MMag.a EVA TAMARA ASBOTH, Bakk.a phil.
Postdoc (OeAW)
Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC)
Austrian Academy of Sciences / University of Klagenfurt
A-1010 Wien, Bäckerstraße 13 / 1. Stock, Austria
Phone (+43-1) 51581-3115
Email: eva.asboth(at)
Research interests
Media and Communication History; Media History; Political Myths; Transregional History and Transfer Studies; Oral History (‘Erfahrungsgeschichte‘); Historical Anthropology
Academic Education
Academic Education
2014-2019 Doctoral studies in Contemporary History, University of Vienna (PhD./Dr.); (Thesis: ‘Mapping the Serbs. Ursprünge und Umdeutungen westlicher Geschichtsbilder über Serbien und die serbische Bevölkerung.‘)
2009-2011 Master Studies in Media and Communication Sciences, University of Vienna (Mag. phil.)
2006-2011 Studies in History, University of Vienna (Mag. phil.)
2006-2009 Bachelor Studies in Media and Communication Sciences, University of Vienna (Bakk. phil.)
Professional Career
Professional Career
Since April 2022: PostDoc at the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC), Austrian Academy of Sciences / Research Group ‘Media, Politics & Democracy (MePD)’
2019-March 2022 PostDoc Researcher at the Franz Vranitzky Chair for European Studies, University of Vienna / Research Project: The Youth in the Balkans and their Cultures of Communication, Non-Communication, and their Notions of Reconciliation
2019-March 2022 Project coordinator in the international ‘Scientific & Technological Cooperation’ (S&T Cooperation) programme funded by the Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD) / Research project: Heritage Tourism and Community Development in Austria and Montenegro
2015-2019 PraeDoc Researcher at the Franz Vranitzky Chair for European Studies, University of Vienna / Research Projects: Generation In-between. The 'Europeanness' of the Balkan War Children; How Civic Engagement Leads to Political Participation. Learning from Young Active Europeans in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, and Serbia; Durch ‚Autokratie‘ zur Demokratie? Der Hohe Repräsentant für Bosnien und Herzegowina (1999 bis 2002)
2016-2017 Research Assistant at the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) / Research Project: Glaube, Leben, Hoffnung der Generation In-Between. Auswirkungen aktueller Krisen auf den Glauben junger, postjugoslawischer Erwachsener in Österreich
2012-2014 Research Assistant at the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) / Research project: Gemeinsame Geschichte? Österreichische und serbische Mythen von 1914 bis 2014
2011 Research Assistant at the Vienna Museum of Science and Technology working with the collection ‘information and communication’ / research topic: social history of photography
Reviewing and Consulting Activities
Reviewing and Consulting Activities
Vice-Chair of the ECREA-Section Communication History
Reviewer for the International Communication Association (ICA)
Reviewer for the 69. Jahrestagung der DGPuK 2024
Public Outreach
Public Outreach
Einladung und Teilnahme am Netzwerktreffen zum 1. Europäischen Kongress der CPPD (Coalition of Pluralistic Public Discourse) in St. Pölten im Rahmen des Festivals Tangente
Wissenschaftsbotschafterin for the project "Young Science" (Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung)
Fellowships and Awards
Fellowships and Awards
2023: Förderung für das Publikationsprojekt “Transnational and Transatlantic Perspectives on the Balkans, 1850 and 1918”, vergeben durch: DDr. Franz-Josef Mayer-Gunthof Wissenschafts- und Forschungsstiftung
2021/2022 Research grant funded by the ‘Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung der Stadt Wien’ / Research project affiliated at the the Sigmund Freud University and in cooperation with the Österreichische Mediathek/Technisches Museum Wien: ‘Wien ist anders’? – Geschichte des Images der Stadt am Land. Ländliche Wien-Aneignungen im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
2015 & 2017 Förderungsstipendium für die Dissertation nach dem Studienförderungsgesetz der Studienpräses der Universität Wien
2017 Dissertation grant funded by the Austrian Social Democratic party
2015 ‘Short-term grant abroad’ funded by the University of Vienna, research stay at the New York public library and archives in New York City/USA
Memberships in Professional Associations
Memberships in Professional Associations
Since 2022: International Communication Association (ICA)
Since 2022: European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
Since 2022: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kommunikationswissenschaften [German Communication Association] (DGPuK)
Since 2022: Nachwuchsforum Kommunikationsgeschichte (NAKOGE)
Arbeitskreis für historische Kommunikationsforschung (Rechnungsprüferin)
Congress Organization
Congress Organization
Krankheits- und Gesundheitsnarrative auf Social Media-Plattformen (AAU Klagenfurt)
Historical (communication) research in-between analog-born and digital-born data. Workshop, CMC, Vienna, 3 & 4 August 2023.
