Mag. Dr. Maren B. M. Beaufort, BA
Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC)
Austrian Academy of Sciences / University of Klagenfurt
1010 Wien, Bäckerstraße 13 / 1. Stock, Austria
Email: maren.beaufort(at)
Research Interests
Political communication, transforming communication spaces online and offline, democratic information performance & disinformation, users' expectations, usage behavior, media literacy & information repertoires
Methodological Expertise
Empirical social research (particularly survey research, experimental research, content analysis, observation, comparative methods), multivariate statistics
Current and Completed Projects
Mapping Media for Future Democracies (MeDeMAP)
Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) – Austrian Study
Perspectives and Scenarios for Communication Spaces in European Democracies
Media Performance and Democracy (MPD)
From Collectivity to Connectivity? Social Media and Political Participation
Communicating Science: Current Problems and Future Imperatives
Academic Education
Academic Education
2018-2020: Dr. Phil. Communication Science, supervised by Prof. Uwe Hasebrink, Leibniz-Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institute, University of Hamburg
Thesis: Medien in der Demokratie – Demokratie in den Medien. Ein demokratietheoretisch fundierter Ansatz zur Erforschung der demokratischen Qualität von Medienrepertoires unterschiedlicher Nutzungsklassen, dargelegt am Beispiel einer zeitvergleichenden Analyse des politischen Informationsangebots in den österreichischen Medien [Media in democracy—Democracy in the media: A democratic-theoretical approach to the quality of media repertoires of various classes of news users. The case of Austria.]
Related projects: Media Performance and Democracy, Information Repertoire-based Classification of Media Users
2009-2015: MA Communication Science, University of Vienna
Master's thesis: What you see is what you buy: The impact of product placements in films on food choices and buying behavior of young children in a real-world setting.
Related project: Implicit Media Effects
1999-2009: BA Studies Communication Science (2006-2009) and BA Studies International Business Administration, University of Vienna
Professional Career
Professional Career
2021-ongoing: Postdoc in the research group “Media, Politics & Democracy” at the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Klagenfurt
2021-2022: Research Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom/Robert Schuhman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy
2013-2021: Research assistant and (since 11/2015) scientist in the research group “Media, Politics & Democracy” at the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Klagenfurt
2004-2013: Author, Lector, Freelance Journalist, Public Relations Consultant
for various clients, magazines and publishing houses (including Info Technologie Verlag GmbH, Bohmann Druck & Verlag GmbH & Co KG, Report Verlag GmbH & Co KG)
1999-2012: Executive Assistant, Alliance Manager, Marketing Assistant and Specialist, Public Relations Assistant and Specialist
at ZT Prentner IT, mii AG, General Electric Capital ITS, Computacenter GmbH, and CA Technologies
Fellowships & Awards
Fellowships & Awards
2016: Top 1 Student Paper Award, International Communication Association (ICA), CAM Division, for the paper “How candy placements in films influence children's selection behavior in real-life shopping scenarios”
Refereeing and Consulting Activities, Editorships
Refereeing and Consulting Activities, Editorships
2020: Beaufort, M. (Ed.). (2020). Digital media, political polarization and challenges to democracy. Abingdon, New York: Routledge. (Invitation of the publisher)
2018: Beaufort, M. (Ed.). (2018). Digital media, political polarization and challenges to democracy [Special issue]. Information, Communication & Society, 21(7).
Refereeing Activties
Nomos Academic Press
International Communication Association (ICA)
European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
Information, Communication & Society (Taylor & Francis)
Russian Journal of Communication (Taylor & Francis)
2023-ongoing: Consultancy assignment as a Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Branded Content Research Hub`s BCG Project of the London College of Communication.
2023-ongoing: Member of the "Think Tank for Critical Media Literacy in Adult Education".
2023-ongoing: Consultancy assignment as a Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German-Austrian Digital Media Observatory (GADMO)
2016-ongoing: Consultancy assignment for the European Commission`s Digital Agenda for Europe – Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM), conducted by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) of the European University Institute; CMC acts as Austrian partner (with Seethaler, Josef).
2013-ongoing: Member of the Austrian Advertising Council, “Young Advertising Council”.
2016-ongoing: Consultancy assignment for the European Commission`s Digital Agenda for Europe – Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM), conducted by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) of the European University Institute; CMC acts as Austrian partner (with Seethaler, Josef)
2013-ongoing: Member of the Austrian Advertising Council, “Young Advertising Council”
2018: Consultancy assignment for the Austrian Public Service Broadcaster ORF: Public Open Space
2016-2017: Consultancy assignment for the Austrian Public Service Broadcaster ORF: Redefinition of the educational mission of the ORF
2014: Consultancy assignment for the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy: project Responsible Science (with Karmasin, Matthias & Seethaler, Josef)
Memberships in Professional Associations
Memberships in Professional Associations
2016-ongoing: International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), European Research and Communication Association (ECREA), World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR)
2015-ongoing: International Communication Association (ICA), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK)
2014-ongoing: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kommunikationswissenschaft (ÖGK)
Congress Organisation
Congress Organisation
2023: Mapping Media for Future Democracies. First Plenary Meeting of the Horizon Europe Project “Mapping Media for Future Democracies” (with Josef Seethaler und Andreas Schulz-Tomancok). Wien, Austria.
