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The CMC concern itself with communication and transfers as an outgrowth of its comparative perspective and long-term analyses. The project aims to pursuit research on the transfers of narratives within the global public, and localize and categorize these transfers into origins, transmissions, and re-interpretations. On the one hand, we reconstruct the narratives’ origin in local discourses, from which they may emerge into transregional, multi-layered communication processes that influences the global public. On the other hand, narratives are seen as outcomes of global interactions and networks that create or structure local discourses. The historical and social context addresses macro-level research. Additionally, we pay special attention to its implementations at the individual level (biographies, experiences, memories). Hence, we consider an eclectic approach towards the need for and circulation of narratives, in order to develop systematic communication strategies that give momentum for policy reflection or social empowerment.
One project deals with the transfer of Southeast European narratives about ‘Kossovo’ into the U.S. public by Serbian migrant communities during World War One. One has to acknowledge that Kosovo has never only been a geographic region, but also has different communication spaces with a variety of meanings. For the groups of Serbian immigrants in the U.S., the concept of Kosovo entailed not only memories of their country of origin, but also narratives that structured their livelihoods, their beliefs, and their actions across the ocean, at the same time. It informed the migrants not only of the(ir) Serbian medieval past, but also of their duties: To fight for and take back a territory called ‘Kossovo’, wherever they may be. The results of this project show how organized migrant groups translated their history and historiography into suitable narratives that shaped the US public image about Serbia to gain support from the US government for the purpose of founding a Yugoslavian state in 1918.
The project operates at the crossroads of transdisciplinary approaches, namely micro-history and transnational history, as well as media, communication, and memory studies.
CMC Staff
Eva Tamara Asboth (PI, Contact)
DDr. Franz-Josef Mayer-Gunthof Wissenschafts- und Forschungsstiftung
Publications and Lectures
Publications and Lectures pre-2022
Publications and Lectures pre-2022
Asboth, E. & Nadjivan, S. (2017). Neither here nor there – Ni ovde, ni tamo. Religiously Connoted Social Media Self-Representations of the ‘Generation In-Between’, in: Contemporary Austrian Studies Vol. 26, New Orleans-Innsbruck.
Asboth, E., Griesbeck M. & Nadjivan, S. (2017). „MY MILK LASTS LONGER THAN MY VISA“. The Longings of the „Generation on the Move“ in Kosovo, in: zeitgeschichte, 44. Jg., 1/2017.
Asboth, E. (2019). The West as the Balkan’s cartographer. An analysis of historical images of the West about Serbia and the Serbs during the nineteenth and twentieth century, in: Moreno Seco, Mónica (coord.); Fernández Sirvent, Rafael y Gutiérrez Lloret, Rosa Ana (eds.). Del siglo XIX al XXI. Tendencias y debates: XIV Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, Universidad de Alicante 20-22 de septiembre de 2018. Alicante: Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
Asboth, E. (2016). Der politische Mythos in massenmedialen Gesellschaften: Konzept für die Erforschung von (transferierten) westlichen Narrativen über den Balkan, in: Diotima Bertel et al. (eds.), Junge Perspektiven auf Partizipation in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Wien.
Imaginations of the ‘Oriental Europe’ in Austria’s and Germany’s public sphere in the 19th century, Conference: Haunted Landscapes of German Eastern Europe, University of Edinburgh,
4.-6. August 2021.
Preparing the ‘Oriental Europe’ for Habsburg’s Expansion. Felix Kanitz and the Viennese scientific circle as spatial knowledge producer on the Balkans in the 19th century, Conference: Knowledge Systems and Ottoman-European Encounters: Spatial and Social Dynamics, Zurich University,
9.-11. Juni 2021.
Popular Publications
Popular Publications
Research Papers
Research Papers
Articles and Book Chapters
Articles and Book Chapters
- (2024). Authentic conflicts in Post-Yugoslavia: A model of a post-war generation’s communication system [Forthcoming 2025]. Communications: The European Journal Of Communication Research, N/A, N/A..
- (2024). "Children of the Balkan Wars”—Responses and resistance regarding war-related media content in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia. In M. Shah (Ed.), Children and youth as "Sites of Resistance’“ in armed conflict. Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (SSCY) (pp. 25-38). Cambridge: Emerald Publishing. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384732378_Children_of_the_Balkan_Wars_Responses_and_Resistance_to_War-related_Media_Content_in_Bosnia-Herzegovina_Kosovo_Montenegro_and_Serbia.
- (2024). Das Wien-Image auf dem Land im 20. Jahrhundert: Ein digital-quantitativer Zugriff auf lebensgeschichtliche Interviews [The image of Vienna in the countryside in the 20th century. A digital-quantitative approach to biographical interviews]. Medien &Amp; Zeit, 39, 35-49. Retrieved from https://journals.univie.ac.at/index.php/mz/issue/view/680/255.
