Univ. Prof. Dr. Andreas M. Scheu
Research Group Leader "Science Communication & Science Journalism (SCSJ)" at the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC), Austrian Academy of Sciences Professor at the Department of Media and Communications, University of Klagenfurt University of Klagenfurt
Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC)
Austrian Academy of Sciences | University of Klagenfurt
Bäckerstraße 13 / 1. Stock | A-1010 Wien
Email: Andreas.Scheu(at)oeaw.ac.at
Phone: +43 1 51581 3114
Research Interests
Science communication, science journalism, mediatization, communication theories, history of communication studies, comparative and qualitative methods
Current Projects
#FactoryWisskomm Taskforce “Research and practice of science communication” (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Science Communication research and Practice in Germany: Empirical Mapping Study (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Interdisciplinary working group “Building differently – for resource conservation and climate protection” (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
Completed projects
Transfer Unit Science Communication (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Connecting science communication research and practice: challenges and ways forward (Special Issue in Journal of Science Communication)
Science communication funding in Germany: Status quo in the federal states (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Memory research in communication studies: Basics and subfields (German Research Association)
Dynamics of media change and the mediatization of society (Habilitation)
Mediatization of organizations: A comparison of the intensity and quality of adaptations to the logic of public attention (German Research Association)
From observation to influence. Mediatized constellations of science, media and politics in Relation to scientific cultures (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Academic Education
Academic Education
2020: Habilitation (Venia Legendi for Communication Studies), University of Muenster, Germany
2012: Dr. phil., Communication Studies, Department of Media and Communication, University of Munich (LMU)
Professional Career
Professional Career
2024 – ongoing: Research Group Leader for Science Communication and Science Journalism, Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC), Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
2024 – ongoing: Professor for Science Communication and Science Journalism, Department of Media and Communications, University of Klagenfurt
2022 – 2024: Project Lead & Scientific Director of the “Transfer Unit Science Communication”, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
2021 – 2022: Senior Researcher (Akad. Oberrat), Department of Communication, University of Münster
2020 – 2021: Visiting Professor (W3), Department of Communication, University of Münster
2019 – 2020: Coordinator of BA and MA programs, Department of Communication, University of Münster
2016 – 2021: Principal Investigator “Mediatization of Organizations: A Comparison of the Intensity and Quality of Adaptations to the Logic of Public Attention”
2014 – 2016: Researcher, Department of Communication, University of Münster
2010 – 2013: Researcher in Lead and Project Coordinator “From Observation to Influence. Mediatized Constellations of Science, Media and Politics in Relation to Scientific Cultures”, Department of Communication, University of Münster
2007 – 2010: Researcher and doctoral student, Department of Media and Communication, University of Munich (LMU)
Third Party Funding
Third Party Funding
2023 – ongoing: Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe „Anders Bauen – für Ressourcenschonung und Klimaschutz“ [Interdisciplinary working group “Building Differently – for Resource Conservation and Climate Protection]. Funded by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Grant application by U. Kuhlmann.
2023 – 2024: Research and Practice of Science Communication in Germany. Empirical Mapping Study. Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (with #FactoryWisskomm-Taskforce Forschung und Praxis der Wissenschaftskommunikation).
2022 – ongoing: Transfer Unit Wissenschaftskommunikation [Transfer Unit Science Communication]. Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Grant application by C. Markschies.
Reviewing and Consulting Activities
Reviewing and Consulting Activities
2024 – ongoing: Advisory board member of the Transfer Unit Science Communication
2024: Expert talk “Research in Dialogue” at the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt)
2024: Expert at COALESCE workshop on science communication resources
2023 – ongoing: Expert at G7 Working Group Science Communication)
2023 – ongoing: Member of the selection board “#FactoryWisskomm-Fellowship” at the Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS), Potsdam, Germany
2022 – ongoing: Chair of the #FactoryWisskomm-Taskforce “Forschung und Praxis der Wissenschaftskommunikation”
2022 – 2023: Guest editor of the Special Issue „Connecting science communication research and practice: challenges and ways forward“ of the Journal of Science Communication
2021 – 2023: Member of the research network “Memory research in communication studies” and editor of the “Handbuch kommunikationswissenschaftliche Erinnerungsforschung“ [Handbook memory studies in communications]
2019 – 2023: Chair of the section “Science Communication” of the German Communication Association (DGPuK)
2017 – 2018: Editor of the handbook “Auswertung qualitativer Daten. Strategien, Verfahren und Methoden der Interpretation nicht-standardisierter Daten in der Kommunikationswissenschaft” [Analyzing qualitative data. Strategies, procedures, and methods of interpreting non-standardized data in communication studies]
2014 – 2022: Editor of the DGPuK- and ICA Affiliate-Journal Studies in Communication and Media
Refereeing of funding applications: German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Klaus Tschira Stiftung, Swiss National Science Foundation
Refereeing of manuscript submissions: Communication Theory, Global Environmental Communication, Journal of Communication, Journal of Communication Management, Journal of Science Communication, Public Understanding of Science, Science Communication, Studies in Communication and Media, Studies in Communication Sciences
Refereeing of conference submissions: International Communication Association (ICA), International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), German Communication Association (DGPuK) and the DGPuK sections “Communication history”, “Journalism research”, “Science Communication”
Memberships in Professional Associations
Memberships in Professional Associations
Chair of the section “Science Communication” of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) (2019–2023)
Member of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) and sections Communication History, Journalism Studies, Media Sociology, Science Communication
Member of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
Member of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
Member of the International Communication Association (ICA) and Divisions Communication History, Environmental Communication, Journalism Studies, Political Communication
Member of the Public Communication of Science and Technology Network (PCST Network)
Congress Organisation
Congress Organisation
Wisskomm Connected [SciComm Connected]. Conference of the Transfer Unit Science Communication. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, Germany, 11-12 September 2024. With L. Fischer, L. Mertin, J. Wigger, & C. Schuster.
