Rebecca Stocker



... is a student assistant for “Wien – anders und mehr.sprachig” (‘Vienna – different and multilingual’) at the research unit Linguistics of the ACDH-CH. In addition, she also works as a scientific project member at the University of Vienna for the Top Citizen Science project (TCS) “The ABCs of dialect: exploring historical notes digitally”, which is a cooperation project with the “Dictionary of Bavarian Dialects in Austria” (WBÖ).

Rebecca Stocker studies German studies at the University of Vienna, where she finished her Bachelor’s degree in 2019 and is writing her Master’s thesis on non-standard varieties in the Austrian Linguistic Landscape. Before working on the current projects, she was part of the Top Citizen Science project (TCS) 'On everyone’s mind and lips – German in Austria' (IamDiÖ), the FWF Special Research Programme (SFB) 'German in Austria. Variation – Contact – Perception' (DiÖ) and a student assistant for the 'Dictionary of Bavarian Dialects in Austria' (WBÖ).


  • Korecky-Kröll, Katharina, Anja Wittibschlager, Markus Pluschkovits, Florian Tavernier, Johanna Fanta-Jende, Rita Stiglbauer, Jakob Bal, Katharina Kranawetter, and Rebecca Stocker. 2023. Erhebung, Aufbereitung und (kollaborative) Nutzung des Korpus "Deutsch in Österreich. Variation - Kontakt - Perzeption". Marc Kupietz and Schmidt, Thomas. Neue Entwicklungen in der Korpuslandschaft der Germanistik: Beiträge zur IDS-Methodenmesse 2022. Clip - Korpuslinguistik Und Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven Auf Sprache. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.