2021: Medien und Demokratie im Zeichen der Digitalisierung [Media, Democracy and Digitalization] (with Netzwerk Medienstrukturen [Network Media Structures]), Vienna, November 3-6, 2020 - postponed to 2021, project: Media Performance and Democracy
2018: #ganzohr2018 (with ORF Radio Ö1 & Network [Network Science Podcasts]), Vienna, September 28-30, 2018
2017: Digital Media, Political Polarization and Challenges to Democracy- an International Symposium (with the University of York), Vienna, September 21-22, 2017, project: From Collectivity to Connectivity? Social Media and Political Participation
2017: "Wer ist das Volk? [Who are the People?]" ORF DialogForum - Public Lecture mit W. Lance Bennett, University of Washington (with the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF), Vienna, September 21, 2017
Third Party Projects
Third Party Projects
2020-2021: Media Pluralism Monitor in the Digital Era 2021 - Austrian Report, funded by the European Commission (with Seethaler, Josef)
2019-2020: Media Pluralism Monitor in the Digital Era 2020 – Austrian Report, funded by the European Commission (with Seethaler, Josef)
2016-2017: Media Pluralism Monitor 2017 – Austrian Report, funded by the European Commission (with Seethaler, Josef)
2017 – 2018: Zurück am Herd? Mediennutzung und gesellschaftliche Anbindung junger Mütter in Österreich [Media Use and Social Inclusion of Young Mothers in Austria], funded by the City of Vienna (with Seethaler, Josef)
2015-2016: Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 – Austrian Report, funded by the European Commission (with Seethaler, Josef)
2014-2016: What You See Is What You Buy: The Impact of Product Placements in Films on Food Choices and Buying Behavior of Young Children in a Real World Setting, funded by ORF Enterprise
2020-ongoing: Leibniz-Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institute: project Information Repertoire-based Classification of Media Users
2019-ongoing: University of Salzburg (Prof. Josef Trappel): project Information Repertoire-based Classification of Media Users
2017-ongoing: University of Mainz (Prof. Birgit Stark): project Media Performance and Democracy
2017-ongoing: Leibniz-Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institute (Prof. Uwe Hasebrink): project Media Performance and Democracy
2017-ongoing: Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf (Prof. Ralph Weiß): project Media Performance and Democracy
2017-ongoing: University Zurich (Prof. Otfried Jarren): project Media Performance and Democracy
2017-ongoing: Research Centre Public and Society [Forschungsinstitut Öffentlichkeit und Gesellschaft] (fög) der Universität Zürich (Prof. Mark Eisenegger): project Media Performance and Democracy
2017-ongoing: University of Salzburg (Prof. Josef Trappel): project Media Performance and Democracy
2016-ongoing: Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom am European University Institute, Florence: project Media Pluralism Monitor (on behalf of the European Commission)
2019: University of Leeds (Dr. Federico Subervi): project Media Performance and Democracy
2017: University of Washington (Prof. W. Lance Bennett): project From Collectivity to Connectivity? Social Media and Political Participation
2017: University of York (Prof. Brian D. Loader): project From Collectivity to Connectivity? Social Media and Political Participation
Books and Monographs
Books and Monographs
- (2020). Medien in der Demokratie – Demokratie in den Medien: Ein demokratietheoretisch fundierter Ansatz zur Erforschung der demokratischen Qualität von Medienrepertoires unterschiedlicher Nutzungsklassen, dargelegt am Beispiel einer zeitvergleichenden Analyse des politischen Informationsangebots in den österreichischen Medien [Media in democracy – Democracy in the media: A democratic-theoretical approach to the quality of media repertoires of different user types. The case of Austria]. Universität Hamburg. Retrieved from
- (2019). Digital media, political polarization and challenges to democracy. London, New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
- (2018). Digital media, political polarization and challenges to democracy. Special issue of Information, Communication & Society, 21(7). Retrieved from
- (2015). What you see is what you buy: The impact of product placements in films on food choices and buying behavior of young children in a real-world setting..
Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
- (2024). Local media for democracy – Country focus: Austria. In Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom. Research Results. In (C. M. P. F. ) Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (Ed.). Florence: European University Institute. Retrieved from
- (2024). Monitoring des Medienpluralismus im digitalen Zeitalter: Anwendung des ‘Media pluralism monitor' in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten und Kandidatenländern im Jahr 2023. Länderstudie: Österreich [Monitoring media pluralism in the digital era: Application of the Media Pluralism Monitor in European member states and candidate countries in 2023. Country report: Austria]. In Florence: European University Institute – Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) (Ed.) (pp. 4-41). Florence: European University Institute. doi:10.2870/98299.
- (2024). Monitoring media pluralism in the digital era: Application of the Media Pluralism Monitor in European member states and candidate countries in 2023. Country report: Austria. In Florence: European University Institute – Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) (Ed.) (pp. 4-37). Florence: European University Institute (EUI). doi:10.2870/98299.
- (2024). Local media for democracy: News deserts – not an issue in Austria?. In (C. M. P. F. ) Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (Ed.), Uncovering news deserts in Europe: Risks and opportunities for local and community media in the EU (pp. 8-13). Florence: European University Institute. doi:10.2870/741398.
- (2023). Country report: Austria. In Centre for Media Pluralism and Freedom (Ed.), Monitoring media pluralism in the digital era: Application of the media pluralism monitor in the European Union, Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey in the year 2022. Florence: European University Institute. doi:10.2870/329744.
- (2023). Länderbericht: Österreich. In Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) (Ed.), Monitoring des Medienpluralismus im digitalen Zeitalter: Der Media Pluralism Monitor in der Europäischen Union, Albanien, Montenegro, der Republik Nordmazedonien, Serbien und der Türkei im Jahr 2022. Florence: European University Institute. doi:10.2870/156065.
