
Astrid Mager

Member of the Young Academy since 2018




Research Areas:

  • Sociology
  • Social studies of science
  • Technology assessment



Selected Memberships:

  • European Association for the Study of Science and Technology
  • Association of Internet Researchers
  • Science and Technology Studies Austria
  • Linking Science and Technology Research Austria
  • ICTs and Society Network

Selected Prizes:

  • Elise-Richter-Stipendium (FWF)
  • HUMlab Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • SuMa Award vom SuMa-Ev. Verein für freien Wissenszugang
  • Preis der Dr.-Maria-Schaumayer-Stiftung

Selected Publications:

  • Mager, Astrid (2018) Internet governance as joint effort: (Re)Ordering search engines at the intersection of global and local cultures. New Media & Society, Bd. 20 (10), S. 3657–3677.
  • Mager, Astrid (2017) Search engine imaginary: Visions and values in the co-production of search technology and Europe. Social Studies of Science, Bd. 47 (2), S. 240–262.
  • Eklöf, Jenny; Mager, Astrid (2013) Technoscientific Promotion and Biofuel Policy: How the press and search engines stage the biofuel controversy. Media, Culture & Society, Bd. 35 (4), S. 454–471.
  • Mager, Astrid (2012) Algorithmic Ideology. How capitalist society shapes search engines. Information, Communication & Society (online first: 10/04/12).
  • Mager, Astrid (2009) Mediated Health. Sociotechnical practices of providing and using online health information. New Media & Society, Bd. 11 (7), S. 1123–1142.