Maximilian Wonaschütz
currently on leave

Scientific Staff

T +43 1 51581 - 3526


Maximilian Wonaschütz completed the diploma course in printing and media technology at the Federal College of Graphic Arts and specialized in cartography and geoinformation systems through his studies of geography at the University of Vienna. After his bachelor's degree, he worked as a project collaborator in numerous GIS projects in the university, public and private sector - among others at the Institute for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at the Vienna University of Technology, Eurostat (LUCAS) and the Vienna Mobility Agency.

He came to the ISR through a project to investigate the Vienna apartment building stock and also took on the role of IT representative for Jakob Eder's maternity leave.

Research areas

  • GI related dataprocessing
  • Cartography
  • Data analysis and visualization

Awards and Scholarships

  • Performance scholarship of the University of Vienna in 2013 an 2014
