Austria’s involvement in international large-scale research infrastructures is a valuable contribution to the development of an internationally competitive research landscape throughout the country as a whole. The OeAW represents the Republic of Austria in international large-scale research initiatives, thereby enabling Austrian researchers to participate in such projects.


The Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) represents Austria as a member of the international large-scale scientific initiatives International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) and the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP). The Academy’s involvement in these programmes is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) as part of the OeAW Performance Agreement.



The Institute Laue Langevin ILL is the world’s leading research centre for neutron science and technology. Besides nuclear and particle physics, the ILL’s research covers a wide range of topics ranging from the physics of condensed matter and materials science to chemistry, biology and medicine.



The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF in Grenoble provides high-resolution x-ray imaging for the study of the structures and characteristics of matter. Over fifty Austria research groups use this unique large-scale research facility, for instance in order image the structure of biological matter or to develop new materials. Austria’s membership of the ESRF helps address the great scientific challenges faced by modern society by offering sustainable solutions.



Austrian participation in the European fusion research programme EUROfusion gathers all relevant Austrian research activities under the umbrella of the OeAW. International nuclear fusion research aims to develop a sustainable source of energy.



The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis IIASA conducts policy-oriented research and provides answers by international cooperative actions to global problems for human welfare. Findings and recommendations are made available to political decision-makers worldwide.

IIASA Council


International Relations
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Vienna
T +43 1 51581-3253