- (2021). Country Report: Austria. In Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (Ed.), Monitoring media pluralism in the digital era: Application of the Media Pluralism Monitor in the European Union, Albania, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia & Turkey in the year 2020. Florence: European University Institute. doi:10.2870/764424.
- (2021). Qualität von Nachrichtenmedien im Dreiländervergleich: Zusammenhänge nutzungs- und angebotsbezogener Kriterien [Quality of news media in Austria, Germany 6 Switzerland]. Media Perspektiven, 9, 450-460. Retrieved from
- (2021). Von kollektiver zu konnektiver Logik? Mediennutzung und politisch-gesellschaftliche Beteiligung im Zeit- und Ländervergleich [From collective to connective logic? Media use and political participation across time and countries]. In M. Eisenegger, M. Prinzing,, P. Ettinger,, & R. Blum, (Eds.), Digitaler Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit: Historische Verortung, Modelle und Konsequenzen (pp. 399–420). Wiesbaden: Springer VS..
- (2020). Country Report: Austria. In Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (Ed.), Monitoring media pluralism in the digital era: Application of the Media Pluralism Monitor in the European Union, Albania, and Turkey in the years 2018-2019. Florence: European University Institute. doi:10.2870/90284.
- (2019). Introduction: Digital media, political polarization and challenges to democracy. In M. Beaufort (Ed.), Digital media, political polarization and challenges to democracy (pp. 1-7). London, New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
- (2019). Legitimating science in times of social change: How should science be communicated to the public?. In P. Moy & Matheson, D. (Eds.), Voices: Exploring the Shifting Contours of Communication. ICA International Communication Association - Annual Conference Theme Book Series (pp. 141-158). New York, NY: Peter Lang. doi:10.3726/b14771.
- (2019). How candy placements in films influence childrens` selection behavior in real-life shopping scenarios – An Austrian experimental field study. Journal Of Children And Media, 13, 50-69. doi:10.1080/17482798.2018.1547776.
- (2018). Country report: Austria. In Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (Ed.), Monitoring media pluralism in Europe: Application of the Media Pluralism Monitor 2017 in the European Union, FYROM, Serbia & Turkey. Florence: European University Institute. doi:10.2870/06449.
- (2018). Vom Verstehen zum Partizipieren? Wissenschaft und ihre Disziplinen in einer sich wandelnden Öffentlichkeit [From understanding to participating? Science and its disciplines in a changing public sphere]. In L. Hagen, Lüthje, C., Ohser, F., & Seifert, C. (Eds.), Wissenschaftskommunikation: Die Rolle der Disziplinen (pp. 55-78). Baden-Baden: Nomos. doi:10.5771/9783845276427.
- (2018). Digital media, political polarization and challenges to democracy. Information, Communication &Amp; Society, 21, 915-920. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2018.1451909.
- (2018). The effects of environmental brand attributes and nature imagery in green advertising on brand attitude and purchase intention. Environmental Communication, 12, 414-429. doi:10.1080/17524032.2017.1308401.
- (2017). Community media and broadcast journalism in Austria: Legal and funding provisions as indicators for the perception of the medias` societal roles. The Radio Journal: International Studies In Broadcast &Amp; Audio Media, 15, 173-194. doi:10.1386/rjao.15.2.173_1.
- (2017). Country report: Austria. In Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (Ed.), Media Pluralism Monitor 2016: Monitoring risks for media pluralism in the EU and beyond. Florence: European University Institute. doi:10.2870/182241.
- (2017). CSR and political communication. In S. Diehl, Karmasin, M., Mueller, B., Terlutter, R., & Weder, F. (Eds.), Handbook of Integrated CSR Communication (pp. 413-431). Hamburg: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-44700-1.
- (2014). Wandel der Mediennutzung – Wandel im politischen Verhalten? [Changing media use–Changing political participation?]. Medien Journal, 38, 15-41..
Other Articles and Book Chapters
Other Articles and Book Chapters
- (2024). Local media for democracy – Country fact sheet Austria. Local media for democracy project. (C. for M. P. and M. F. European University Institute, Ed.). Florence: Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF). Retrieved from
- (2024). Democratic societies in the digital age: What role for personalized data services? [in press, 2024]. In Austrian Institute of Technology (Ed.), Safeguarding European values and global competitiveness in the digital space. Data sovereignty – ensuring agency and control in the digital space – for individuals, companies, societies and states (p. n/a). Vienna..
- (2023). Informationskompetenz und der digitale öffentliche Raum - Die Relevanz von Informationskompetenz in Online-Kommunikationsräumen aus demokratiepolitischer Perspektive. [Information Literacy and the Digital Public Sphere - A Democratic Perspective on Information Literacy in Online Communication Spaces]. In W. Struber, Rauschenberger, S., Ali-Pahlavani, N., Andreasch D.,, Ernest, S., Franek, J., & Jäger, A. (Eds.), Medienkompetenzbericht 2023. Wien: RTR..
- (2022). Gewappnet für die Zukunft? Öffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunk in Österreich [Ready for the future? Public Broadcasting in Austria]. In Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Ed.), Wie steht es um den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk in Europa?. Bonn: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Retrieved from
- (2021). Die Demokratie? Die Öffentlichkeit? Die Rolle der Medien? [The one democracy? The one public sphere? The one role of the media?]. In B. Stark, Rußmann, U., & Magin, M. (Eds.), Demokratie braucht Medien (pp. 69-89). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Retrieved from
- (2019). Recent developments on freedom and pluralism of media in Austria. In A. Giannakopoulos (Ed.), Media, Freedom of Speech, and Democracy in the EU and Beyond (pp. 116-130). Tel Aviv: S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies, Tel Aviv University. Retrieved from
- (2018). Von neuen Formen der Kommunikation zu neuen Formen der Partizipation–oder umgekehrt? [From new forms of communication to new forms of participation–or vice versa?]. In K. Mitschka & Unterberger, K. (Eds.), Public Open Space: Zur Zukunft öffentlich-rechtlicher Medien (pp. 133-142). Wien: facultas..
- (2017). Transformation des Rundfunkjournalismus? Von Programmaufträgen, Rollenzuschreibungen und neuen Formaten [Broadcasting journalism in transformation: Programming mandates, social roles, and new media formats]. In S. Kirchhoff, Prandner, D., Renger, R., Götzenbrucker, G., & Aichberger, I. (Eds.), Was bleibt vom Wandel? Journalismus zwischen ökonomischen Zwängen und gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung (pp. 47-72). Baden-Baden: Nomos. doi:10.5771/9783845274539.
- (2015). Repräsentation, Ressourcen, Realitäten: Überlegungen zu einem alternativen Ansatz in der Analyse von Gender-Frames in der Medienberichterstattung [Representation, resources, realities: Considerations on an alternative approach in the analysis of gender frames in media coverage]. In R. Drüeke, Kirchhoff, S., Steinmaurer, T., & Thiele, M. (Eds.), Zwischen Gegebenem und Möglichem: Kritische Perspektiven auf Medien und Kommunikation (pp. 133-152). Bielefeld: transcript..
- (2015). Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit in Österreich [Science and the public sphere in Austria]. In F. und W. Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft (Ed.), Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft im Dialog: "Responsible Science" (pp. 47-52). Wien: BMWFW. Retrieved from
Research Papers
Research Papers
- (2024). Legal & (self-)regulatory frameworks: Methodological approach. MeDeMAP [Mapping media for future democracies] Deliverable. Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions Grant Agreement 101094984 - Task 3.2. Vienna..
- (2024). Data set for the map of legal and (self-)regulatory frameworks for media in the EU. MeDeMAP Deliverable 3.1 (p. 29). Vienna. Retrieved from
- (2021). Assessing the Signatories' COVID-19 Reports / Executive Summary. Florence. Retrieved from
- (2015). Qualität des tagesaktuellen Informationsangebots in den österreichischen Medien - Codebuch [Quality of the Austrian media's daily information supply - Codebook]. Retrieved from
- Measuring Disinformation in a Self-Regulatory Environment. [accepted, 08.09.2022]. Florence..
- Media Exemption: Protecting Editorial Independence or a loophole for disinformation? [accepted, 08.09.2022]. Florence..
- ). Legal & (self-)regulatory frameworks: Methodological approach. MeDeMAP [Mapping media for future democracies] Deliverable. Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions Grant Agreement 101094984 - Task 3.2. Retrieved from
- (2024). LÖSCHEN - Fact Sheet Österreich. (Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF), Ed.)..
- (2024). Die demokratische Rolle von Community Medien im lokalen Raum [The democratic role of community media in the local media landscape]. Horizont. Wien: Manstein Verlag, k.A..
- (2024). Medien- und Informationskompetenz: Das Netz und die Demokratie [Media and Information Literacy: The Internet and Democracy]. [Interview mit Stefan Kappacher]. Österreichischer Rundfunk (Orf). Retrieved from
- (2021). Wie sich Corona-Mythen im Netz verbreiten [Interview mit ÖAW-PR]. Öaw Homepage. Retrieved from
- (2020). Wissenschafter Beaufort und Seethaler befürchten "Fortschreibung bisheriger Medienpolitik" 2021 [Befragung durch Harald Fidler und Daniela Yeoh]. Retrieved from
- (2019). Welche öffentlich-rechtliche Medienqualität braucht Österreich im Netz? [What kind of media performance should public broadcasters provide on the internet?]. In ORF (Ed.), Der Auftrag 2019: Vielfalt, Vertrauen, Verantwortung für Österreich. Public Value Report (p. 27). Wien: ORF. Retrieved from
- (2018). Qualität im Journalismus: Öffentlich-rechtliche, kommerzielle und freie Medien im Vergleich [Quality in journalism: Comparing public service broadcasting, commercial media and community media]. Stimme: Zeitschrift Der Initiative Minderheiten, 8-9..
- (2018). Was der Rundfunk für die Demokratie machen muss [What broadcasters have to do for democracy]. Der Standard (Blog). Retrieved from
- (2017). Bildung als demokratischer Auftrag [The educational mandate as a democratic mandate]. In ORF (Ed.), TexteDer Auftrag: Bildung im digitalen Zeitalter. Public Value Jahresstudie 2016/17 (pp. 63-80). Wien: ORF. Retrieved from
- (2017). Von neuen Formen der Kommunikation zu neuen Formen der Partizipation–oder umgekehrt? [From new forms of communication to new forms of participation–or vice versa?]. Texte: Öffentlich-Rechtliche Qualität Im Diskurs, 20, 24-35. Retrieved from
- (2017). Bildung als demokratischer Auftrag [The educational mandate as a democratic mandate] [Kurzfassung]. Texte: Öffentlich-Rechtliche Qualität Im Diskurs, 19 (Teil des Public Value-Berichts 2016/2017 des ORF), 6-10. Retrieved from
- (2016). Von der Einbahnstraße zur Partizipation [Towards participation in science communication]. Retrieved from
- (2016). Was Österreich über Forschung denkt [What Austrians think about research and science]. Apa-Dossier (Austria Presse Agentur). Retrieved from
- (2016). Vom Verstehen zum Beteiligen [From understanding to participation]. Texte: Öffentlich-Rechtliche Qualität Im Diskurs, 18, 6-11. Retrieved from =t&oti_tag=Texte.
