
The project looks into the efficacy of smartphones as mobile media technologies with particular characteristics, the most prominent of which is their new appropriation and use logic: The functions are not inscribed into these devices as it is the case with earlier media technologies. Instead, they are universal devices coupled to an app-economy. The process of personalization is an integrative part of their everyday use resulting in individually modified and thus unique smartphones with interfaces that reflect the use practices needed and wanted by the respective user at a certain time. While the project consists on the one hand of the conceptualization of this new logic, it deals on the other hand also with the arising methodological implications and potentials of mobile media technologies for media and communication research: e.g., the smartphone as a snapshot of its use that can be integrated into qualitative elicitation interviews, or the applicability of genuinely mobile apps like the messenger WhatsApp for enhancing self-reporting methodologies.

CMC Staff

Katja Kaufmann (Project Leader)