Research work is mainly focused on the integrating and identity forming potential of the media. However, in a constantly changing and increasingly diverse society, the principal emphasis has been on theoretical considerations as to whether and in what form the media could and should offer an integrative potential, and on how far concepts of inclusion should replace earlier ideas of an “integration” function. Nevertheless, it is obvious that modern societies cannot function without at least a minimum of national identity. Therefore, one needs to ask how a socially acceptable and peace-enhancing national identity can be developed and what role the media are playing in the identity formation process.
Austrian Ministry of Science and Research, within the framework of its South Eastern European Science Cooperation Initiative: Subproject “Western Balkan Countries and the EU: Reciprocal Perceptions, Expectations and Skepticism”
National Science Centre Poland: Subproject “Media Coverage of the Polish EU Presidency”
Cultural Department of the City of Vienna: Congress organization “Vienna Forum of Social Sciences”
Cooperation Partners
Subproject “Dynamics of National Identity”:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Grimm, University of Vienna, Department of Communication,
Prof. Leonie Huddy, PhD, Stony Brook University New York, Department of Political Sciences
Prof. Dr. Peter Schmidt, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Subproject “Media Coverage of the Polish EU Presidency”:
Adam-Mickiewicz-University Posen
Subproject: “Western Balkan Countries and the EU: Reciprocal Perceptions, Expectations and Skepticism”
Congress Organisation
Annual Conference of the International and Intercultural Communication Section of the German Communication Association (with the Austrian Foreign Ministry and the Comenius University Bratislava), Vienna and Bratislava, 4-5 October 2013
Vienna Forum of Social Sciences (with the Forum for Methods at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna, and the Austrian Association for Communication Science (ÖGK)), Vienna, 1-2 December 2011
Publications and Lectures
Books and Monographs
Books and Monographs
- (2016). Dynamics of national identity: Media and societal factors of what we are. New York, NY, London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315746111.
- (2007). Jewish Images in the Media (p. 298). Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Retrieved from
Articles and Book Chapters
Articles and Book Chapters
- (2022). Nationalizing the 'refugee crisis': A comparative analysis exploring how elite newspapers in four countries framed forced migration during World Refugee Day. Newspaper Research Journal, 43, 47-64. doi:10.1177/07395329211050123.
- (2021). No government mouthpieces: Changes in the framing of the "migration crisis" in German news and infotainment media. Studies In Communication Sciences, 21, 267-284. doi:10.24434/j.scoms.2021.02.005.
- (2021). The ‘Refugee Crisis’ as an opportunity structure for right-wing populist social movements: The case of PEGIDA. Studies In Communication Sciences, 21, 361-376. doi:10.24434/j.scoms.2021.02.016.
- (2021). Institutional references (European / Global Public Sphere). Database Of Variables For Content Analysis. doi:10.34778/2zj.
- (2021). Speakers (European / Global Public Sphere). Database Of Variables For Content Analysis. doi:10.34778/2zk.
- (2021). EU identity frame (European / Global Public Sphere). Database Of Variables For Content Analysis. doi:10.34778/2zi.
- (2021). The European Union: The story of a tragic hero and the 27 dwarfs. In D. Lilleker, Coman, I. A., Gregor, M., & Novelli, E. (Eds.), Political communication and Covid-19: Governance and rhetoric in times of crisis (pp. 79-87). London, New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
- (2016). Introduction: Dynamics of National Identity. In J. Grimm, Huddy, L., Schmidt, P., & Seethaler, J. (Eds.), Dynamics of national identity: Media and societal factors of what we are (pp. 1-6). New York, NY: Routledge..
- (2015). Guest editor's introduction. Central European Journal Of Communication, 8, 2..
- (2014). Struggling for visibility in times of a family crisis: The perception and news coverage of the Polish EU-Presidency 2011 in Germany and Austria. In A. Stepinska (Ed.), Media and communication in Europe (pp. 147-166). Berlin: Logos..
- (2013). The Austrian news coverage of Poland during the Polish EU presidency in 2011. Srodkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne (Central European Political Studies), 3, 87-107..
- (2013). The German news coverage of Poland during the Polish EU presidency term in 2011. Srodkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne (Central European Political Studies), 3, 121-143..
- (2013). Future EU members or Europe's internal other? The reciprocal news coverage between Western Balkan countries and EU member states in view of the support for a further EU enlargement. Südosteuropa. Zeitschrift Für Politik Und Gesellschaft, 61, 290-311..
