Cultural diversity and migration have proved to be core conflicts issues on the media agenda during the last decades. Most frequently, they are discussed with reference to Islam and Muslim culture. After early peaks of the debate, for instance, around the Islam critical thesis by the journalist Oriana Fallaci and the politician Thilo Sarrazin, at latest the 2015 migration crisis has impressively polarized societal and media discourses. This project takes the example of migration and examines how a polarized media agenda surrounding migration and migrants is build. The project follows two strands: It 1) analyzes how migration and migration policies are discussed in media discourses and 2) how migrants are represented and stereotyped in media discourses. Regarding media discourses on migration, the project asks: How is the influx of migrants incorporated into a society’s self-concept before and during the migration crisis? How is the legitimacy of migration policies discussed and challenged in media debates? How do populist movements such as the German PEGIDA take the issue of migration to mobilize bystanders? Regarding the depiction of the minority group of migrants it is asked: How are migrants attacked and stereotyped as a threat for culture and society in the media? How do media biases operate in the depiction of migrants? And what is the influence of counter speech in media debate?
Cooperation Partners
Noam Tirosh (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
Akshaya Sreenivasan (Mays Business School, Texas A&M University)
Steve Bien-Aime (Northern Kentucky University)
Birte Fähnrich (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Marco Bitschnau (Université de Neuchâtel)
Publications and Lectures
Books and Monographs
Articles and Book Chapters
Articles and Book Chapters
- (2022). Nationalizing the 'refugee crisis': A comparative analysis exploring how elite newspapers in four countries framed forced migration during World Refugee Day. Newspaper Research Journal, 43, 47-64. doi:10.1177/07395329211050123.
- (2021). No government mouthpieces: Changes in the framing of the "migration crisis" in German news and infotainment media. Studies In Communication Sciences, 21, 267-284. doi:10.24434/j.scoms.2021.02.005.
- (2021). The ‘Refugee Crisis’ as an opportunity structure for right-wing populist social movements: The case of PEGIDA. Studies In Communication Sciences, 21, 361-376. doi:10.24434/j.scoms.2021.02.016.
- (2019). Vielmehr als Stereotype: Die mediale Diskriminierung von MigrantInnen [Much More than Stereotypes: The Media Discrimination of Migrants]. In Wolfgang M. Müller (Ed.), Migration und Diskriminierung. Luzern: Schwabe..
- (2019). Die (Deutungs-) Macht des Öffentlichen. Wie Medien Leitideen und Geltungsansprüche durchsetzen [The Power of Definition of the Public Sphere: How Media establish Guiding Lines and Validity Claims]. In D. Bertel, Himmelsbach, J., & Metzler, B. (Eds.), Die Deutungsmacht des Öffentlichen. Wien: danzig & unfried..
- (2016). Als der Sommer zu Ende ging: Die Flüchtlingsdebatte im Wiener Wahlkampf auf Facebook [As summer came to an end: The refugee issue in Vienna’s mayoral election campaign on facebook]. Sws-Rundschau, 16, 371-398..
- (2016). Islamophobic hate speech: What is the point of counter-speech? The case of Oriana Fallaci and the rage and the pride. Journal Of Muslim Minority Affairs, 36, 502-522..
- (2015). Religion als medialer Konfliktstoff: Der Islam in den Polemiken von Thilo Sarrazin und Oriana Fallaci [Religion as a conflict source: Islam in the controversies surrounding Thilo Sarrazin and Oriana Fallaci]. In C. Bultmann & Linkenbach, A. (Eds.), Religionen übersetzen: Klischees und Vorurteile im Religionsdiskurs (pp. 117-138). Münster: Aschendorff..