Austrian News Media Infrastructure. Work-in-progress-Workshop, CMC, Vienna, 23 November 2023.
Austrian News Media Infrastructure. Reflections on a digital research infrastructure. Workshop, CMC, Vienna, 4 November 2022.
Longing for ‘Communism’? 21st Century Youth Cultures in Past, Present and Future Eastern Germany, and Southeast and Eastern Europe
in cooperation with the Chair of Modern History, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany; the Chair for Transformation Processes in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, University of Vienna, Austria; Franz Vranitzky Chair for European Studies, Transdiciplinary Chair at the Department of Contemporary History and the Department of Communication, University of Vienna, Austria.
Vienna, 23 October 2017.
Generation on the Move. Children of the 90s in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, and Serbia,
in Cooperation with the Center for Advanced Studies for Southeastern Europe, Rijeka. Rijeka/Croatia, 9 – 10 October 2015.
2024-2026: OeAD WTZ-Grant together with the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology (Marija Brujic), University of Belgrade, and Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies (Doris Wydra & Roman Puff), Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, project: “Migrants in Need? The Sociocultural Effects of Contemporary Crises on Serbian Migrants in Austria and Returnees in Serbia”
2024-2026: OeAD WTZ-Grant together with the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology (Marija Brujic), University of Belgrade, and Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies (Doris Wydra & Roman Puff), Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, project: “Migrants in Need? The Sociocultural Effects of Contemporary Crises on Serbian Migrants in Austria and Returnees in Serbia”
2024-2026: OeAD WTZ-Grant together with Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management of University of Montenegro (Jovana Janinovic), and Institute of Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Karolina Taczanowska), BOKU University, project: “Hospitality of memory, hostility of heritage: re-branding of Austro-Hungarian fortresses in Montenegro”
2023-ongoing: Faculty of International and Political Studies (Mateusz Kamionka), Jagiellonian University I Department of Studies in Culture and Religion, University of Hradec Králové (Luděk Jirka), project (funds by the Jagiellonian University): “Collective Memory In Crises: A transnational perspectives of today’s youth”.
2023-ongoing: European History Research Centre (Pierre Purseigle), University of Warwick I Department of History (Nel de Mûelenaere), University of Brussels, project: “Urban resilience in the era of the First World War, 1914-1939”
2022-ongoing: Institute of History Robert Schümann, geb. Scholz), Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenber, publication project: Historical Communication Research between analog born and digital born data.
Assoz.-Prof. Dr. Sanja Bojanić, Center for Advanced Studies Southeast Europe, University of Rijeka.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Gries, Leiter des Fachbereiches Psychologische und Historische Anthropologie an der Fakultät für Psychologie der Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität Wien; Inhaber des Franz Vranitzky Chair for European Studies am Institut für Zeitgeschichte und am Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft der Universität Wien (2014 bis 2022).
Prof. Dr. Silke Satjukow, Inhaberin der Professur für Geschichte der Neuzeit am Institut für Geschichte der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
Pavel Zahrádka, Ph.D., Department of Media and Cultural Studies and Journalism at the Palacký University, Olomouc.
Publications pre-2022
Publications pre-2022
Complete list of publications: ORCID
Asboth, E. & Nadjivan, S. (2017). Neither here nor there – Ni ovde, ni tamo. Religiously Connoted Social Media Self-Representations of the ‘Generation In-Between’, in: Contemporary Austrian Studies Vol. 26, New Orleans-Innsbruck.
Asboth, E., Griesbeck M. & Nadjivan, S. (2017). „MY MILK LASTS LONGER THAN MY VISA“. The Longings of the „Generation on the Move“ in Kosovo, in: zeitgeschichte, 44. Jg., 1/2017.
Pensold, W., Nadjivan, S. & Asboth, E. (2015). Gemeinsame Geschichte? Ein Jahrhundert
österreichischer und serbischer Mythen, Wien: Studienverlag.
Asboth, E. (2019). The West as the Balkan’s cartographer. An analysis of historical images of the West about Serbia and the Serbs during the nineteenth and twentieth century, in: Moreno Seco, Mónica (coord.); Fernández Sirvent, Rafael y Gutiérrez Lloret, Rosa Ana (eds.). Del siglo XIX al XXI. Tendencias y debates: XIV Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, Universidad de Alicante 20-22 de septiembre de 2018. Alicante: Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
Asboth, E. (2016). Europe through the gaze of the „Illustrirte Zeitung“ anno 1858. Tracing the narrative „The Balkans are Europe’s powder keg“, in: Medien & Zeit, 1/2016.
