Manfred Prisching studied law­ (Dr. jur. 1974) and economics (Mag. rer. soc. oec. 1977). He became Assistant Professor at the Institute of the Philosophy of Law, the Institute of Economics and the Institute of Sociology at the University of Graz. He wrote his h­­­­abilitation in 1985 and received his tit.a.o.Univ.Prof. in 1994.

He received the following awards: Kardinal Innitzer Award in 1985, Josef Krainer Award in 1994, and Haslauer Award in 1996. Between 1987 and 1988 he held guest professorships and research fellowships at the Rijksuniver­siteit Limburg (Maastricht, NL), from 1995 to 96 at Harvard University (Boston), from 2005 to 2006 at the University of Louisiana at New Orleans, University of Arkansas at Little Rock and the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, and at several Austrian universities. Between 1997 and 2001 he served as Rector of the University of Applied Sciences (FH Joanneum) in Graz. He is a Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Books (in German)

  • Crises. A Sociological Analysis, 1986;
  • Protest and Resigna­tion of Unemployed in Economic Crises, 1988;
  • Sociology. Themes, Theories, Perspectives - textbook, 1990, 3nd ed. 1995;
  • Social Partnership. Model of the Past or Model for Europe, 1995;
  • Paradigms of the Welfare State, Socio-economic Studies, 1996;
  • McSociety.Society of Individuals, 2nd ed. 1999);
  • Twodimensional Society. An Essay about Neo-consumerist Mentality, 2nd ed. 2009;
  • Good Bye New Orleans. Hurricane Katrina and American Society, 2006;
  • Ideologies of Education, 2008.

He has published numerous articles in economic theory and policy, sociology of politics, theo­ries of social science and the history of ideas, diagnoses of our time.

For more information, see:
