
Werkzeugkoffer für TA

Video: Internationale Expert*innen diskutierten vom 7. bis 9. Juni am OECD-BNCT-Workshop in Wien über die Bedeutung von TA und die Ausrichtung eines neuen TA-Projekts.

Wien 9. Juni 2022: André Gazsó vom ITA lud zum zweitägigen Workshop der OECD-Arbeitsgruppe für Biotechnologie, Nanotechnologie und konvergierende Technologien „BNCT“ in die alte Burse der ÖAW. Im Zentrum des Workshops stand die Ausrichtung des neuen TA-Projekts. Internationale Expert*innen mehrerer Organisationen aus Europa, Asien und Amerika nahmen daran teil und diskutierten die Arbeitsweise und Integration von Technikfolgenabschätzung in ihre jeweiligen Arbeitsbereiche.

André Gazsó (ITA-ÖAW): „The project is on the role of Technology Assessment especially forward looking processes in their relation and as a mediator in developing new materials and new technologies.”

David WINICKOFF, Secretary of the Working Party on Bio-, Nano- and Converging Technology (BNCT): “Technology has always been a focal point in innovation policy. At the OECD we are sensing a demand for tools and techniques such as Technology Assessment to be able to - in policy - deal with the rapidity of change and the importance that many feel technology has in driving economies, in driving culture, look at digitalization, bio-tech and gene editing that we need sharper tools and TA is one set of tools.”

Luis VISEU MELO, IST Lisboa, Professor, Department of Physics: “Innovation is accelerating. You are getting new technologies up reaching the market much more quickly. Witch means that you must do the assessment very quickly when you want to avoid problems, risks and do the proper risk assessment before the harm is done.”

Sarah HARVEY, US Government Accountability Office (GAO), Assistant Director, Science, Technology Assessment, and Analytics: “The GAO does allot with Technology Assessment. Our primary role is to provide fact based information to our policy makers. We follow our TA handbook which helps outline the process to design create our message and create our products.”

Douglas ROBINSON, CNRS, Deputy Director of the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary studies of Science Innovation and Society (LISIS): “Much of responsible research in innovation would be to be doing TA constantly. But also you have grand global crisis like climate change and pandemics where you have to rapid response in terms of identifying technologies and solutions but also doing that in a responsible way.”