Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Stefan Schmidl

(+43 1) 51581 – 3715


    ... holds a doctorate from the University of Vienna. He is appointed professor for musicology at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna (MUK). There he is deputy director of the Centre for Science and Research and heads the competence centre "Film | Film Music". He also serves as a member of the Senate. At MUK he is currently leading the project "Austro-German Melodrama and Its Film Music" (FWF 34466).

    At the ACDH-CH, Stefan Schmidl is part of the research unit Musicology. He is working on the history of cinematic reception of cultural heritage, including a project on the film music of Johannes Fehring. Results of this work have appeared in numerous monographs. Furthermore, he is editor of the series "Filmmusik in historisch-kritischen Editionen".

    Full CV


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    • Schmidl, Stefan (18.05.2012) "National-Menü": Über Konstruktionen von Essen und Trinken in der musikalischen Repräsentation. Vortrag bei: Cooking, Eating, Identity. Speisen als kulturelle Codes in Zentraleuropa. (Österreichisches Kulturforum Zagreb, Österreichisches Kulturforum Budapest, in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Kulturwissenschaften und Theatergeschichte der ÖAW.), Pécs/HUNGARY.

    • Schmidl, Stefan (26.04.2012) Ästhetik der Absenz. Über musikalische Repräsentationen zerstörter Städte. Vortrag bei: Partituren der Städte. Urbanes Bewusstsein und künstlerischer Ausdruck. (Konservatorium Wien privatuniversität), Wien/AUSTRIA.

    • Schmidl, Stefan (20.04.2012) Jules Massenet: Composer between Belle Époque and Modernity. Vortrag bei: Jules Massenet: Composer between Belle Époque and Modernity (Serbian Academy of Sciences), Belgrad/SERBIA.

    • Schmidl, Stefan (19.04.2012) Screen music without paper. Hans Zimmer and the paradigm shift of film scoring. Vortrag bei: Music and Paper; Music and Screen. (Univerzitet umetnosti, Fakultet muzičćke umetnosti,), Belgrad/SERBIA.

    • Schmidl, Stefan (05.03.2012) Zwischen Ordination und Höhenrausch. Perspektiven und Räume des Schöpferischen in der Wiener Jahrhundertwende. Vortrag bei: Der junge Webern. Künstlerische Orientierungen in Wien nach 1900, Wien/AUSTRIA.

    • Schmidl, Stefan (03.07.2011) "Inventing Hellas. The Construction of Ancient Greece in Film Music". Vortrag bei: Revisiting the Past, Recasting the Present: The Reception of Greek Antiquity in Music, 19th Century to the Present. (BASEES Study Group for Russian and Eastern European Music Polyphonia Journal, Hellenic Music Centre), Athen/GREECE.

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