- (2016). Demokratie braucht Teilhabe: Medien sollen Identifikationsangebote schaffen [Democracy needs participation: The media should create opportunities for identification]. Der Standard [Blog]. Retrieved from
Beaufort, Maren
Bedeutung von Medienpluralismus für demokratische Gesellschaften [Media Pluralism in Democratic Societies]
Conference “Kritische Medienkompetenz 2022” of the Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung (bifeb) -
, Linz
Beaufort, Maren
Demokratie und die Rolle des nicht-kommerziellen privaten Rundfunks [Democracy and the role of community media]
#mediana18 - Vom demokratischen Auftrag medialen Diskurses -
, Vienna
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Changing media – Changing democracy, or: Changing democracy – Changing media?
Digital Media, Political Polarization and Challenges to Democracy: An International Symposium -
, Wien
Beaufort, Maren
Demokratie, Medienpluralismus und die Rolle des nicht-kommerziellen privaten Rundfunks [Democracy, media pluralism, and the role of community media]
REM-Workshop – Der nicht-kommerzielle private Rundfunk
Invited Lectures
Invited Lectures
, Dortmund
Beaufort, M.
Combatting Disinformation: Boosting Media and Information Literacy
Annual Advisory Board Meeting of the German Austrian Digital Media Observatory [online] -
, St. Wolfgang
Beaufort, M.
Informationskompetenz als Demokratiekompetenz [Information Literacy as a Democratic Competence]
Think Tank Medienkompetenz in der Erwachsenenbildung -
, Alpbach
Beaufort, M.
Digital world as a semblance of our reality – personalized data services – a curse or a blessing?
Experts-LAB at the European Forum Alpbach 2023: Datensouveränität – Handlungsfähigkeit und Kontrolle im digitalen Raum. [Data Sovereignty - Agency and Control in the Digital Space]. -
, Vienna
Beaufort, M.
Ways the European Union can support media pluralism, media freedom and the fight against disinformation. Déjeuner de travail sur le theme de la lutte contre la désinformation avec Secrétaire d’État chargée de l’Europe Laurence Boone
Ambassade de la République Française [Meeting of Experts with Minister of State for Europe Laurence Boone on the theme of combating disinformation] -
, Klagenfurt
Beaufort, M.
Komparatives Medienmonitoring – Was? Wie? Wozu?
Workshop Medienmonitoring at University of Klagenfurt -
, Dortmund [online]
Beaufort, M.
Measuring Disinformation: Status Quo and Current Challenges
Gadmo Roundtable of the German-Austrian Digital Media Observatory -
, Mainz
Beaufort, M. Hasebrink, U. Seethaler, J.
Media Performance and Democracy im Rück- und Ausblick. Perspektive der Publika und Zusammenhänge von angebots- und nutzungsbezogenen Spezifika.
Workshop Media Performance and Democracy -
, Eichstätt
Beaufort, Maren
Media Pluralism in Europe.
Presentation at the Workshop of Journalism Innovations (JoinS). -
, Tallinn
Beaufort, M.
Public Service Media – The End of an Era or prepared for the Future?
Conference of the European Management Association (EMMA): End of an Era? The role of Public Service Media. -
, Brussels (online)
Beaufort, M.
Policy Research and Analysis: Structural Indicators.
Presentation to the European Commission (Workshop). -
, Florence
Beaufort, M.
Developing Structural Indicators to Measure the Disinformation Phenomenon.
Presentation to the European Commission (Workshop). -
, Florence
Beaufort, Maren
Tackling disinformation – Structural indicators
Conference of the European Media Observatory (EDMO): Information Session on Structural Indicators for EDMO-Hubs under the EU Digital Europe Programme -
, Florence
Beaufort, M. Brogi, E.
Structural Indicators to Measure the Disinformation Phenomenon.
