Thomas Eiter
Full Member of the Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences since 2022
- Institut of Logic and Computation, Technical University Vienna
Research Areas:
- Computer Sciences
- Artificial intelligence
- Information systems
- Database systems
- Mathematical logic
Selected Memberships:
- Academia Europaea
- Association for Computing Machinery
- IEEE Computer Science Society
- Association for Logic Programming
- Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence
- Kurt Gödel Society
Selected Prizes:
- ACM Fellow, 2020
- Fellow of the European Association for AI, 2006
- Distinguished Paper Award of the 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial * Intelligence (IJCAI), 2001
- Prominent Paper Award of the Artificial Intelligence Journal, 2013
- Test of Time Award (10 years) of the International Conference on Logic Programming, 2013
Selected Publications:
- Beck, Harald; Dao-Tran, Minh und Eiter, Thomas (2018) LARS: A Logic-based framework for Analytical Reasoning over Streams. Artificial Intelligence (261), S. 16-70.
- Eiter, T.; Ianni, G.; Lukasiewicz, T.; Schindlauer, R.; Tompits, H. (2008) Combining answer set programming with description logics for the semantic web. Artificial intelligence, Bd. 172 (12), S. 1495-1539.
- Leone, N.; Pfeifer, G.; Faber, W.; Eiter, T.; Gottlob, G. et al. [..] (2006) The DLV system for knowledge representation and reasoning. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), Bd. 7 (3), S. 499-562.
- Brewka, G.; Eiter, T. (1999) Preferred answer sets for extended logic programs. Artificial intelligence, Bd. 109 (1), S. 297-356.
- Eiter, T.; Gottlob, G. (1995) The complexity of logic-based abduction. Journal of the ACM (JACM), Bd. 42 (1), S. 3-42.