- (2012). EU Accession, crimes and sports: The thematic frame of reciprocal perceptions between Western Balkan countries and EU. In H. Scheck (Ed.), Changing identities in South Eastern Europe: Between europeanisation, globalisation, regionalisation and nationalism (pp. 46-67). Wien/Ljubljana: Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana/Center for Social Innovation..
- (2012). Reciprocal perceptions between Western Balkan countries and the EU: News coverage on the EU accession process in daily newspapers. Ceu Political Science Journal, 7, 145-172..
- (2007). Introduction. In (pp. 7-12). Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften..
Research Papers
Research Papers
, Fulda
Romy Wöhlert:
Mediale Integration von Migrantenminderheiten als Reflektion nationaler Selbstwahrnehmung und Indikator gesellschaftlicher Akzeptanz [Media integration of migrant minorities as reflection of national self-perceptions and indicator of societal acceptance]
Vortragsreihe Migration und Medien. Zwischen Unsichtbarkeit und Skandalisierung -
, Trier
Romy Wöhlert:
Migrantenminderheiten und Medien - Ungleichheitssemantiken und Integrationspotenziale [Migrant's minorities and media - inequality semantics and integration potentials]
37. Kongress der DGS, Sektion Migration und ethnische Minderheiten. Migrant/-innen und Migration in Medien und Öffentlichkeit -
, Vienna
Romy Wöhlert:
Does the European Union have new value? An international comparative study on the news coverage of the Polish EU presidency in 2011
Transnationale und transkulturelle Kommunikationsforschung in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Trends, Entwicklungen, Debatte. Jahrestagung Fachgruppe Internationale und Interkulturelle Kommunikation der Dt. Gesellsch. f. Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft -
, Manchester
Romy Wöhlert:
Ethnic minorities and their (dis-)integration in Austrian media
Ethnicity, Race and Nationalism in European Media and Film: Rights, Responsibilities, Representations. International Conference -
, Posen
Romy Wöhlert:
The Austrian and German news coverage of Poland during the Polish EU Presidency in 2011
II Ogolnopolski Kongres Politologij [2. Kongress der Politikwissenschaften] -
, Sarajevo
Romy Wöhlert:
The EU enlargement to the Western Balkans: Current reciprocal perceptions between Western Balkan countries and the EU
RRPP Annual Conference 2012 on 'Social, Political and Economic Change in the Western' -
, Vienna
Romy Wöhlert:
Future EU members or Europe's internal other? Reciprocal perceptions between Western Balkan countries and the EU and conceptions of a European collective identity
1. Sozialwissenschaftliches Forum Wien: Identität - Diversität - Integration -
, Wien
Josef Seethaler, Jürgen Grimm, Peter Schmidt:
Dimensionen nationaler Identität und Vorurteil: Ergebnisse einer Panel-Untersuchung zum Einfluss der Medien auf Identitätskonzepte und Einstellungsbildung [Dimensions of national identity and prejudice: Results of a panel study]
1. Sozialwissenschaftliches Forum Wien: Identität - Diversität - Integration -
, Madrid
Romy Wöhlert:
In or out? Reciprocal perceptions between Western Balkan countries and the EU against the background of a future EU accession
Conference of the ECREA Political Communication Section "Comparing Political Communication Across Time and Space" (20.10.2011 - 21.10.2011) -
, Bucharest
Romy Wöhlert:
(Future) EU Members or Europe's internal Others. Current reciprocal perceptions between Western Balkan countries and the EU
Identity and Intercultural Communication -
, Vienna
Romy Wöhlert:
Western Balkan countries and the EU: Reciprocal perceptions, expectations and scepticism
Changing Identities in South Eastern Europe: Between Europeanisation, Globalisation, Regionalisation and Nationalism, Austrian Ministry of Science and Research -
, Zadar
Romy Wöhlert:
Civilization versus Barbarism: A Typology of Arab/Muslim Otherness and National Self Concepts in German and US-American Print Media around 9/11
The Issue of the (Post)Other: Postmodernism and the Other -
, Zagreb
Romy Wöhlert:
Civilization versus barbarism: A typology of Arab/Muslim otherness and national self concepts in German and U.S. print media around 9/11
Lectures Series -
, Barcelona
Oliver Gruber:
Representation and Construction of integration in mass media. An Austrian case study
2nd European Communication Conference
Popular Publications
Popular Publications
Popular Talks
Popular Talks
Dennis Lichtenstein:
Nationale Konstruktionen europäischer Identität: Herausforderungen für eine europäische Öffentlichkeit im digitalen Zeitalter [online]
Seminar der Österreich-Bibliotheken: „Europa: erlesene Vielfalt – grenzüberschreitende Begegnungen. 25 Jahre Österreich in der EU"