Presentation at the Conference of the Advisory Board of the European Media Observatory (EDMO). -
, Wien
Beaufort, Maren
Vom Pluralismus zur Kakophonie – Kann die Demokratie die Schrumpfung der herkömmlichen Mainstream-Medien überstehen? [From pluralism to cacophony - Can democracy survive the shrinking of traditional mainstream media?][online]
Verfassungsrechtliche und institutionelle Herausforderungen der Polarisierung und der digitalen Demokratie. Polish Academy of Sciences, Scientific Center in Vienna -
, Florence
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Country Report Austria
Media Pluralism Monitor 2020: Final Conference at the European University Institute -
, Wien
Beaufort, Maren
Medien und Demokratie - Ein neuer Ansatz zur Messung demokratischer Medienleistung [Media and democracy. A new approach to measuring democratic media performance]
Sitzung der phil.-hist. Klasse der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften [Meeting of the Learned Society Division of Humanities and the Social Sciences of the Austrian Academy of Sciences] -
, Lucerne
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Von kollektiver zu konnektiver Logik? Eine vergleichende Untersuchung des Verhältnisses von Mediennutzung und politischer Beteiligung [From a collective to a connective logic? Comparing media use and political participation across time and countries]]
Mediensymposium 2018: Digitaler Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit – Historische Verortung, Modelle und Konsequenzen -
, Tel Aviv
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Recent developments on freedom and pluralism of media in Austria
"Media, Freedom of Speech, and Democracy: Contemporary Conflicts and Tensions in the EU and Beyond: Conference of the S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies, Tel Aviv Univ. in coop. with The Austrian Society for European Politics -
, Wien
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Wie Wissenschaft kommunizieren? Legitimation in Zeiten gesellschaftlichen Wandels
#GANZOHR18 – Wissenschaft auf die Ohren -
, Lugano
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Rechtspopulismus, politisches Informationsverhalten und Vertrauen in den Journalismus – ein innereuropäischer Vergleich, 2011-2017 [Right-wing populism, political information use, and trust in journalism - A European comparison, 2011-2017]
Politischer Journalismus im Ländervergleich vor dem Hintergrund des Rechtspopulismus – Section Panel der Fachgruppe Politische Kommunikation bei der Jahrestagung der SGKM 2018 -
, Athen
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Community media's "added value": The case of Austria
Community Media – Section Panel bei der 15. Internationalen Jahrestagung Communication and Mass Media -
, Athens
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Community medias` "added value": The case of Austria
Communication and Mass Media -
, St. Petersburg
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Putting social media in context: The interconnections between media systems, social media use, and political participation
3rd International Conference: Comparative media studies in today's world: Social media in various socio-political contexts -
, Wien
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Wie soziale Online-Netzwerke politische Beteiligung verändern [How social online networks change political participation]
Medienwandel - Wandel der Demokratie? Das demokratische Potenzial der Social Media [Changing Media - Changing Democracy? Exploring the Democratic Potential of Social Media] -
, Wien
Beaufort, Maren Karmasin, Matthias Seethaler, Josef
Bericht des Instituts für vergleichende Medien- und Kommunikationsforschung [Report of the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies]
Öffentlicher Teil der Klassensitzung der philosophisch-historischen Klasse der ÖAW -
, Klagenfurt
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
From Collectivity to Connectivity? Social Media and Political Behavior
Other Lectures
Other Lectures
, Krakau
Seethaler, J. Beaufort, M.
Analysing legal and (self-)regulatory frameworks for media in the EU - Current status and future development. Presentation at the 4th MeDeMAP [Mapping media for future democracies] Plenary Meeting
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions Grant Agreement 101094984 - Task 3. -
, Vienna
Beaufort, M.
Monitoring political communication on social media
International Workshop on Comparative Research in the EU -
, Vienna
Beaufort, M. & Seethaler, J.
Monitoring political communication on social media – Audience Side: Methodological design
Presentation at the International Workshop for Comparative Research in the EU “Monitoring political communication on social media” -
Seethaler, J. Beaufort, M.
Analysing legal and (self-)regulatory frameworks for media in the EU - Current status and future development. Presentation at MeDeMAP [Mapping media for future democracies] Workshop “The Methodological Approach” [Online]
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions Grant Agreement 101094984 - Task 3. -
, Lisbon
Seethaler, J. Beaufort, M.
Analysing legal and (self-)regulatory frameworks for media in the EU – Part 2. Presentation at the 3rd MeDeMAP [Mapping media for future democracies] Plenary Meeting
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions Grant Agreement 101094984 - Task 3. -
, Lisbon
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Analysing legal and (self-)regulatory frameworks for media in the EU – Part 2
3rd MeDeMAP Plenary Meeting -
, Lisbon
Seethaler, J. Beaufort, M.
Analysing legal and (self-)regulatory frameworks for media in the EU – Part 1. Presentation at the 3rd MeDeMAP [Mapping media for future democracies] Plenary Meeting
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions Grant Agreement 101094984 - Task 3. -
, Lisbon
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Analysing legal and (self-)regulatory frameworks for media in the EU – Part 1
3rd MeDeMAP Plenary Meeting -
, Berlin
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Politische Gestaltung von Medienstrukturen Ein Modell zur Analyse der rechtlichen und (selbst)regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen in den Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union
Workshop des Netzwerks Medienstrukturen -
, Milan
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Work package 3: Legal and (self-)regulatory framework
2nd MeDeMAP Plenary Meeting -
, Toronto
Beaufort, M.
From Collective to Connective Logic? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Interplay of Participation and Media Use across Europe
Presentation (In-Person) at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA): Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication; Postconference Media Sociology -
, Toronto
Beaufort, M.
Exploring Users` Perspective: How Changing Notions of Democracy are Echoed among Media Users.
Full Paper Presentation (In-Person) at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA): Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication -
, Toronto
Beaufort, M.
Regulating Disinformation in a Self-Regulatory Environment at the European Level? Lessons Learnt from Signatories` Covid-19 Reporting.
Full Paper Presentation (In-Person) at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA): Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication -
, Toronto
Seethaler, J. Beaufort, M. Schulz-Tomancok, A.
Rethinking democratic media policy: A comparative analysis of legal and regulatory frameworks in EU Member States
73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA): Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication -
, Graz
Seethaler, J. Beaufort, M. Melischek, G.
