The board of directors consists of five members and acts as the executive committee of the Young Academy. The members, who are elected annually, also function as delegates in the General Assembly of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. In addition to the board of directors, the Young Academy sends eleven more delegates and eight deputies to the General Assembly.




Christoph Bock

Research Area: Bioinformatics
CeMM - Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

further information

With my research I want to understand how the cells of our body are epigenetically shaped by their past and pre-programmed for future challenges. This work is very interdisciplinary and combines approaches from experimental biology with biomedical technology and methods from computer science and machine learning - with the aim of rationally developing new therapies for cancer and immune diseases. What particularly appeals to me about working in the Junge Akademie is the intensive exchange between the disciplines.

Anne Sophie Meincke

Research Area: Philosophy
University of Vienna

further information

I am a philosopher who works at the intersection of metaphysics, philosophy of mind and action, and the philosophy of science. What is life? What is the mind? What does it take for something to be an agent? Do we have free will? In my view these questions can only be answered by taking into account the empirical findings of the sciences, in particular of the life sciences. At the same time I am convinced that science benefits from reflecting on its philosophical premises and implications. The Young Academy offers a perfect platform to conduct and promote such fruitful interdisciplinary dialogue that is the key to innovative, ground-breaking research. I am also committed to gender equality in academia and to stable working conditions for excellent young researchers.

Nina Mirnig

Research Area: Indology
The Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

further information

In my research, I aim to develop a comprehensive approach to the study of the cultural and religious history of South Asia and the Himalayan region by combining philological methods for accessing new text sources in Sanskrit with questions and approaches from history, archaeology and anthropology. I believe that intense engagement across disciplines is fundamental to forward our understanding of historical and cultural processes, which in many cases still shape the formation of local identities and perceptions of tangible and intangible heritage. With its agenda of fostering interdisciplinary discourse, I value the Young Academy for providing a stimulating space for such exchanges. I also fully endorse its commitment to diversity and optimized working conditions central to developing a dynamic, innovative, and resilient research and training environment. 

Alexandra Rodler-Rørbo

Research Area: Geology
Austrian Archaeological Institute of the OeAW

further information

My research operates at the interface of geology and archaeology. It is based on field and laboratory work and uses mass spectrometry for isotope analysis. By combining these disciplines, I use a wide range of methodological and analytical approaches, to investigate raw material provenance and processing and with this, the organisation of trade and production as well as the utilisation of (raw materials for making) colors. The impact of resource utilisation and processing on people and the environment is also a key consideration. One of the most valuable aspects of working in the Young Academy is the opportunity to engage in science policy discussions and knowledge exchange across multiple research disciplines within the Young Academy and beyond.

Birgitta Schultze Bernhardt

Research Area: Physics
Graz University of Technology

further information

Meine Forschung befasst sich mit experimenteller Laserspektroskopie, bei der ich die Licht-Materie-Wechselwirkung nutze, um optische Eigenschaften und physikalische Prozesse in unterschiedlichsten Proben genauer zu charakterisieren. Dazu benutzen wir in meiner Arbeitsgruppe ultrakurze Laserpulse für unterschiedliche Spektroskopiemethoden, die hohe spektrale und hohe zeitliche Auflösungen erlauben. Unseren Forschungsfokus konnten wir jüngst von der Grundlagenforschung auf interdisziplinäre Anwendungen erweitern. Daher reizt mich innerhalb der Jungen Akademie besonders der anregende Austausch zwischen unterschiedlichen Fachrichtungen – österreichweit. Durch meinen Forschungsstandort Graz ist es mir außerdem ein Anliegen, die Aktivitäten der ÖAW und der Jungen Akademie über die Grenzen Wiens hinaus sichtbarer zu machen.




Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW)
Actuary (Young Academy)
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Vienna

T +43 1 51581-1294