Bettina Bader
Gruppenleiterin | FG Archäologie in Ägypten und Sudan
Email: bettina.bader(at)
Telefon: +43 1 51581-6110
Standort: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Wien
Nach Abschluss des Magisterstudiums (1998) und des Doktoratsstudiums (2004) am Institut für Ägyptologie der Universität Wien folgten mehrere vom Österreichischen Wissenschaftsfonds, der Österreichischen Nationalbank und der Europäischen Kommission finanzierte Post-Doc-Stellen (2004–2009). Die letzte zweijährige Stelle war ein Marie-Curie-Stipendium am McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research der Universität Cambridge (UK). 2010–2014 Principal Investigator des Projekts »Foreigners in Ancient Egypt - The Archaeology of Culture Contact« (FWF, V147-G21) und Assistenzprofessorin (befristete Vertretung) am Institut für Ägyptologie der Universität Wien (Studienjahr 2012/2013). Seit 2015 Principal Investigator des START-Projekts »Beyond Politics: Material Culture of Second Intermediate Period Egypt and Nubia« (FWF, Y754-G19) und Leiterin der Forschungsgruppe »Material culture in Egypt and Nubia«. Über 25 Jahre Erfahrung in archäologischen Ausgrabungen in Ägypten in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Österreichischen Archäologischen Institut (Tell el-Daba), der Egypt Exploration Society (Memphis), dem Metropolitan Museum New York (Dahshur), dem Archäologischen Museum Madrid (Herakleopolis Magna), der Universität von Leuven (Deir el-Bersha), der Universität von Birmingham, Alabama (Lisht), dem Schweizerischen Institut für architektonische und archäologische Forschungen zum Alten Ägypten, Kairo (Elephantine), dem Djehuti-Projekt (Thebes) und dem Ancient Egyptian Heritage and Archaeology Fund (Deir el-Ballas). 2019 habilitierte sie sich an der Universität Wien mit der Arbeit »Komplexitäten der Identitätsforschung in der Archäologie - Interpretationsmöglichkeiten anhand einer Fallstudie einer Siedlung des späten Mittleren Reiches«.
- Funerary and settlement archaeology in Ancient Egypt and the Levant
- The First Intermediate Period to New Kingdom (ca. 2176 – 1450BC) in general
- Material culture studies
- Interpretation of distribution patterns of material culture
- Studies in culture contacts and interaction of ancient cultures, in particular Egypt and the Levant
- Transfer of knowledge
- Archaeology of identity
- Evaluation and interpretation of archaeological data derived from ceramics
- Contextual studies
- Re-evaluation of old excavation records and archaeological material
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift (20)
- Bader, Bettina (2023) The development of Pottery from the Late Old Kingdom to the First Intermediate Period at Herakleopolis Magna/Ehnasya el-Medina (Part II). Bulletin de Liaison de la Céramique Egyptienne, Bd. 32, S. 145-178.
- Antonio J. Morales, Rawda Abd El-Hady, Sergio Alarcón, José M. Alba,; Ella J. Andrews, Marta Arranz, Bettina Bader, Marina Camacho,; Manuel F. Carrillo, Flavio Celis, Carmen Díaz, Enrique Dorado,; Ernesto Echeverría, Alberto González, Carlos Gracia, Lily A.B. Griffin,; Reed I. Hudson, Nisha Kumar, David Laguna, Inmaculada López, et al. [..] (2022) The Middle Kingdom Theban Project: Preliminary report on the University of Alcalá Expedition to Deir el-Bahari (Fifth and Sixth Seasons and Study Season – 2020/2021). Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur (51), S. 133-177.
- Bader, Bettina (2022) Preliminary Report on the Pottery from the Mortuary Temple of Tuthmosis III, in: M. Seco-Alvarez and M. el-Bially and others, Fourth and Fifth Excavation Seasons of the Egyptian-Spanish Project at the Mortuary Temple of Tuthmosis III at the West Bank of Luxor (2011 and 2012). Annales du Service des antiquités de l'Ègypte, Bd. 88, S. 160-164.
- Toonen, W., Cortebeeck K., Hendrickx, S., Bader, B., Peeters, J., Willems, H. (2022, online: 2021) The hydro-geomorphological setting of the Old Kingdom town of al-Ashmūnayn in the Egyptian Nile Valley. Geoarchaeology, Bd. 37 (2), S. 267-283.
- Bader, Bettina, de Souza, Aaron, Brandl, Michael (online: 2021) Work on the small finds and pottery from the excavations at the town wall in Area BXXXVI. Annales du Service des antiquités de'lEgypte, Bd. 86, S. 1-10.
- M.C. Pérez-Die, A. Gómez, G. Garrido, A. Guio, J.J. Martinez, M.A. Moreno, B. Bader, J.F. Carlotti (2019) Informe de la misión arqueológica espanola en Heracleópolis Magna (Ehnasya el Medina), Beni Suef, Egipto, Campana 2016. Informes y Trabajos (17), S. 70-87.
- Bader, Bettina (2018) On Simple House Architecture at Tell el-Daba and its Parallels in the late Middle Kingdom. Ägypten und Levante, Bd. 28, S. 107-142.
- Bader, Bettina; Seco, Myriam (2016) Results of Five Years of Pottery Analysis in the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmosis III in Western Thebes (2011-2015). Ägypten und Levante, Bd. 26, S. 157-262.
- M. Seco-Alvarez, A. Radwan, I. Noureddine, A. Guio, E. Wilson, J. Martinez Babon, A. Gamarra Campuzano, M.A. Moreno Cifuentes, E. Mora Ruedas, B. Bader (2016) Second and third campaigns of the Egyptian-Spanish Project at the Mortuary Temple of Thutmosis III in Luxor West bank (2009 and 2010). Annales du Service des antiquités de l'Egypte, Bd. 86, S. 329-395.
- Seco Alvarez, M., Martinez Babon J., Bader, B. (2015) A Foundation Deposit in the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose III in Luxor. Memnonia, Bd. 25, S. 157-168.
- Bader, B. (2015) Disc-shaped Ornaments of the early Middle Kingdom. Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar, Bd. 19, S. 117-130.
- Bietak, M.; Bader, B. (2015) Canon and Freedom of Fringe Art: à propos the Fish Bowls in the Second Intermediate Period. Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar, Bd. 19, S. 157-178.
- Bader, Bettina (2013) Cultural Mixing in Egyptian Archaeology: The ‘Hyksos’ as a Case Study. Archaeological Review from Cambridge, Bd. 28 (1), S. 257-286.
- Bader, B. (2011) Herakleopolis Magna - Ehnasija el-Medina, 2003. Bulletin de Liaison du Groupe International d’étude de la céramique Égyptienne, Bd. 23, S. 101-112.
- Bader, B. (2011) Herakleopolis Magna - Ehnasija el-Medina, 2006. Bulletin de Liaison du Groupe International d’étude de la céramique Égyptienne, Bd. 23, S. 113-124.
- Bader, B. (2011) A Preliminary Report on Pottery found at Herakleopolis Magna (Ehnasya el-Medina). Cahiers de la Céramique Égyptienne (2011), Bd. 9, S. 37-69.
- Aston, D.A.; Bader, B. (2009) Ringstands, Nudes and Hippos. A Preliminary Report on the Contents of L81. Ägypten & Levante, Bd. 19, S. 48.
- Forstner-Müller, Irene; Bader, Bettina; Kopetzky, Karin; Doumet-Serhal, Claude (2009) An Egyptian Jar from Sidon in its Egyptian Context. Some Fresh Evidence. Archaeology and History in Lebanon, Bd. 29, S. 79-83.
- Bader, B.; Thanheiser, U.; Kunst, K. (2008) Knochen, Körner und Keramik – Interdisziplinäre Auswertung einer Opfergrube aus Ezbet Helmi. Ägypten und Levante, Bd. 18, S. 15–48.
- Bader, Bettina (2007) Von Palmen und Vögeln – Vorschau auf die Keramik aus dem Areal H/VI östlich des Palastes G in 'Ezbet Helmi. Ägypten und Levante, Bd. 16, S. 37-62.
Buch/Monographie (4)
- Bader, Bettina (2021) Material Culture and Identities in Egyptology. Towards a Better Understanding of Cultural Encounters and their Influence on Material Culture. In Reihe: Archaeology of Egypt, Sudan and the Levant, hrsg. v. Budka, Julia; Höflmayer, Felix; Horejs, Barbara; Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (130 Seiten).
- Bader, Bettina (2020) Tell el-Dabʿa XXIV. The Late Middle Kingdom Settlement of Area A/II. A Holistic Study of Non-élite Inhabitants of Tell el-Dabʿa. Vol. 1: The Archaeological Report, the Excavations from 1966 to 1969. In Reihe: Untersuchungen der Zweigstelle Kairo des ÖAI 39, hrsg. v. Bietak, Manfred; Horejs, Barbara; Ladstätter, Sabine; Vienna: ÖAW.
- Bader, B. (2009) Tell el-Dab’a XIX. Auaris und Memphis im Mittleren Reich und in der Hyksoszeit. Vergleichsanalyse der materiellen Kultur. In Reihe: Untersuchungen der Zweigstelle Kairo des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes 31, hrsg. v. Bietak, M.; Vienna: ÖAW (776 Seiten).
- Bader, Bettina (2001) Tell el-Dab'a XIII. Typologie und Chronologie der Mergel C-Ton Keramik. Materialien zum Binnenhandel des Mittleren Reiches und der Zweiten Zwischenzeit.; Wien.
Konferenzbeitrag: Publikation in Proceedings (9)
- Bader, Bettina (2023) Beyond Politics. New Developments in Second Intermediate Period Archaeology in Egypt (ca. 1800-1550 BC). In: Ola elAguizy, Burt Kasparian (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Egyptologists ICE XII, 3rd-8th November 2019 in Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 1; Cairo: IFAO, S. 39-46.
- Bader, Bettina (2016) Quantification as a Means of Functional Analysis: Settlement Pottery of the Late Middle Kingdom at Tell el-Dab'a. In: Bader, B. ; Ch.M. Knoblauch, E.C. Köhler (Hrsg.), Vienna 2 - Ancient Egyptian Ceramics in the 21st Century (International Conference in Vienna, 14th – 19th May 2012) In Reihe: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 245; Leuven: Peeters, S. 47-67.
- Bader, Bettina, Knoblauch, Christian, Köhler, E.C. (2016) Introduction. In: Bader, Bettina, Knoblauch, Christian, Köhler, E.C. (Hrsg.), Vienna 2 - Ancient Egyptian Ceramics in the 21st Century In Reihe: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta; Leuven, Paris, Bristol, CT: Peeters, S. IX-XIII.
- Bader, Bettina (2016) A late Middle Kingdom Settlement at Tell el-Dab'a and its Potential. In: P. Kousoulis, N. Lazarides (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the Xth International Congress of Egyptologists, Rhodes (Greece), 22nd – 29th May 2008 In Reihe: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 241; Leuven, Paris, Bristol, CT: Peeters, S. 45-63.
- Bader, Bettina (2011) Contacts between Egypt and Syria-Palestine as seen in a Grown Settlement of the late Middle Kingdom at Tell el-Dab'a/Egypt. In: Mynářová, J. (Hrsg.), Egypt and the Near East – The Crossroads, Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Relations between Egypt and the Near East in the Bronze Age September 1–3, 2010 (Egypt and the Near East – The Crossroads, Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Relations between Egypt and the Near East in the Bronze Age September 1-3, 2010); Prague: Charles University in Prague, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Prague, S. 41–72.
- Bader, B. (2011) Traces of Foreign Settlers in the Archaeological Record of Tell el-Dab'a/Egypt. In: K. Duistermaat, I. Regulski (Hrsg.), Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean Proceedings of the International Conference at the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo, 25th to 29th October 2008 In Reihe: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 202; Leuven: Peeters, S. 127–148.
- Bader, B. (2010) Processing and analysis of ceramic finds at the Egyptian site of Tell el-Dab'a. In: Horejs, B.; R. Jung, ; Pavúk, P. (Hrsg.), Analysing Pottery. Processing - Classification - Publication In Reihe: Analysing Pottery. Processing - Classification - Publication. Studia Archaeologica et Medievalia 10: Bratislava, S. 209-233.
- Bader, B. (2009) Avaris and Memphis in the Second Intermediate Period in Egypt (ca. 1770 – 1550/40 B.C.). In: Córdoba, J.M.; Molist, M.; Pérez, M.C.; Rubio, I.; Martínez, S. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 3rd – 8th April 2006, Madrid 2008 (5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East); Madrid.
- Bader, Bettina (2006) A tale of two cities: First results of a comparison between Avaris and Memphis. In: M. Bietak, E. Czerny (Hrsg.), The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium BC. III. Proceedings of the SCIEM 2000 – 2nd EuroConference, Vienna, 28th of May–1st of June 2003 (The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium BC. SCIEM 2000 – 2nd EuroConference, Vienna) In Reihe: Contributions to the Chronology of the Eastern Mediterranean, hrsg. v. M. Bietak, H. Hunger; vienna: ÖAW.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk (15)
- Bader, Bettina; Ownby, Mary F. (2022) The Pottery Fabrics. In: David, Romain (Hrsg.), Concise Manual for Ceramic Studies from the Nile Valley to the Middle East; Paris: Soleb, S. 28-35.
- Bader, Bettina (2022) The Pottery. In: Lacovara, Peter (Hrsg.), Preliminary Report on the Deir el-Ballas Expedition, 2017-2021; Carlisle, PA, S. 15-28.
- Bader, Bettina (2021) High and Low Cuisine in late Middle Kingdom Egypt. Who is the cook? and who made the cooking pot?. In: Claes, W., De Meyer, M., Willems, H., Huyge, D. (Hrsg.), Remove that Pyramid! Studies on the Archaeology and History of Predynastic and Pharaonic Egypt in Honour of Stan Hendrickx; Leuven, S. 75-114.
- Bader, Bettina (2021) From Knobbly Bits to Whole Vessels - Information Gleaned from Pottery from Large Disturbed Contexts. In: Kilian, Andrea; Zöller-Engelhardt, Monika (Hrsg.), Excavating the Extra-Ordinary. Changes and Merits of Working with Small Finds; Heidelberg: Propylaeum, S. 1-24.
- Bader, Bettina (2021) Regional Differences in Pottery Repertoires: Two Case Studies on Ceramics from the early and the late Middle Kingdom. In: A. Jimenez Serrano, A. Morales Rondan (Hrsg.), Palace Culture and its echoes in the provinces in Middle Kingdom Egypt. Regional Perspectives and Realities; Leiden, New York: Brill, S. 45-76.
- Bader, Bettina (2020, online: 2017) Ancient Egyptian Pottery. In: Bloxam, Ian Shaw and Elizabeth (Hrsg.), The Oxford Handbook of Egyptology; Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 312-332.
- Bader, Bettina (2017) Zwischen Text, Bild und Archäologie - Eine Problemdarstellung zur Konzeptualisierung von Kulturkontakten. In: S. Beck, B. Backes, A. Verbovsek (Hrsg.), Interkulturalität: Kontakt - Konflikt - Konzeptualisierung, Beiträge des sechsten Berliner Arbeitskreises Junge Aegyptologie (BAJA 6) 13.11.-15.11.2015; Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, S. 13-34.
- Bader, Bettina (2017) Children of other gods: Social Interactions. In: P.P. Creasman, R.H. Wilkinson (Hrsg.), Pharaoh's Land and Beyond - Ancient Egypt and Its Neighbors: Oxford University Press, S. 61-77.
- Bader, Bettina (2016) Chapter 13: “Fish Dishes in Memphis – Overview and Analysis”. In: Janine Bourriau, Carla Gallorini (Hrsg.), The Middle Kingdom Pottery from the Excavations at Kom Rabia/Memphis, Levels VIII to VI; London: Egypt Exploration Society, S. 221-238.
- Bader, Bettina (2015) Stone objects from the late Middle Kingdom settlement at Tell el-Daba. In: Wolfram Grajetzki, Gianluca Miniaci (Hrsg.), The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt; London, S. 25-41.
- Bader, Bettina (2015) Overview of Pottery Occurring in the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose III. In: Seco-Álvarez, Jódar-Minaro Asunción and Myriam (Hrsg.), The Temples of Millions of Years in Thebes; Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada, S. 293-309.
- Bader, B. (2012) Sedment. In: Schiestl, R.; Seiler, A. (Hrsg.), A Handbook of Egyptian Middle Kingdom Pottery, vol. 2, Regional Volume; Wien: Verag der ÖAW.
