Dimitra Grigoriou



.. is proud member of the ACDH-CH's Auden Musulin Papers team and is excited to make available the private "working correspondance" of the Anglo-American poet W. H. Auden with to Welsh-Austrian writer Stella Musulin as well as unknown parts of the "Austrian" W. H. Auden.

... is currently completing her second MSc in Digital Humanities at the Athens University of Economics with the a thesis entitled "Encoding of Ancient Greek Mathematical Texts with the TEI standard; the case of Euclid’s Elements", where she suggested ideas of how ancient Greek mathematical texts could be encoded using the TEI standard. Her focus is digital humanities, data relations, data modelling and machine learning.

... completed her first MA in English language and linguistics at the University of Vienna in 2018 with a thesis on English syntax regarding the structure of the English Noun Phrase.

... has previous been an intern at at the ACDH-CH where she worked on the European Lexicographic Infrastracture (ELEXIS) by building its database and initiating her individual projects on data mining and sentiment analysis.

... has worked at various international schools as a teacher of English and German while promoting the use of technology in classrooms.

... is enthusiastic about languages (she speakes 7 already), and passionate about the combination of language and technology.