Acoustic Phonetics
Former head


Scientific IDs

ORCID No.: 0000 - 0001 - 8663 - 9232

Academic background

Sylvia Moosmüller received her Ph.D. (dissertation title: "Soziale und psychosoziale Sprachvariation: eine quantitative und qualitative Untersuchung zum gegenwärtigen Wiener Deutsch") in General and Applied Linguistics from the University of Vienna in 1984. She worked in various research projects dealing with phonetic and phonological variation in Standard Austrian German and with linguistic gender studies. She joined the Acoustics Research Institute with her work on a forensic phonetics project in 1992.
In 2007, she finished her post-doctoral thesis on the "Vowels in Standard Austrian German: an acoustic-phonetic and phonological analysis."

Teaching and Current Research

Sylvia Moosmüller lectured on acoustic phonetics, phonology, and sociolinguistics at the University of Vienna and at the Fachhochschule "Logopädie - Phoniatrie - Audiologie". Her research fields included phonetic and phonological variation in the varieties of Austrian German, acoustic phonetic description of vowels of selected insufficiently described languages, forensic phonetics, sociolinguistics, and clinical phonetics.

Professional Societies and Activities

Sylvia Moosmüller was Secretary of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA), and member of the Working Group for Forensic Speech and Audio Analysis in the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes.