Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. techn.

Andreas Kugi

Andreas Kugi

Full Member of the Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences since 2015

  • Austrian Institute of Technology
  • Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik ACIN, Technische Universität Wien




Research Areas:

  • Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Information Engineering
  • Automation
  • Mechatronics
  • Control engineering
  • Systemtheorie



Selected Memberships:

  • Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften acatech
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IEEE
  • Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik VDE
  • Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik OVE

Selected Prizes:

  • IFAC Mechatronic Systems Outstanding Investigator Award
  • Kardinal-Innitzer-Förderungspreis
  • Goldene Stefan-Ehrenmedaille

Selected Publications:

  • Vu,M.N.; Beck F.; Schwegel M.;, Hartl-Nesic C.; Nguyen A.; Kugi, A., (2023) Machine learning-based framework for optimally solving the analytical inverse kinematics for redundant manipulators, Mechatronics, Vol. 91, 102970
  • Henikl, J.; Kemmetmüller, W.; Meurer, T.; Kugi, A. (2016) Infinite-dimensional decentralized damping control of large-scale manipulators with hydraulic actuation. Automatica, Bd. 63, S. 101-115.
  • Steinböck, A.; Wild, D.; Kugi, A. (2013) Nonlinear model predictive control of a continuous slab reheating furnace. Control Engineering Practice, Bd. 21 (4), S. 495-508.
  • Graichen, K.; Kugi, A. (2010) Stability and incremental improvement of suboptimal mpc without terminal constraints. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Bd. 55 (11), S. 2576-2580.
  • Meurer, T.; Kugi, A. (2009) Tracking control for boundary controlled parabolic pdes with varying parameters: combining backstepping and differential flatness. Automatica, Bd. 45 (5), S. 1182-1194.