- Bader, Bettina (2012) Migration in Archaeology: An Overview with a Focus on Ancient Egypt. In: Messer, M.; Schroeder, R.; Wodak, R. (Hrsg.), Migrations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives; Wien: Springer, S. 213-226.
- Bader, B. (2011) Vessels in Ceramics and Stone: The Problem of the Chicken and the Egg?. In: Aston, D.; Bader, B.; Buckingham, S.; Gallorini, C.; Nicholson, P. (Hrsg.), Under the Potter’s Tree. Studies on Ancient Egypt Presented to Janine Bourriau on the occasion of her 70th Birthday; Leuven: Peeters, S. 125 – 171.
- Bader, Bettina (2006) Damals in Nubien: Ägyptische Tongefäße in Toschke. In: E. Czerny, I. Hein, H. Hunger, D. Melman, A. Schwab (Hrsg.), Timelines. Studies in Honour of Manfred Bietak, 500. Aufl.; Leuven: Peeters, S. 97-102.
Herausgeberschaft (4)
- C. Jurman, B. Bader, D.A. Aston (Hrsg.) (2017) A true scribe of Abydos. Studies on the First Millennium in Honour of Anthony Leahy. In Reihe: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta; Leuven, Paris, Walpole, MA: Peeters.
- Bader, Bettina; Knoblauch, Christian; Köhler, E. Christiana (Hrsg.) (2016) Vienna 2 - Ancient Egyptian Ceramics in the 21st CenturyProceedings of the International Conference held at the University of Vienna, 14th-18th of May, 2012. In Reihe: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 245; Leuven, Paris, Briston, CT: Peeters.
- Bader, B.; Ownby, M.F. (Hrsg.) (2013) Functional Aspects of Egyptian Ceramics within their Archaeological Context, Proceedings of a Conference held at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, July 24th to July 25th, 2009. In Reihe: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 217; Leuven: Peeters (421 Seiten).
- Aston, D.; Bader, B.; Buckingham, S.; Gallorini, C.; Nicholson, P. (Hrsg.) (2011) Under the Potter’s Tree. Studies on Ancient Egypt Presented to Janine Bourriau on the occasion of her 70th Birthday. In Reihe: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 204; Leuven: Peeters (1036 Seiten).
Habilitationsschrift (1)
Buch- oder Aufsatzbesprechung (5)
- Bader, Bettina (2022) Review: Kilian, A. Untersuchungen zur Keramik der Ersten Zwischenzeit und des frühen Mittleren Reiches aus Assiut/Mittelägypten (The Asyut Project, 12). Verlag Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2019. Bibliotheca Orientalis (79/1-2), S. 110-114.
- Bader, Bettina (2019) Review: L.L. Giddy, The Survey of Memphis IX. Kom Rabi’a: the objects from the late Middle Kingdom Installations Levels (VI-VIII), EES Excavation Memoir 115, London 2016. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 104 (2), S. 249-256.
- Bader, Bettina (2019) Review: Rzeuska, T.I, Chronological Overview of Pottery from Asyut. A contribution to the history of Gebel Asyut al-gharbi, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz 2017. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 114 (3), S. 18-21.
- Bader, Bettina (2017) Rezension: Engemann, Josef: Abū Mīnā. Die Keramikfunde von 1965 bis 1998. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2016. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 112 (Heft 4-5), S. 312-315.
- Bader, Bettina (2014) Review of Architecture, Power and Religion: Hatshepsut, Amun and Karnak in Context,by Warburton David A., 2012. Vienna & Münster: LIT Verlag Dr W. Hopf. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 24 (1), S. 187-189.
Sonstige Publikationen (2)
- J. Sigl, C.v. Pilgrim, B. Bader, u.a. (online: 2020) Preliminary Report on the Pottery from Phase E in Area XXXVI.
- Sigl, J., Bader, B., Fielauf, M. Jeuthe, C., Laskowska-Kusztal, Kopp, P., Malleson, C., Schröder, M.-C., Von Pilgrim, C. (online: 2018) Report on the Excavations at Elephantine by the German Archaeological Institute and the Swiss Institute from autumn 2017 to summer 2018: Pottery and Small Finds from Area XXXVI.