Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Christoph Bock

Christoph Bock

Member of the Young Academy since 2017

  • CeMM - Research Center for Molecular Medicine GmbH
  • Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Center for Medical Data Science, Medical University of Vienna


Research Areas:

  • Biology
  • Bioinformatics
  • Genomics
  • Cancer research
  • Systems biology
  • Machine learning
  • Informatik/Biomedizin





Selected Prizes:

  • ERC Consolidator Grant (2021–2026)
  • Overton-Preis der International Society for Computational Biology (2017)
  • ERC Starting Grant (2016–2021)
  • New-Frontiers-Group-Förderung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (2015–2020)
  • Otto-Hahn-Medaille der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2009)
  • Studien- und Promotionsstipendium der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (2000–2008)

Selected Publications:

  • Fortelny, Nikolaus; Bock, Christoph (2020) Knowledge-primed neural networks enable biologically interpretable deep learning on single-cell sequencing data. Genome Biology, Bd. 21, 190.
  • Krausgruber, Thomas; Fortelny, Nikolaus; Fife-Gernedl, Victoria; Senekowitsch, Martin; Schuster, Linda C. et al. [..] (2020) Structural cells are key regulators of organ-specific immune responses. Nature, Bd. 583, S. 296–302.
  • Klughammer, Johanna; Kiesel, Barbara; Roetzer, Thomas; Fortelny, Nikolaus; Nemc, Amelie et al. [..] (2018) The DNA methylation landscape of glioblastoma disease progression shows extensive heterogeneity in time and space. Nature Medicine, Bd. 24, S. 1611–1624.
  • Datlinger, Paul; Rendeiro, Andre F.; Schmidl, Christian; Krausgruber, Thomas; Traxler, Peter et al. [..] (2017) Pooled CRISPR screening with single-cell transcriptome readout. Nature Methods, Bd. 14, S. 297–301.
  • Mass, Elvira; Ballesteros, Ivan; Farlik, Matthias; Halbritter, Florian; Günther, Patrick et al. [..] (2016) Specification of tissue-resident macrophages during organogenesis. Science, Bd. 353 (6304).