
Alejandro Raul Burga Ramos

Alejandro Raul Burga Ramos

Member of the Young Academy since 2022


Research Areas:

  • Biology





Selected Prizes:

  • ERC Starting Grant
  • Jane Coffin Childs Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • Gordon Lark Speaker
  • Extraordinary. Thesis Prize - Universitat Pompeu Fahra

Selected Publications:

  • Ben-David, E., Pliota, P., Widen, S.A., Koreshova, A., Lemus-Vergara, T., Verpukhovskiy, P., Mandali, S., Braendle, C., Burga, A ., and Kruglyak, L . (2021 ). Ubiquitous selfish toxinantidoteelements in Caenorhabditis species. Current Biology (in press). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2020.12.013.
  • Burga, A., Ben-David, E., Vergara, T.L., Boocock, J., Kruglyak, L., 2019. Fast genetic mapping of complex traits in C. elegans using millions of individuals in bulk. Nature Communications 10, 2680. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-10636-9.
  • Burga, A., Wang, W., Ben-David, E., Wolf, P.C., Ramey, A.M., Verdugo, C., Lyons, K., Parker, P.G., Kruglyak, L., 2017. A genetic signature ofthe evolution ofloss offlight in the Galapagos cormorant. Science 356, eaal3345. https://doi/10.1126/science.aal3345.
  • Ben-David, E., Burga. A., Kruglyak, L., 2017. A maternal effectselfish genetic element in Caenorhabditis elegans. Science356, 1051-1055. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aan0621.
  • Burga, A., Casanueva, M.O., Lehner, 8., 2011. Predicting mutation outcome from early stochastic variation in genetic interaction partners. Nature 480, 250-253.https://doi.org/10.1038/nature10665.