
In the digital age, journalistic production is undergoing a process of constant transformation. Up till today, the scientific debate about this transformation has mostly been focusing on the specific potentials of web-based communication, which – at least in theory – is supposed to pave the way for new forms of participation, more transparency, and a general democratization of professional journalism. In the meantime, however, more and more counter-examples have been suggesting that the promising innovations of digital journalism are all too frequently reversed, in order to confront journalistic actors with new ethical problems instead, which have long been unknown in analog newsrooms. This contradiction provokes numerous questions: Do the ethical problems of online communication outweigh its undisputed potentials? How do the both sides of this discussion relate to each other? What does this mean for the future of media and communication ethics? And what are possible consequences for the (self-)regulation of digital media and online journalism? These questions are answered on the basis of a multi-method research design, which includes a document analysis of journalistic codes and professional guidelines in different journalism cultures all over Europe, an evaluation of complaints that were submitted to press and media councils, as well as problem-centered interviews with journalists, media self-regulators and media users.


Own funds

Cooperation Partners

University of Zurich, Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research

University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences

University of Wroclaw, Department of Political Science

In the media

Röben, Bärbel (21.2.2017). Gegen Trump & Co mit Transparenz & Kontext. M – Menschen Machen Medien, https://mmm.verdi.de/beruf/gegen-trump-co-mit-transparenz-kontext-38985 (Bericht zu den Vorträgen auf der Jahrestagung 2017 des Netzwerk Medienethik)

ms (31.8.2015). Medien-Ethiker kritisieren Schock-Foto aus Flüchtlings-Lkw: „Dreister Verstoß gegen Grundsätze des Journalismus“. Meedia, http://meedia.de/2015/08/31/medien-ethiker-kritisieren-schock-foto-aus-fluechtlings-lkw-dreister-verstoss-gegen-grundsaetze-des-journalismus/ (Tobias Eberwein im Gespräch über die Veröffentlichung strittiger Fotos)