Research Papers
, Wien
Lichtenstein, Dennis
Memory, identity, and legislative action in EU politics [online]
Juridification of history – between collective memory, historiography and politics of memory. Conference of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Scientific Center in Vienna -
, Avignon
Lichtenstein, Dennis
The framing of the „migration crisis“ in German news and infotainment media
Workshop „Media and Migrations“ -
, Linz
Sponholz, Liriam
Hate Speech: Viel mehr als böse Wörter
Hass im Netz - Grenzen digitaler Freiheit. Tagung des Instituts für Legal Gender Studies der Johannes Kepler Universität -
, Chemnitz
Sponholz, Liriam
Hate Speech und Soziale Medien: Motor der Eskalation? [Hate Speech and Social Media as Trigger]
Alltagsrassismen – Empirische und theoretische Perspektiven -
, Prague
Sponholz, Liriam Laurindo, Roseméri Eskelsen, Vanessa
Plurality of voices in the era of uncivil societies political incivility and online misogyny in the case of Dilma Rousseff on Facebook
ICA Pre-Conference Media and Governance in Latin America -
, Klagenfurt
Sponholz, Liriam
Kommunikative Rationalität und Hate Speech. Diskursqualität als Legitimationsstrategie [Communicative Rationality and Hate Speech: Quality of Discourse as an Strategy of Legitimation]
Habilitationsvortrag -
, Vienna
Sponholz, Liriam
Going viral with hate speech? The role of group derogatory messages in the agenda building of the 2016 Austrian presidential election campaign on facebook
International symposium "Digital Media, Political Polarization and Challenges to Democracy" -
, Lisbon
Sponholz, Liriam
Can one tackle negative representations of refugees in the media with positive ones? Lessons from Vienna‘s mayoral election on Facebook in the refugee crisis of 2015
WAPOR 70th Annual Conference -
, Brussels
Sponholz, Liriam
Common sense, the missing link of media and communication science
ICA-Conference "Revitalizing Concepts in Mass Communications" -
, Bremen
Sponholz, Liriam
Tackling hate speech with counter speech?
International Conference Worlds of Contradiction -
, Leeds
Sponholz, Liriam
Equal contents, unequal speakers? From hate postings to hate speech
MECCSA Annual Conference -
, Leicester
Sponholz, Liriam
Who is turning what into which problem? Refugees and local public concerns in the mayoral election in Vienna on facebook (2015)
Annual conference of the International Association for Media Communication Research (IAMCR) -
, Leeds
Sponholz, Liriam Christofoletti, Rogério
Patterns of hate speech in Brazil: An overview of the current debate
IAMCR Preconference "Media and Governance in Latin America" -
, Liverpool
Sponholz, Liriam
What and who is the problem? Refugees in the mayoral election in Vienna on facebook (2015)
International Conference - Archbishop Desmond Tutu Centre for War and Peace Studies -
, Barcelona
Sponholz, Liriam
Derogatory contents against minorities: Risks and opportunities for public figures. The cases of James Watson and Oriana Fallaci
Ecrea International Conference on "Communication, Development and Human Rights: social change and media flows" -
, Vienna
Sponholz, Liriam
Muslim voices in media controversies about islamophobia: How and how far does mainstream media afford diversity?
5. Research Conference "Democracy and Islam", Working Group on Democracy -
, Liverpool
Sponholz, Liriam
Hate speech in the Mainstream Press: Transforming conflict dynamics by different narratives
Narrative of peace and conflict
Popular Publications
Popular Publications
- (2018). Weil ich ein Mädchen bin: Formen und Folgen von geschlechterbezogenem Hate Speech [Just because I am a girl: Forms and Effects of Gendered Hate Speech]. Betrifft Mädchen (Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Mädchenarbeit In Nrw E.v)..
- (2016). Hate Speech: Viel mehr als böse Wörter [Hate speech. Much more than bad words] [reprint]. European Journalism Observatory. Retrieved from
- (2016). Hate Speech: Viel mehr als böse Wörter. Retrieved from
- (2016). Hate Speech. Texte: Öffentlich-Rechtliche Qualität Im Diskurs, 16, 24-27..
Popular Talks
Popular Talks
, Aachen
Lichtenstein, Dennis
EU-Bashing: Der skeptische Blick durch die nationale Brille [online]
, Wien
Sponholz, Liriam
Hass im Netz [Cyberhate]
COMMIT-Veranstaltung -
, Wien
Sponholz, Liriam
Wie Hate Speech die Menschenrechte in Frage stellt
8. Wiener Seminar für Mitarbeiter/innen der Österreich-Bibliotheken -
, Wien
Sponholz, Liriam
Wie Hate Speech die Menschenrechte in Frage stellt
8. Wiener Seminar für Mitarbeiter/innen der Österreich-Bibliotheken -
, Wien
Sponholz, Liriam
Hate Speech in den Massenmedien [Hate Speech in the Mass Media]
Buchpräsentation "Hate Speech in den Massenmedien -
, Villach
Sponholz, Liriam
Hate Speech: verstehen, erkennen, handeln [Hate Speech: understanding, identifying, countering]
Kärntner Migrationsgespräche -
, Villach
Sponholz, Liriam
Wie Hate Speech Gesellschaften desintegriert [How Hate Speech Triggers Social Disintegration]
Kärntner Migrationsgespräche