Asboth, E. (2016). Der politische Mythos in massenmedialen Gesellschaften: Konzept für die Erforschung von (transferierten) westlichen Narrativen über den Balkan, in: Diotima Bertel et al. (eds.), Junge Perspektiven auf Partizipation in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Wien.
Asboth, E. & Nadjivan S. (2016). Im Dienst des Krieges: der Habsburger- und Kosovomythos, in: Jahrbuch für Mitteleuropäische Studien 2014/2015, Andrássy Universität Budapest.
Asboth, E. & Nadjivan S. (2015). Gute Freunde - beste Feinde. Die (Um-)Deutung einstiger Selbst- und Fremdbilder in Wien und Belgrad nach 1945, in: Der Donauraum, 53. Jg., 2/2013.
Asboth, E. (2021). Mein Gold ist der Zukunft Sonnenlicht. Landwirtschaftliche Lebenswelten der Burgenländer:innen seit hundert Jahren, in: Arbeitsbauernbund Burgenland (eds.), Parndorf: CRM Medientrend.
Books and Monographs
Books and Monographs
- (2024). Transnational and Transatlantic Perspectives on the Balkans, 1850–1918 [Forthcoming]. Palgrave Macmillan..
- (2023). Kritische Zugänge zur Daten-Nachnutzung und zum Datenmanagement in den Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften. Open Science-Perspektiven aus Österreich. [Medien Journal, 47(3), 2-4]. doi:10.24989/medienjournal.v47i3.
- (2023). Der »europäische Orient«. Transnationale und transatlantische Bilder vom »Balkan«, 1850-1918. [The »European Orient«. Transnational and transatlantic images of the "Balkans", 1850-1918.]. Bielefeld: transcript..
Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
- (2024). Authentic conflicts in Post-Yugoslavia: A model of a post-war generation’s communication system [Forthcoming 2025]. Communications: The European Journal Of Communication Research, N/A, N/A..
- (2024). "Children of the Balkan Wars”—Responses and resistance regarding war-related media content in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia. In M. Shah (Ed.), Children and youth as "Sites of Resistance’“ in armed conflict. Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (SSCY) (pp. 25-38). Cambridge: Emerald Publishing. Retrieved from
- (2024). Das Wien-Image auf dem Land im 20. Jahrhundert: Ein digital-quantitativer Zugriff auf lebensgeschichtliche Interviews [The image of Vienna in the countryside in the 20th century. A digital-quantitative approach to biographical interviews]. Medien &Amp; Zeit, 39, 35-49. Retrieved from
- (2024). Junge Lebensgeschichten aus Post-Jugoslawien: Reflexion über die Rolle der Forschenden im lebensgeschichtlichen Interview [Young Life Stories from Post-Yugoslavia: Reflection on the Role of the Researchers in Life Story Interviews]. Sws-Rundschau, 64, 77-94. Retrieved from
- (2023). How to make an Austrian News Media Infrastructure? Eine Reflexion zu konzeptionellen und praktischen Herausforderungen bei der Errichtung einer vergleichenden online Forschungsinfrastruktur zu Nachrichtenmedien. Medien Journal, 47(3), 5-22..
- (2023). Inherited border regions. Remembrance strategies among young adults in post-Yugoslavia and their multi-layered perspective on the past. Oral History, 51, 67-79..
- (2022). 'Kossovo Day’, New York, 1918: How the Serbian National League of Defense tied the future of their country of origin to American history. In T. Powell & Sagasti Suppes, P. (Eds.), Transnational American Space (pp. 193-211). Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press..
Other Articles and Book Chapters
Other Articles and Book Chapters
Research Papers
Research Papers
Popular Articles and Book Chapters
Popular Articles and Book Chapters
Lectures pre-2022
Lectures pre-2022
Imaginations of the ‘Oriental Europe’ in Austria’s and Germany’s public sphere in the 19th century, Conference: Haunted Landscapes of German Eastern Europe, University of Edinburgh,
4.-6. August 2021.
Preparing the ‘Oriental Europe’ for Habsburg’s Expansion. Felix Kanitz and the Viennese scientific circle as spatial knowledge producer on the Balkans in the 19th century, Conference: Knowledge Systems and Ottoman-European Encounters: Spatial and Social Dynamics, Zurich University,
9.-11. Juni 2021.
Poster presentation ‘Mapping the Serbs. Tradierte Geschichtsbilder als gesellschaftliche Meinungsbildung‘ at the ‘Langen Nacht der Forschung’, 13. April 2018.
Poster presentation ‘How civil society engagement leads to political participation? Learnings from young active Europeans in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, and Serbia’, 1st CATCH-EyoU Conference, Athen, 2.-4. März 2017.