Science, Media and the Public Sphere: A Complicated Relationship.
STS Conference Graz 2023 (Panel: Is there a Problem with Science Scepticism? Invitation to reflect a trendy topic) -
, Wien
Beaufort, M.
Medienpluralismus und Medienfreiheit. Einblicke in gegenwärtige Herausforderungen anhand des Media Pluralism Monitor der Europäischen Union.
CMC Talk mit Maren Beaufort at Austrian Academy of Sciences -
, Aarhus
Beaufort, Maren
Lessons learnt from “Covid-19-Reporting”
9th European Communication Conference of the European Research Communication Association (ECREA) -
, Paris
Beaufort, Maren
Are the preferred media diets of users valuable for a democratic public sphere?
72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA): One World, One Network‽ -
, Paris
Beaufort, Maren
The one democracy? The one public sphere? The one role of the media?
72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA): One World, One Network‽ -
, Florenz
Beaufort, M. Bleyer-Simon, K.
Dem Desinformationsphänomen online begegnen [Combating the disinformation phenomenon online]
Jahreskonferenz des Netzwerks Medienstrukturen 2021 [2021 Annual Conference of the Network Media Structures]: Medien und Demokratie im Zeichen der Digitalisierung [Media and Democracy in the Light of Digitalisation] -
, Washington, DC
Beaufort, M. Seethaler, J.
From collective to connective Logic? A temporal and national comparison of media use and participation [online]
71st Annual ICA Conference -
, Wien
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Digital und sozial, aber demokratisch? Soziale Online-Netzwerke and politische Partizipation [Online networks and political participation] [online; postponed from 2020]
20. ITA-Konferenzrenz: „Digital, direkt, demokratisch? – Technikfolgenabschätzung und die Zukunft der Demokratie“ -
, Zürich
Hasebrink, Uwe Beaufort, Maren Oehmer, Franziska Hölig, Sascha Eisenegger, Mark Seethaler, Josef Trappel, Josef
Medienqualität aus der Perspektive der Publika: Nutzung und Vertrauen [Media quality from the perspective of the audience: usage and trust]
Dreiländertagung für Kommunikationswissenschaft DGPuK, ÖGK und SGKM -
, Zürich
Riedl, Andreas Steiner, Miriam Beaufort, Maren Eisenegger, Mark Hasebrink, Uwe Hofstetter, Brigitte Hölig, Sascha Jandura, Olaf Jarren Otfried Kösters, Raphael Magin, Melanie Mahrt, Mehra Oehmer, Franziska Partilla Guix, Ricardo Seethaler, Josef Stark, Birgit Trappel, Josef Udris, Linards Weiß, Ralph
Medienqualität in Zeiten des Wandels: Eine multiperspektivische Analyse in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz [Media quality in times of change: A multi-perspective analysis in Germany, Austria and Switzerland]
Dreiländertagung für Kommunikationswissenschaft DGPuK, ÖGK und SGKM -
, Athens
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Social media use, young Europeans and their political selves (postponed)
ICS 2020: Constructing Young Selves in a Digital Media Ecology - Youth Cultures, Practices and Identity -
, Washington, D.C.
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Media quality and democracy: Claims and reality—A cross-media study
2018 AEJMC Annual Conference -
, Prague
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Changing roles of broadcast journalism: A fresh look at legal texts concerning broadcasting
68th Annual ICA Conference -
, Prague
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Legitimating science in times of social change: How should science be communicated to the public?
68th Annual ICA Conference -
, Chicago, IL
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
From understanding to participation: Science, media and the public
100th AEJMC Annual Conference -
, Klagenfurt
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Implicit effect mechanisms of online advertisements for unhealthy products
Workshop "Der Mensch im digitalen Zeitalter" -
, San Diego, CA
Beaufort, Maren
Exploring the role of product placements for children's obesity-related shopping behavior
67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) -
, San Diego, CA
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Putting the “demos” back in democracy: Theoretical considerations on the role of journalism and the media in a democratic society
Preconference "Media Performance and Democracy - the Debate Continues" to the ICA 67th Annual Conference -
, Barcelona
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Citizen participation, social media use, and the shift in political trust: Results from a European survey
Regional Conference of the World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR): "Political Trust in Contemporary Representative Democracies" -
, Prague
Beaufort, Maren
The impact of product placements in films on food choices and buying behavior of young children in a real-life setting
6th European Communication Conference of the European Research Communication Association (ECREA) -
, Minneapolis
Beaufort, Maren
The moderating role of age on behavioral effects of product placements in a real-world setting
99th Annual Convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) -
, Minneapolis
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Social media and civic engagement: Results from a European survey
99th Annual Convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) -
, York
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Europe's youth on the move: Online communication, civic engagement, and connective action
Contemporary Political Youth Culture & Communication Symposium -
, Munich
Beaufort, Maren
Wirkungsbedingungen integrativer Werbeformen in Filmen auf das Produktauswahlverhalten von (Klein-)Kindern und ihre Implikationen für die Entwicklung von Medien- und Konsumentenkompetenz
Seminar, Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) -
, Fukuoka
Beaufort, Maren
How candy placements in films influence children's selection behavior in real-life shopping scenarios
66th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) -
, Fukuoka
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Putting the "demos" back in democracy: Methodological implications and empirical evidence for Measuring Media Performance
66th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) - Preconference "Media Performance & Democracy" -
, Dresden
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Vom Verstehen zum Partizipieren? Veränderungen im Verhältnis von Wissenschaft, Medien und Öffentlichkeit [From "Public Understanding of Science" to "Public Participation in Scientific Research"?]
