Governance of Public Service Media: Traditions and Transitions
Media organizations – and with it the whole journalistic profession – are currently experiencing profound structural changes, as they are put under pressure by digitization and the erosion of established business models. These transitions also have consequences for public service media (PSM): On the one hand, PSM are necessarily obligated to their traditional public remit; on the other hand, they need to find a way to adapt to the realities of the present media world. How can PSM actors fulfill their social function in the digital communication environments of today? In what way could PSM realize their role in democratic societies in the online environment, which is de facto defined, negotiated and provided by private interest ruled actors (platforms)? What are the consequences of the shrinking public space for PSM in Europe? What are the concerns of the current transitions for media governance and policy-makers? How could public interest objectives for diversity and pluralism, the cornerstones of media governance, be achieved under these conditions? Which funding models can help public media organizations to maintain quality? And how can the performance of PSM be measured after all? Our research offers answers to such questions from a comparative perspective – for example by compiling various key figures that display and quantify economic, program-related and audience-related dimensions of PSM, by evaluating different modes of project-based journalism funding, by studying the necessity and possibilities of a regulatory framework for the legal and policy safeguards of PSM in the digital ecology, by conducting policy scenario analyses on spectrum allocation plans to PSM, by monitoring trends on PSM independence, and by analyzing PSM activities in the online world.
Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF), International Federation of Television Archives, Heinrich Graf Hardegg’sche Stiftung
Key figures of public service broadcasting
Digital archiving in public service media: Ethical issues and legal restrictions
Die grundrechtliche und wettbewerbsrechtliche Zulässigkeit projektbasierter Medienförderung
CMC Staff
Tobias Eberwein (Project Leader)
, Bishkek
Rozgonyi, K.
Safeguards for freedom of expression and media pluralism in the age of algorithms and artificial intelligence (Central Asia)
Masterclass in the framework of the OSCE RFoM project to put a spotlight on the impact of artificial intelligence on freedom of expression (SAIFE) -
, Toronto
Rozgonyi, K.
Accountability and Platforms' Governance: The Case of Online Prominence of Public Service Media Content.
73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA): Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication -
, Skopje (remote)
Rozgonyi, K.
Safeguards for freedom of expression and media pluralism in the age of algorithms and artificial intelligence (Southeastern Europe)
Masterclass in the framework of the OSCE RFoM project to put a spotlight on the impact of artificial intelligence on freedom of expression (SAIFE) -
, online
Rozgonyi, K.
Research to Advocacy: how to build up engagement. The case of the European Media Freedom Act
The EuromediApp Spring School opening session -
, Budapest
Rozgonyi, K.
The academic journey: across borders and histories
Panel discussion at ELTE Budapest -
, Brussels
Rozgonyi, K.
"Media for Good and for Everyone” - the role of the future European Board for Media Services and the challenges faced by national regulators and regulatees
Joint EPRA-Cullen International conference -
, Budapest
Rozgonyi, K
PSM content online as an antidote to dis-/misinformation: accountability regimes and platforms’ governance
Fighting Disinformation - Research seminar of the Hungarian Digital Media Observatory -
, Vilnius
Rozgonyi, K
Public service media between pressure and expectations: standards and practice
Presentation at the ‚Public Service Media for Democracy' conference, organised by the Council of Europe and the European Broadcasting Union, in partnership with the Lithuanian National Radio and Television (Vilnius) -
, Aarhus
Rozgonyi, K
Accountability and platforms' governance: the case of online prominence of Public Service Media content [online]
Presentation at ECREA's Communications Law and Policy section’s virtual session. -
, Vienna
Rozgonyi, K
The role of platforms‘ accountability in times of crisis‘
Intervention at the OSCE #SAIFE expert workshop on content governance in times of crises [online] -
, Vienna
Rozgonyi, K
Accountability and platforms' governance: the case of online prominence of Public Service Media content’
Vortrag bei: RIPE 2022 Conference “Between the Fourth Estate and the Fifth Power: Conservation and Innovation in PSM Journalism” -
, Salzgitter
Eberwein, T.
Öffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunk in Europa: Ein kennzahlenbasierter Vergleich zum Verhältnis von Finanzierung und Publikumsleistungen [Public service broadcasters in Europe]
Ostfalia Medienforum -
, Washington, D.C.
Eberwein, Tobias Saurwein, Florian Karmasin, Matthias
Public Service Broadcasting in Europe: Exploring the Relationship Between Funding and Audience Performance
69th Annual ICA Conference: „Communication Beyond Boundaries“ -
, Lugano
Saurwein, Florian Eberwein, Tobias Karmasin, Matthias
Public service broadcasters in Europe: Exploring the input-impact-relations and their implications for media politics.
ECREA 2018 - 7th European Communication Conference: "Centers and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation" -
, Montreal
Eberwein, Tobias Gerard-Wenzel, Corinna
Memory of the future? Digital archives in public service media.