Der Balkan als Wiege der Demokratie. Metaphernanalyse in der US-amerikanischen Berichterstattung über Serbien, Conference: – young scholars conference on communication, Wien, 13. Nov. 2015.
Myths of War and Peace, 9th Graduate Conference in European History (GRACEH 2015) at the University of Vienna, 24. April 2015.
Gemeinsame Geschichte? Österreichische und serbische Mythen von 1914-2014, Conference: Der Große Krieg und seine Mythen im Donauraum von 1914 bis 2014, Vienna, 22. Sep. 2014.
Im Dienst des Krieges: Habsburger- und Kosovomythos, Conference: Zum Gedenktag des 100. Jahrestags des Beginns des I. Weltkrieges, Andrássy Universität Budapest, 10. Sep. 2014.
Invited Lectures
Invited Lectures
, Ljubljana
Schulz-Tomančok, A. Asboth, E.M. Melischek, G. Seethaler, J.
Mapping the Austrian News Media Landscape: Challenges and progress in the development of a scientific News Media Infrastructure
10th Annual European Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) -
, Ljubljana
Asboth, E.M.
The ‘Wiener Hausfrau’ [‘Viennese Housewife’] in the 1920s. A sub-public talks about fears and hopes in times of multiple crises in a women’s magazine
10th ECC ECREA Conference -
, Online
Asboth, E. T.
How to research past global publics? A methodological approach combining transfer studies and communication studies
74rd Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association) -
, Vienna
Asboth, E. T. Scholz, R.
DigicomHis:Her. Methodische Impulse für eine Digital Communication History
(Non-)binarity in Binary Structures – The Digital Communication of Identity and Diversity: Joint Annual Conference of the DGPuK-Divisions Digital Communication and “Media, Public Spheres and Gender” -
, Lund
Asboth, E. T. Griesbeck, M.
‘Children of the Balkan Wars’—The impact of childhood war memories on the responses and resistance towards war related media content in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia
ECREA Communication History Section Workshop: ‘War, Communication, and Media Resilience in Europe’ -
, The Hague
Asboth, E. T.
The American way of ‘Kossovo’. The political goals of a transatlantic Serbian historiography in the US Public.
Seventh European Congress on World and Global History -
, Toronto
Asboth, E. T.
Authentic Conflicts: Reconciliation Among Young Adults in Post-Yugoslavia and Their Multi-Layered Communication Strategies on the Past.
73rd Annual ICA (International Communication Association) Conference -
Asboth, E. T.
„On Killing Serbs“—Gegen-Narrative im Bosnien- und Kosovokrieg. A. M. Rosenthals alternative historische Transfers in der New York Times in den 1990er-Jahren.
Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Kommunikationsgeschichte: Von Emanzipation zu Desinformation? Gegenöffentlichkeiten und ihre Bewertung im Wandel, Universität Leipzig, Institut für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft -
, Paris
Asboth, E. T.
Erschöpfungs- und Ermüdungsdiskurse im 20. Jahrhundert: Transregionale Transfers und Transfers zwischen Öffentlichkeit und privatem Raum. [Discourses on fatigue in the 20th century: transregional transfers and transfers between public and private space]
L‘atelier du transnational. Séminaire de recherche en histoire contemporaine, Deutsches Historisches Institut -
, Mannheim
Asboth, E. T.
Vererbte Diskurse: Junge Erwachsene über die jugoslawischen Sezessionskriege der 1990er-Jahre [Inherited Discourses: Young Adults on the 1990s yugoslav wars of secession]
Diskurs – interdisziplinär 11: Diskursanalyse jenseits von Big Data, Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache -
, New Jersey
Asboth, E. T.
Kosovo—A Transatlantic Liberation Space. The Serbian National Defense League of America and its impact in the United States and in Europe [online]
Monmouth University’s Seventh Biennial Interdisciplinary Conference on Race on the topic Public Spaces, Private Places: Constructing Race and Liberation
Popular Lectures
Popular Lectures
, Klagenfurt
Asboth, E. T.
Habsburg’s „blinde Flecken“: Die Erforschung des europäischen Orients durch Österreich-Ungarn und dessen mediale Inbesitznahme um 1900
Offene Lehrveranstaltung für Interessierte im Rahmen der Wanderausstellung Vergessene Welten und blinde Flecken in der Klagenfurter Universitätsbibliothek -
, Klagenfurt
Asboth, E. T.
Habsburg’s „blinde Flecken“: Kommunikative Praktiken der Wissenschaft im Zusammenhang mit dem europäischen Orient im 19. Jahrhundert [Habsburg's "blind spots": Communicative practices of science in towards the European Orient in the 19th century]
Ausstellungseröffnung: Vergessene Welten und blinde Flecken in der Klagenfurter Universitätsbibliothek