3rd Annual Conference of the Working Group "Science Communication" of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) -
, Phoenix, Arizona
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
The long way from technical to social connectivity: Exploring the digital divide in 15 European countries
Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide. 2015 International Conference -
, Rovinj
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Change in media use - Change in political participation? A cross-national comparative study
"Communication, Democracy and Digital Technology" - Conference of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) -
, Montreal
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Can social networks help to foster participatory democracy? A comparative analysis in 15 European countries
2015 Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) -
, San Juan
Schmuck, Desirée Matthes, Jörg Naderer, Brigitte Beaufort, Maren
Effects of environmental brand attributes and nature imagery in green advertising on brand attitude and purchase intention
65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) -
, Bamberg
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Social Media und politische Beteiligung: Zur Notwendigkeit einer theoretischen Neubestimmung des Partizipationsbegriffs [Social media and political participation: Towards a refined theoretical framework for participation]
Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung in der DGPuK 2015 -
, Zurich
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Von Kollektivität zu Konnektivität? Soziale Medien und politische Beteiligung [From collectivity tp connectivity? Social media and political participation]
40. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft (SGKM) [Paper presented at the 2014 Annual Conference of the Swiss Association of Media and Communication Research (SACM)] -
, Klagenfurt
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Von kollektivem zu konnektivem Handeln? Medienwandel und politische Folgen [From collective to connective action? Media change and political consequences]
Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Tage 2013 "Changing Communications II"
Popular Lectures
Popular Lectures
, Vienna
Beaufort, M.
Das Netz und die Demokratie [The Web and Democracy] [Beitrag von Stefan Kappacher]
ORF Radio Ö1 doublecheck. Österreichischer Rundfunk -
, Vienna
Beaufort, M.
Paneldiskussion [Information literacy from a democracy perspective]
Annual Conference of RTR on: Medienkompetenz – Schlüssel „Bildung“ als gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe. [Media literacy - the key factor of "education" as a challenge for society]. -
, Vienna
Beaufort, M.
Demokratie- und Wissenschaftsvertrauen in Krisenzeiten. [Interview mit Simon Olipitz]
COMMITEDed (94.0) -
, Vienna
Beaufort, M.
Der ORF und seine Reformen.
Österreichischer Demokratietag 2023 [Austrian Democracy Day 2023.]. Annual Conference of SORA, Österreichischer Demokratiemonitor [Austria Democracy Monitor] -
Beaufort, M.
Social Media am Ende? [Beitrag von Phillipp Maschl]
ORF Zeit im Bild Nacht (ZIB Nacht) -
Beaufort, M.
Social Media Konzerne in der Krise. [Interview mit Maria Knips-Witting]
ORF Zeit im Bild (ZIB 1) -
Beaufort, Maren
Das Konzept der Informationsrepertoires im Kontext demokratischer Öffentlichkeit [Information repertoires and public sphere]
Conference “Kritische Medienkompetenz 2022” of the Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung (bifeb) -
Beaufort, Maren
Bedeutung von Medienpluralismus für demokratische Gesellschaften [Media Pluralism in Democratic Societies]
Conference “Kritische Medienkompetenz 2022” of the Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung (bifeb) -
, Linz
Beaufort, Maren
Demokratie und die Rolle des nicht-kommerziellen privaten Rundfunks [Democracy and the role of community media]
#mediana18 - Vom demokratischen Auftrag medialen Diskurses -
, Vienna
Beaufort, Maren
Süße Versuchungen: Wie wirkt versteckte Werbung auf Kinder?
Science Inputs der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zur Langen Nacht der Forschung 2018 -
, Wien
Seethaler, Josef unter Mitarbeit von Beaufort, Maren
Postfaktische Gesellschaft - Wenn Wissenschaft zur Glaubensfrage wird
Am Puls, Nr. 57 (FWF) -
, Wien
Beaufort, Maren
Bildung als demokratischer Auftrag [Interview mit Konrad Mitschka]
DialogForum "Der Auftrag: Bildung" (ORF) -
, Wien
Beaufort, Maren
Bildung als demokratischer Auftrag
Workshop „ORF Qualitätssicherung – Evaluation“ -
, St. Wolfgang
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Digitale Solidarität und Partizipation
"...und raus bist DU!? Solidarität in der Erwachsenenbildung" Seminar des Bundesinstituts für Erwachsenenbildung (bifeb) -
, Linz
Beaufort, Maren
Public Value im nicht-kommerziellen Rundfunk [Community media and public value]
Workshop "Public Value & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit im nicht-kommerziellen Rundfunk" -
, Wien
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Vielbeschworene Solidarität - die Einheit in der Vielfalt finden [Interview mit Juliane Nagiller zu Social Media und Partizipation]
Radiokolleg (Ö1) -
, Wien
Beaufort, Maren
Süße Versuchungen: Product Placement und seine Wirkung auf Kinder [Interview mit Raffael Fritz]
matrix - computer & neue medien (Ö1) -
, Wien
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler,Josef
Verdrossen, aber politisch: Social Media-Engagement ist kein Lippenbekenntnis [Interview mit Raffael Fritz]
Digital leben -
, Innsbruck
Beaufort, Maren Seethaler, Josef
Auswirkungen von Social Media auf politische Partizipation [impact of social media use on political participation]
Medien in der Postdemokratie