When journalism follows participatory principles, citizens take an active role in co-creating and shaping journalistic contributions. By means of such an inclusive approach, researchers see advantages for strengthening and fostering basic democratic values – such as promoting plurality, diversity of perspectives and involvement in social processes. This is particularly effective in local and cultural journalism. However, it is thought that the consistently lower partaking of women is worrisome. Based on the participatory journalistic project "Zeitreisen", which was published as a supplement of the "Wiener Zeitung" for more than 20 years until its discontinuation in 2023, the role of gender and localism for effecting participation, particularly of women, is examined.
, Berlin
Krakovsky, C. Jäger, I. Rozgonyi, K. Riedl, A.
Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und Diversität im partizipativen Journalismus: Redaktionelle Arbeitsprozesse und Publikumsbeteiligung am Beispiel des Wiener Zeitungsprojekts Zeitreisen
DGPuK Tagung der Fachgruppen „Medien, Öffentlichkeit und Geschlecht“ und „Journalistik/Journalismusforschung“
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Articles and Book Chapters
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, Wien
Christina Krakovsky, Krisztina Braun-Rozgonyi:
„Partizipativer Journalismus aus Wien: Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und Demokratie“ [Participatory Journalism from Vienna: Gender Equality and Democracy]
„Wissen für Wien“, Stadt-Wien Präsentationsveranstaltung,Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Projekt: MA7/ParticipatoryJournalism from Vienna: Gender Equality and Democracy)