19th annual meeting of the AoIR -
, Prague
Eberwein, Tobias Gerard-Wenzel, Corinna
Digital archiving in public service media: Ethical issues and legal restrictions
68th Annual ICA Conference -
, St. Pölten
Eberwein, Tobias Saurwein, Florian Vogl, Nadja Karmasin, Matthias
Kennzahlen des öffentlichen Rundfunks – ein internationaler Vergleich [Key figures of public broadcasting – an international comparison]
Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Medienökonomie und des Netzwerks Medienstrukturen: "Zur Ökonomie gemeinwohlorientierter Medien" -
, San Diego, CA
Gerard-Wenzel, Corinna
Why we need new types of public news funding
ICA 67th Annual Conference -
, Ghent
Eberwein, Tobias Karmasin, Matthias Saurwein, Florian Vogl, Nadja
For what it’s worth. Measuring the performance of public service broadcasters in Europe
Annual conference of the European Media Management Association (emma): "Value Creation in Media Markets: Business Models, Clusters and Ecosystems" -
, Chur
Gerard-Wenzel, C
Projektbasierte Medienförderung und ihr Beitrag zur Qualität öffentlicher Kommunikation [Project-based media funding and its contribution to the quality of public communication]
Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikations‐ und Medienwissenschaft SGKM -
, Salzburg
Gerard-Wenzel, Corinna
Digital communication, governance and society. How to safeguard public service journalism in a digital communication environment
2017 Shanghai-Salzburg Seminar Series (SSSS Conference). Communication and Social Development II
Books and Monographs
Books and Monographs
Articles and Book Chapters
Articles and Book Chapters
- (2023). The Audiovisual Media Services Directive and the Effectiveness of Media Transparency Requirements. In European Audiovisual Policy in Transition (pp. 135-153). New York: Routledge..
- (2022). Reporting under Pressure. A Study of Journalism Working Conditions in Three European Countries during The Pandemic. (Work environment in journalism: a study of three countries in pandemic). In Ripe@2022, VGR,, & ORF, (Eds.), Public Value Texte (Public Service Media in Europe) - Between The Fourth Estate And The Fifth Power (p. 55). Retrieved from
- (2022). Accountability and platforms governance: the case of online prominence of Public Service Media content. In ORF (Ed.), Public Value Studie (Öffentlich-Rechtliche Qualität Im Diskurs) (pp. 50-90). Wien: ORF. Retrieved from
- (2022). Policy diffusion and Internet governance: reflections on copyright and privacy. In M. Marzouki & Calderaro, A. (Eds.), Internet Diplomacy: Shaping the Global Politics of Cyberspace (pp. 195-211). Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield..
- (2019). Öffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunk in Europa: Ein kennzahlenbasierter Vergleich zum Verhältnis von Finanzierung und Publikumsleistungen [Public Service Broadcasting in Europe: A Key-figure-based Comparison of the Relation Between Funding and Audience Performance]. Jahrbuch Für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften, 60, 141-168..
- (2019). Public service media in Europe: Exploring the relationship between funding and audience performance. Javnost - The Public, 1-18. doi:10.1080/13183222.2019.1602812.
- (2019). Kennzahlen des öffentlichen Rundfunks – ein internationaler Vergleich [Key Figures of Public Broadcasting - an International Comparison]. In J. Krone & Gebesmair, A. (Eds.), Zur Ökonomie gemeinwohlorientierter Medien. Digitale Massenkommunikation in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. (pp. 187-207). Baden-Baden: Nomos..
- (2018). Memory of the future? Digital archives in public service media. Aoir Selected Papers Of Internet Research, 2018, n/a. doi:10.5210/spir.v2018i0.10481.
- (2017). Die Rechtsprechung des ÖVfGH zur Facebook-Aktivität des ORF. Feststellungen der Erkenntnisse VfGH v. 27.6.2013 und VfGH v. 2.4.2014 zu Rundfunkfreiheit und staatlichen Gewährleistungspflichten. Zeitschrift Für Medien- Und Kommunikationsrecht, 48, 20-24..
Research Papers
Research Papers
- (2023). Report on novelties in the 2018 Audiovisual Media Services Directive revision and proposed interventions into the Serbian Law on Electronic Media and the Law on Advertising (in part relevant for the 2018 AVMSD transposition). Retrieved from
- Public financing of news media in the EU: Final report. Luxembourg. doi:/10.2759/08462.
Popular Publications
Popular Publications
- (2023). „Es war einmal ein alter Freund von Viktor Orbán..“ – Interview Von Helmut Atteneder. Medienexpertin Krisztina Rozgonyi erzählt die Geschichte der staatlichen Übernahme von Ungarns Medien. Oö Nachrichten. Retrieved from;art16,3844289.
- (2019). Jenseits von Elmau. Die Finanzierung des öffentlichen Rundfunks in Europa [East of Elmau. The funding of public broadcasting in Europe]. Epd Medien, 4, 3-6..
- (2019). Öffentlicher Rundfunk in Europa: Finanzierung beeinflusst Publikumserfolg [Public broadcasting in Europe: Funding affects audience performance]. Retrieved from
Popular Talks
Popular Talks
Rozgonyi, K.
I work on public media, I left Hungary for a reason [A közmédiával foglalkozom, nem véletlenül mentem el Magyarországról]
Interview with Magyar Hang (in Hungarian) -
, Wien
Karmasin, Matthias
Vorstellung einer CMC-Studie & Diskussion mit Harald Fidler
Presseclub Concordia - Medienpolitisches Update zur ORF-Finanzierung -
, Wien
Karmasin, Matthias
Interview mit Matthias Karmasin zu ORF-Finanzierung, Kronen Zeitung und demokratische Rolle der Medien
ORF Report (ORF 1)
In the media
Stephan Russ-Mohl (2019). Krasse Unterschiede. Öffentlich finanzierte Medienunternehmen verdanken ihre Existenzberechtigung nicht den Quoten. Zu messen wäre, welche Leistungen sie für welche Zielgruppen erstellen. Der Tagesspiegel, 7.4.2019,