DI Dr.

Stefan Freunberger

Stefan Freunberger

Member of the Young Academy since 2017

  • Institute of Science and Technology Austria




Research Areas:

  • Chemistry
  • Electrochemistry
  • Materials chemistry
  • Physical chemistry
  • Polymer chemistry





Selected Memberships:

  • The Electrochemical Society
  • International Society of Electrochemistry
  • Alistore European Research Initiative

Selected Prizes:

  • European Research Council: ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant 2014
  • La Chaire TOTAL de la Fondation Balard "Chimie et énergies durables": eingeladene Gastprofessur an der Université Montpellier, Frankreich
  • Styrian Promotion Award for Science and Research 2014
  • The Electrochemical Society: Energy Technology Division Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award 2013
  • EPSRC ‘Rising Star’ Early Career Fellowship

Selected Publications:

  • Mahne, N.; Schafzahl, B.; Leypold, C.; Leypold, M.; Grumm, S. et al. [..] (2017) Singlet oxygen generation as a main cause for parasitic reactions during cycling of aprotic lithium-oxygen batteries. Nature Energy, Bd. 2 (17036).
  • Freunberger, S. A. (2017) True performance metrics in beyond lithium-ion batteries. Nature Energy, Bd. 2 (17091).
  • Mourad, E.; Coustan, L.; Lannelongue, P.; Zigah, D.; Mehdi, A. et al. [..] (2017) Biredox ionic liquids with solid-like redox density in the liquid state for high-energy supercapacitors. Nature Materials, Bd. 16, S. 446–453.
  • Chen, Y.; Freunberger, S. A.; Peng, Z.; Fontaine, O.; Bruce, P. G. (2013) Charging a Li-O2 battery using a redox mediator. Nature Chemistry, Bd. 5, S. 489.
  • Freunberger, S. A.; Chen, Y.; Peng, Z.; Griffin, J. M.; Hardwick, L. J. et al. [..] (2011) Reactions in the rechargeable lithium-O2 battery with alkyl carbonate electrolytes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, Bd. 133 (20), S. 8040–8047.