Univ.-Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. med.

Kaan Boztug , MBA

Kaan Boztug

Corresponding Member of the Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Austria since 2022

  • Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Medical University of Vienna




Research Areas:

  • Clinical Medicine
  • Blood group serology
  • Paediatrics and adolescent medicine
  • Haematology
  • Oncology
  • Human genetics





Selected Memberships:

  • ÖGKJ
  • ITCC
  • ÖPPM
  • EHA
  • API
  • ESID

Selected Prizes:

  • ERC Consolidator Grant 11 iDysChart"
  • Johann Wilhelm Ritter von Mannagetta Preis für Medizin der Österreichischen Akademie der


  • Clemens von Pirquet-Preis der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde
  • Merit A ward der American Society of Hematology (ASH)
  • Wissenschaftspreis der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde

Selected Publications:

  • Block, Jana; Rashkova, Christina ; Castanon, Irinka; Zoghi, Samaneh; Platon, Jessica et al. (...) (2023). Systemic inflammation and normocytic anemia in DOCK11 deficiency. THE NNW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 389(6):527-539.
  • Kostel Bal, Sevgi; Giuliani, Sarah; Block, Jana; Repiscak, Peter; Hafemeister, Christoph; Shahin, Tala et. al (...) (2023) Biallelic NFATC1 mutations cause an inborn error of immunity with impaired CD8+ T-cell function and perturbed glycolysis. BLOOD 31;142(9):827-845.
  • Shahin, Tala; Kuehn, Hye Sun; Shoeb, Mohamed R; Gawriyski, Lisa; Giuliani, Sarah et al (...) (2021) Germline biallelic mutation affecting the transcription factor Helios causes pleiotropic defects of immunity. SCIENCE IMMUNOLOGY 6(65), eabe3981.
  • Wang, Lin; Aschenbrenner, Dominik; Zeng, Zhiyang; Cao, Xiya; Mayr, Daniel et al. [..] (2021) Gain-of-function variants in SYK cause immune dysregulation and systemic inflammation in humans and mice. Nature Genet., Bd. 53, S. 500–510.
  • Kalinichenko, Artem; Casoni, Giovanna Perinetti; Dupre, Loic; Trotta, Luca; Huemer, Jakob et al. [..] (2021) RhoG deficiency abrogates cytotoxicity of human lymphocytes and causes hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Blood, Bd. 137 (15), S. 2033-2045.