-CH is involved in the DARIAH working group “Ethics and Legality in Digital Arts and Humanities” (ELDAH) and the CLARIN Legal Issues Committee (CLIC).

A general introduction to a variety of DH-relevant legal aspects can be found below. Please note that the content matter is neither exhaustive nor binding, and primarily serves informational purposes. This introduction does not offer concrete suggestions of how to handle legal issues, but rather gives an overview of the different areas of law that might be relevant when doing DH research. Most likely, only a subset of these aspects will be relevant in a given project. In cooperation projects, the ACDH-CH can provide consultation to identify relevant issues and help develop paths towards good legal practices.

However, the information and assessments passed on in the course of these meetings do not constitute legal advice. For binding legal advice, a specialist must be consulted in any case.

Due to the fact that legal concepts like e.g. Urheberrecht cannot be directly translated into English, the following guidelines on legal aspects potentially relevant to DH projects are in German language only.