George W. Bush's second election campaign gained widespread public attention - not only in the United States, but also throughout the world and particularly in Europe. From a transatlantic perspective, this high degree of attention is widely considered to be the result of the deep differences between Europe and the U.S. which emerged in the course of the 2003 Iraq war. However, there is little agreement about the nature and the durability of these differences. Some political analysts argue that these differences reflect a deeper value gap, which has been growing especially since the end of the Cold War, in parallel to the European integration process, raising questions about whether the transatlantic alliance can work efficiently. In light of the importance of the American-European partnership in the area of international relations, these differences are the starting point for a comparative research project on European media coverage of the 2004 U.S. presidential election.
CMC Staff
Josef Seethaler (Project Leader, Contact)
Claudia Avanzini; Hans Christian Berger; Konrad Antoni Biernat; Anna Burjak; Sandra Egger; Claudia Gassner; Blanka Heckermann; Barbara Heigl; Yvonne Hitzl; Philipp Hlawacek; Alexandria LaCapitaine; Roberto Mura; Irene Nawrocka; Veronika Pressler; Matthias Revers; Julia Schätz; Nóra Staub
Congress Organisation
War, Media, and the Public Sphere: An International Symposium (with the Department of Media and Communication Sciences, University of Klagenfurt), Vienna, 5-7 March 2009
Publications and Lectures
Books and Monographs
Articles and Book Chapters
Articles and Book Chapters
- (2013). Rezension/Book review: Brand, A. (2012). Medien - Diskurs - Weltpolitik: Wie Massenmedien die internationale Politik beeinflussen. Bielefeld: Transcript, 530 S., ISBN: 978-3837618310, 39,80 €. Zfas Zeitschrift Für Außen- Und Sicherheitspolitik, 6, 481-483. doi:10.1007/s12399-013-0333-4.
- (2013). Perspectives on the changing role of the mass media in hostile conflicts. In J. Seethaler, Karmasin, M., Melischek, G., & Wöhlert, R. (Eds.), Selling war: The role of the mass media in hostile conflicts from World War I to the 'War on Terror' (p. ix-xv). Bristol, Chicago, IL: Intellect, University of Chicago Press..
- (2013). 'Something has changed': International relations and the media during and after the 'Cold War'. In J. Seethaler, Karmasin, M., Melischek, G., & Wöhlert, R. (Eds.), Selling war: The role of the mass media in hostile conflicts from World War I to the 'War on Terror' (pp. 181-200). Bristol; Chicago, IL: Intellect, University of Chicago Press..
- (2011). Integrating salience and interpretation: A constructivist approach to media framing in the post-Cold War era. In K. Oppermann & Viehrig, H. (Eds.), Issue salience in international politics (pp. 99-117). New York, London: Routledge..
- (2009). Exploring a value gap: European press coverage of the 2004 U.S. presidential campaign. (R. Haar & Wynn, N., Eds.), Transatlantic conflict and consensus: Culture, history & politics. Cambridge: Cambridge Academic..
- (2008). Media and international relations: An attributional analysis of in-group and out-group perceptions in European press coverage of the 2004 U.S. election. American Journal Of Media Psychology, 1, 103-124. Retrieved from
Research Papers
, Boston, MA
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
Framing international relations in the post-Cold War era: The case of transatlantic relations
2011 Annual Conference of the International Communication Association -
, Mannheim
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
Framing in der außenpolitischen Berichterstattung: Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Befunde [Framing in foreign policy coverage: Theoretical considerations and empirical findings]
Medien und internationale Beziehungen -
, Wroclaw
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
Combining Attribute Agenda-Setting and Framing: The Case of Foreign Policy Coverage
"Development of Agenda-Setting Theory and Research: Between East and West": Conference of the Polish Communication Association -
, Potsdam
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
Media framing in the post-Cold War era: The case of transatlantic relations
5th ECPR General Conference -
, Potsdam
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
Media Framing in the Post-Cold War Era: The Case of Transatlantic Relations
5th ECPR General Conference -
, Vienna
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
Mediating Conflict: In-group and Out-group Perceptions in Foreign Affairs Coverage
War, Media, and the Public Sphere -
, Athen
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
Constructing Identities: The Media and International Relations
Images of Nations: Strategic Communication, Soft Power, and the Media -
, Paris
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
Media and international relations: An attributional analysis of group perceptions in European press coverage of the 2004 U.S. Election
31st ISPP Annual Scientific Meeting: Building Bridges: Political Psychology and Other Disciplines, Political Psychology and the World -
, Swansea
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
Framing conflict and cooperation: The role of the media in international relations
58th Political Studies Association Annual Conference on Democracy, Governance and Conflict: Dilemmas of Theory and Practice -
, Berlin
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
European newspaper coverage of the 2004 U.S. Presidential election: A methodological framework for analyzing the role of the media in international relations
Conference at the Federal Foreign Office on "Interkulturelle & internationale Kommunikation" -
, Paris
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
Media and international relations: The case of the 2004 U.S. presidential election
IAMCR 2007 Conference on Media, communication, information: Celebrating 50 years of theories and practices -
, Maastricht
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
Exploring a value gap: European press coverage of the 2004 U.S. presidential campaign
Fourth Biennial Conference of the Maastricht Center for Transatlantic Studies on Transatlantic studies: Transatlantic conflict and consensus – culture, history and politics -
, London
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
Europeanization of national public spheres? The 2004 US election coverage in European elite newspapers
International conference of the University of Westminster on Internationalising media studies: Imperatives and impediments -
, Amsterdam
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
European press coverage of the 2004 US election: An attributional analysis
First European Communication Conference -
, Vienna
Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler:
Entwicklung und Stand der kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Forschung zur europäischen Öffentlichkeit: Eine Analyse der Beiträge in vier europäischen Fachzeitschriften seit 1989 [Communication research about a European public sphere]
10. Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Tage der ÖGK: “Medialer Wandel und europäische Öffentlichkeit”