
Johannes Schmidt

Johannes Schmidt

Member of the Young Academy since 2019

  • BOKU University




Research Areas:

  • Economics
  • Environmental economics
  • Energy research
  • Sustainable economics
  • Environmental research





Selected Prizes:

  • ERC Starting Grant

Selected Publications:

  • Large-scale green grabbing for wind and solar photovoltaic development in Brazil. Michael Klingler, Nadia Ameli, Jamie Rickman & Johannes Schmidt, Nature Sustainability volume 7, pages 747–757 (2024)
  • The EU additionality rule does not guarantee additionality. Schmidt, Johannes et al., Joule, Volume 8, Issue 3, 553-556.
  • Pathway to a land-neutral expansion of Brazilian renewable fuel production. Luis Ramirez Camargo, Gabriel Castro, Katharina Gruber, Jessica Jewell, Michael Klingler, Olga Turkovska, Elisabeth Wetterlund & Johannes Schmidt, Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 3157 (2022).
  • Profitability and investment risk of Texan power system winterization. Katharina Gruber, Tobias Gauster, Gregor Laaha, Peter Regner & Johannes Schmidt, Nature Energy volume 7, pages 409–416 (2022).
  • Katharina Gruber, Peter Regner, Sebastian Wehrle, Marianne Zeyringer, Johannes Schmidt, Towards global validation of wind power simulations: A multi-country assessment of wind power simulation from MERRA-2 and ERA-5 reanalyses bias-corrected with the global wind atlas, Energy, Volume 238, Part A, 2022, 121520.