Commission The North Atlantic Triangle

The new EAA Commission plans to investigate the relationships between Europe and the entire western hemisphere from an interdisciplinary perspective. These interconnections have existed since the beginning of the Modern Era and have been manifest in a constant flow of individuals and commodities across the Atlantic as well as of numerous stimuli and cultural products.

For a considerable number of years the very productive collaboration at the Austrian Academy of Sciences by scholars from various disciplines – from the fields of history, philosophy, sociology, musicology, and from a number of departments of literary and cultural studies (American, British and Canadian Studies, from German and Romance Studies as well as film studies) – have created the opportunity for a broad analysis of the intensive exchange of persons, commodities and ideas across the North Atlantic in both directions. The success of this collaboration is apparent in the meanwhile ten volumes which the North Atlantic Triangle Commission compiled during its existence from 1 July 2012 to 31 October 2023.

Considering the quickly growing international connections and the social problems across borders, a significantly wider framework for the investigation is now called for. Therefore the commission will, with new members whose research is focused on Latin America and Africa and who have been involved in relevant international academic networks, also investigate the reciprocal relations between Europe and the Global South.


Commission „The North Atlantic Triangle”
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Vienna
T + 43 1 51581-3641

Commission „The North Atlantic Triangle”



Nature as Resource, Aesthetic Experience, and Source of Danger
Date: 18 - 20 April 2024
Venue: Theatersaal | Sonnenfelsgasse 19 | 1010 Vienna