
Heinz Faßmann takes up office as the new OeAW President

Together with Ulrike Diebold, Christiane Wendehorst and Wolfgang Baumjohann, Faßmann will head the Austrian Academy of Sciences for the next five years – "Science Update" as a new format for social consulting.

Heinz Faßmann steht vor einem Arkadengang.
Der neue ÖAW-Präsident Heinz Faßmann. © Peter Rigaud/ÖAW

The new Presiding Committee of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) has officially started work: the geographer and former Science Minister Heinz Faßmann, who was elected the new President by the General Assembly of the Academy at the end of March, succeeds Anton Zeilinger. The quantum physicist had headed the Academy since 2013.

The new management team of Austria's largest non-university institution for basic research is completed by the physicist Ulrike Diebold, who succeeds Arnold Suppan as Vice President of the OeAW. At the head of the Division of Humanities and the Social Sciences, the legal scholar Christiane Wendehorst takes over from Oliver Jens Schmitt; as President of the Division of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences, space researcher Wolfgang Baumjohann succeeds Georg Brasseur.

Building on the success story

"I'm looking forward to the new tasks and working together in-house," says OeAW President Heinz Faßmann, adding: "I've been closely associated with the Academy for almost forty years. I have much to thank it for and now I would like to give back the experience I have gained as a scientist, vice rector, science minister and, last but not least, as institute director and member of the Academy."

Heinz Faßmann expressly thanks the outgoing Presiding Committee and his predecessor in office: "I would like to thank Anton Zeilinger and his colleagues on the Presiding Committee for the excellent work and great commitment over the past few years." He is taking over a well-kept house, says Faßmann, who emphasizes with a view to the future: "Together with my team, I want to continue to advance the Academy on its successful path. We will open up new fields in basic research, expand the international appeal of the Academy, and devote more of our time to future-oriented issues in social consulting."

New science format

For Heinz Faßmann it is clear: "Science is vital for tackling major challenges such as the climate crisis, demographic change, social inequalities, the digitization of all areas of life, and much more." But awareness of the problem-solving capability of science has not yet reached the heart of society, as the Eurobarometer recently showed, according to Faßmann. In a European comparison, trust in science and research is less strong in Austria than in other countries.

"We therefore want to further intensify our activities in social consulting and start a new format called "Science Update"," the new OeAW President explains. "At regular media events, journalists can exchange ideas with experts from the Academy on the current state of research on important issues of the future. We want as many people as possible to be able to benefit from the knowledge gathered at the OeAW."

The new series will start in autumn. Then the work program of the new Presiding Committee, which will be worked out in detail over the summer, will also be presented to the public.


At a glance


Sven Hartwig
Head of Public Relations and Communications
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna
T +43 1 51581-1331