Marie Rathmann, MA BA
Project Staff (OeAW/EU)
Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC)
Austrian Academy of Sciences / University of Klagenfurt
Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC)
Austrian Academy of Sciences / University of Klagenfurt
1010 Wien, Bäckerstraße 13 / 1. Stock, Austria
Email: marie.rathmann(at)oeaw.ac.at
Reserach interests
Agenda-setting, digital-aged dynamics, the role of the media in times of crises, gender issues and intersectionality.
Academic Education
Academic Education
2021 – 2023: Master of Arts at University of Vienna
Journalism and Communication Studies. Master's Thesis: „We stand with Ukraine – Google trends with Ukraine - Eine Fallstudie zum Zusammenhang der medialen Berichterstattung über den Krieg in der Ukraine 2022 mit Online-Suchanfragen im D-A-CH-Raum“.
2017 – 2021: Bachelor of Arts at University of Vienna
Journalism and Communication Studies. Bachelor's Thesis: „Die COVID-19 Pandemie 2020 ; Zusammenhang der medialen Berichterstattung mit Online-Suchanfragen über Schutzmaßnahmen in Österreich“.
Professional Career
Professional Career
2023 – December 2023: Project Staff at Austrian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies. Team: Media Accountability & Media Change. Project: „Auseinandersetzung mit Pandemien und deren Folgen - Polarisierung in Medien und Öffentlichkeit“. Lead: Tobias Eberwein.
2022 – 2023: Student Assistant at Leibniz Institute for Media Research
Hans-Bredow-Institute, Hamburg. Project: "Worlds-of-Journalism - Journalism under Duress: Risk and Uncertainty in a Changing Mediascape". Lead: Prof. Dr. Wiebke Loosen and Dipl.-Germ. Univ. Anna von Garmissen.
2022: Project Staff at University of Vienna
Department of Communication. Project: "Learning and doing for gender advocacy - A UniTWIN European teaching partnership on ‘Countering gender-based violence in and through the media’ ". Lead: DDr. phil. et iur. Krisztina Rozgonyi, MBA.
2020: Internship at Austrian Broadcasting
ORF Market and Media Research Department. Lead: Mag. Eva Sassmann.
Books and Monographs
Books and Monographs
Other Articles and Book Chapters
Other Articles and Book Chapters
- (2023). Journalismus in der Krise. Eine Interviewstudie mit Medienschaffenden während der COVID-19-Pandemie [Journalism in crisis: An interview study with media practitioners during the COVID-19 pandemic]. In A. Bogner (Ed.), Nach Corona. Reflexionen für zukünftige Krisen. (pp. 35-43). Wien: Verlag der ÖAW. doi:10.1553/978OEAW95696.
Popular Articles and Book Chapters
Popular Articles and Book Chapters
Invited Lectures
Invited Lectures
Other Lectures
Other Lectures
, Salzburg
Rathmann, M. Rozgonyi, K. Krakovsky, C. Eberwein, T.
The value of differences: A transnational qualitative document analysis on the presence of inclusivity and diversity in codes of ethics
Annual conference of the International and Intercultural Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) -
, Ljubljana
Rozgonyi, K. Duvekot, S. Eberwein, T. de Haan, Y. Juraite, K. Milosavljević, M. Poler Kovačič, M. Rathmann, M. Uszkiewicz, E.
Competing, conquering or correlating? The interplay of concepts on diversity in European legal frameworks, policies and codes of ethical conduct
10th European Communication Conference -
Eberwein, T. Rathmann, M. Rozgonyi, K.
Work Package 2: Code and accountability
DIACOMET Consortium Meeting, University of Ljubljana -
, Christchurch
Eberwein, T. Amigo, L. Duvekot, S. Juraite, K. Kaluza, J. Lauk, E. Parder, M.-L. Rathmann, M. Rozgonyi, K. Tolonen, E.
The values we share: Towards an inclusive ethics of dialogic communication
Annual conference of the International Association for Media Communication Research (IAMCR) at the University of Canterbury -
, Budapest
Eberwein, T. Rathmann, M., Rozgonyi, K.
Work Package 2: Code and accountability
DIACOMET Consortium Meeting, Central European University -
, Rotterdam
Duvekot, S. Eberwein, T. de Haan, Y. Rathmann, M. Rozgonyi, K.
From accountability to dialogue: A content analysis of ethical codes of public communication in eight European countries
Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap (24 hours of Communication Science)