Herta Nagl-Docekal,Univ-Prof i.R. of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna, Austria, is a full member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and membre titulaire of the Institut International de Philosophie, Paris. She has cooperated with philosophers in the USA and in Canada since 1970. In both countries, she has frequently participated in international conferences, for instance, conferences of the American Philosophical Association (APA), the Canadian Philosophical Association (CPA), and the International Association of Philosphy and Literature (IAPL), and has presented guest lectures, for instance, at Harvard University, at Lehigh University, at the Canadian Royal Society, and at the Universities of Calgary and Edmonton.

Among her publications in English are her books Feminist Philosophy (Boulder, Col: Westview Press, 2004) and Continental Philosophy in Feminist Perspective (as co-editor; University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 2000). Her essays were published, among others, in Hypatia. A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, in Philosophy and Social Criticism, and in A Companion to Feminist Philosophy (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy, 1998).

One feature of her work was the publication of anthologies presenting, in German translation, key texts of US and Canadian feminist theory. See, for instance, Differenz und Lebensqualität. Beiträge zur feministischen politischen Philosophie (as co-editor; Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 1996), Jenseits der Geschlechtermoral (as co-editor; Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 1993),  Feministische Philosophie (as ed.; Vienna-Munich: Oldenbourg, 1990 and 1994).

In the context of the annual ‚Leibniz Lectures‘ at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Herta Nagl-Docekal organized guest lectures by Seyla Benhabib, Martha Nussbaum, Anthony Appiah and Nancy Fraser.

Furthermore, she has given talks in São Paulo, Brasil, and attended philosophy conferences in Nairobi, Kenya.

Her general fields of research are: Ethics, Social Philosophy, Feminist Theory, and Philosophy of History.

For a more detailed account see her Homepage.