- (2024). Junge Lebensgeschichten aus Post-Jugoslawien: Reflexion über die Rolle der Forschenden im lebensgeschichtlichen Interview [Young Life Stories from Post-Yugoslavia: Reflection on the Role of the Researchers in Life Story Interviews]. Sws-Rundschau, 64, 77-94. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384728322_Junge_Lebensgeschichten_aus_Post-_Jugoslawien_Reflexion_uber_die_Rolle_der_Forschenden_im_lebensgeschichtlichen_Interview.
- (2023). Inherited border regions. Remembrance strategies among young adults in post-Yugoslavia and their multi-layered perspective on the past. Oral History, 51, 67-79..
- (2022). 'Kossovo Day’, New York, 1918: How the Serbian National League of Defense tied the future of their country of origin to American history. In T. Powell & Sagasti Suppes, P. (Eds.), Transnational American Space (pp. 193-211). Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press..
Books and Monographs
Books and Monographs
- (2024). Transnational and Transatlantic Perspectives on the Balkans, 1850–1918 [Forthcoming]. Palgrave Macmillan..
- (2023). Der »europäische Orient«. Transnationale und transatlantische Bilder vom »Balkan«, 1850-1918. [The »European Orient«. Transnational and transatlantic images of the "Balkans", 1850-1918.]. Bielefeld: transcript..
, Online
Asboth, E. T.
How to research past global publics? A methodological approach combining transfer studies and communication studies
74rd Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association) -
, Vienna
Asboth, E. T. Scholz, R.
DigicomHis:Her. Methodische Impulse für eine Digital Communication History
(Non-)binarity in Binary Structures – The Digital Communication of Identity and Diversity: Joint Annual Conference of the DGPuK-Divisions Digital Communication and “Media, Public Spheres and Gender” -
, Lund
Asboth, E. T. Griesbeck, M.
‘Children of the Balkan Wars’—The impact of childhood war memories on the responses and resistance towards war related media content in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia
ECREA Communication History Section Workshop: ‘War, Communication, and Media Resilience in Europe’ -
, The Hague
Asboth, E. T.
The American way of ‘Kossovo’. The political goals of a transatlantic Serbian historiography in the US Public.
Seventh European Congress on World and Global History -
, Toronto
Asboth, E. T.
Authentic Conflicts: Reconciliation Among Young Adults in Post-Yugoslavia and Their Multi-Layered Communication Strategies on the Past.
73rd Annual ICA (International Communication Association) Conference -
Asboth, E. T.
„On Killing Serbs“—Gegen-Narrative im Bosnien- und Kosovokrieg. A. M. Rosenthals alternative historische Transfers in der New York Times in den 1990er-Jahren.
Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Kommunikationsgeschichte: Von Emanzipation zu Desinformation? Gegenöffentlichkeiten und ihre Bewertung im Wandel, Universität Leipzig, Institut für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft -
, Paris
Asboth, E. T.
Erschöpfungs- und Ermüdungsdiskurse im 20. Jahrhundert: Transregionale Transfers und Transfers zwischen Öffentlichkeit und privatem Raum. [Discourses on fatigue in the 20th century: transregional transfers and transfers between public and private space]
L‘atelier du transnational. Séminaire de recherche en histoire contemporaine, Deutsches Historisches Institut -
, Mannheim
Asboth, E. T.
Vererbte Diskurse: Junge Erwachsene über die jugoslawischen Sezessionskriege der 1990er-Jahre [Inherited Discourses: Young Adults on the 1990s yugoslav wars of secession]
Diskurs – interdisziplinär 11: Diskursanalyse jenseits von Big Data, Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache -
, New Jersey
Asboth, E. T.
Kosovo—A Transatlantic Liberation Space. The Serbian National Defense League of America and its impact in the United States and in Europe [online]
Monmouth University’s Seventh Biennial Interdisciplinary Conference on Race on the topic Public Spaces, Private Places: Constructing Race and Liberation
Popular Talks
Popular Talks
, Klagenfurt
Asboth, E. T.
Habsburg’s „blinde Flecken“: Die Erforschung des europäischen Orients durch Österreich-Ungarn und dessen mediale Inbesitznahme um 1900
Offene Lehrveranstaltung für Interessierte im Rahmen der Wanderausstellung Vergessene Welten und blinde Flecken in der Klagenfurter Universitätsbibliothek -
, Klagenfurt
Asboth, E. T.
Habsburg’s „blinde Flecken“: Kommunikative Praktiken der Wissenschaft im Zusammenhang mit dem europäischen Orient im 19. Jahrhundert [Habsburg's "blind spots": Communicative practices of science in towards the European Orient in the 19th century]
Ausstellungseröffnung: Vergessene Welten und blinde Flecken in der Klagenfurter Universitätsbibliothek