• Innovation

    The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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    The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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  • Immunology

    The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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  • Archaeology

    The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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Thu, 03.11.2016 – 04.11.2016

Leibniz heute lesen

Der Todestag von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz jährt sich heuer zum 300sten Mal. Die ÖAW widmet gemeinsam mit drei weiteren Akademien dem bedeutenden Philosophen ein internationales Symposium.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Bild: Shutterstock.com

Die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften nimmt den Todestag von Leibniz, der sich am 14. November 2016 zum 300sten Mal jährt, zum Anlass für die Veranstaltung eines internationalen Philosophie-Symposiums, an dem Vortragende aus allen vier von Leibniz entworfenen Akademien der Wissenschaften teilnehmen.

Zum Rahmenthema „Leibniz heute lesen. Wissenschaft, Geschichte, Religion“ werden Fragen nach der heutigen Aktualität des Leibnizschen Denkens erörtert, insbesondere sein Verständnis von Wissenschaft im Hinblick auf das Potential von interdisziplinärer Forschung außerhalb der universitären Sphäre. Überdies werden Leibniz' Impulse auf die Entwicklung des Faches Philosophie sowie seine Relevanz im Diskurs zur religiösen Pluralität im modernen Rechtsstaat diskutiert.

Website des Symposiums 

Um unverbindliche Anmeldung wird gebeten: marianne.baumgart(at)oeaw.ac.at



3. bis 4. November 2016

Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Wien


  • Innovation

    The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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    The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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  • Immunology

    The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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  • Archaeology

    The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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  • Innovation

    The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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    The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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  • Immunology

    The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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  • Archaeology

    The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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The Austrian Academy of Sciences is the leading Austrian non-university institution for science and research. The Academy stands for social discourse, the transfer of new knowledge and basic research at the highest international level.

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Grafische Illustration von Glasperlen
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Grafische Illustration von Glasperlen
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Austrian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Vienna

+43 1 51581-0






Austrian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Vienna

+43 1 51581-0




Austrian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Vienna

+43 1 51581-0