Wissenschaftskommunikation. Qualität, Zielgruppen, Kompetenzentwicklung [Science Communication. Quality, Target Groups, Competence Development]. Workshop at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, Germany, 20 June 2024.
Potenziale und Herausforderungen von Kooperationen zwischen Forschung und Praxis der Wissenschaftskommunikation [Potentials and Challenges of Collaborations between Research and Practice in Science Communication]. Workshop at Wissenschaft im Dialog, Berlin, Germany, 31 January 2024. With the members of the #FactoryWisskomm-Taskforce “Research and Practice of Science Communication”.
Kommunikationsstile in der Wissenschaftskommunikation [Communication Styles in Science Communication]. Online Lunch Talk, 1 February 2024. With Transfer Unit Science Communication, N. Simon, & P. Schrögel.
Kooperationsformate von Wissenschaftskommunikationsforschung und -praxis [Formats of Cooparation between Science Communication Research and Practice]. Workshop at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Berlin, Germany, 19. January 2024. With the members of the #FactoryWisskomm-Taskforce “Research and Practice of Science Communication.
Best-Practice Kooperationsprojekte von Forschung und Praxis [Best-Practice Cooperations between Research and Practice]. Workshop at Wissenschaft im Dialog, Berlin, Germany, 19 January 2024. With the members of the #FactoryWisskomm-Taskforce “Research and Practice of Science Communication”.
Barrieren, Motivationsfaktoren und Kompetenzen in der Wissenschaftskommunikation [Barriers, Motivational Factors, and Competencies in Science Communication]. Online Lunch Talk, 13 December 2023. With Transfer Unit Science Communication, F. Hendriks, L. Banse, J. Fick, E. Jurack, & L. Birnbaum.
Wissenschaftskommunikationsforschung für die Praxis: Dialog und Reflexion [Science Communication Research for Practice: Dialogue and Reflections]. Workshop at the Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation, Bielefeld, Germany, 15 November 2023. With B. Goodwin, F. Hendriks, & N. Mede.
Wie kann Wissenschaftskommunikation auf Wissenschaftsskepsis reagieren? [How can Science Communication React to Science Skepticism?]. Online Lunch Talk, 11 October 2023. With Transfer Unit Science Communication, N. Peters, E. Peter, K. Biermann, M. Fejes, & K. Küter.
Wissenschaftskommunikation – Konzepte und Begriffe [Science Communication – Concepts and Definitions]. Online Lunch Talk, 24 October 2023. With Transfer Unit Science Communication, M. Schwind, A. Loth, M. Janßen, & M. Wingens.
Wie beeinflusst die Kommunikation wissenschaftlicher Unsicherheiten Vertrauen in Wissenschaft? [How does the communication of scientific uncertainties affect trust in science?]. Online Lunch Talk, 13 September 2023. With Transfer Unit Science Communication, C. Schuster, & J. Zens.
Wie viel Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft braucht die Demokratie?[How Much Trust in Science Does Democracy Need?]. Interactive survey and live discussion at the event Salon Sophie Charlotte, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, Germany, 13 May 13 2023. With C. Schuster & L. Reinelt.
Transfer Unit Communication Strategy. Co-Creation Workshop at Wissenschaft im Dialog, Berlin, Germany, 27 April 2023. With Transfer Unit Science Communication.
Bridging the Gap – Research-Practice Collaborations in Science Communication. Problem-solving workshop at the annual conference of the PCST, 12 April 2023, Rotterdam, Netherlands. With L. Fischer, R. Ziegler, & P. Hyldgård.
Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Wissenschaftskommunikation in Forschung und Praxis[Current challenges of science communication in research and practice]. Kick-off event of the Transfer Unit Science Communication with panel discussion at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, Germany, 21 October 2022.
Better together – Wie können sich Praxis und Forschung der Wissenschaftskommunikation gegenseitig bereichern? [Better together – How can the practice and research of science communication enrich each other?]. Workshop at the Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation, Hannover, Germany, 4 October 2022. With Transfer Unit Science Communication.
Forschung und Praxis der Wissenschaftskommunikation: Strategien für mehr Dialog [Research and Practice of Science Communication: Strategies for More Dialogue]. Workshop at the #FactoryWisskomm: The Convention, Berlin, Germany, 29 September 2022. With S. Engesser.
Transfer Unit Science Communication: Needs of Practitioners. Online Lunch Talk, 22 September 2022. With Transfer Unit Science Communication.
Zusammenarbeit von Forschung und Praxis in der Wissenschaftskommunikation [Cooperations Between Research and Practice in Science Communication]. Workshop at the Kick-Off event of the “Wissenschaftskommunikation hoch drei” centers for science communication, Hannover, Germany, 20 September 2022. With R. Ziegler.
The Science of Science Communication: Mapping the Field.Preconference at the 72th annual conference of the International Communication Association, Paris, France. 25 May 2022. With L. Bolz, S. Engesser, S. Kohler, N. Mede, & F. Weder.
Klima(wandel)Kommunikation[Climate(Change) Communication]. 6th annual conference of the DGPuK-section Science Communication, University of Ilmenau, Germany. 10–11 February 2022. With J. Wolling, C. Schumann, M. Becker, & S. Engesser.
Wissenschaftskommunikation in zivilgesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzungen[Science Communication in Civil Society Disputes]. 5th annual conference of the DGPuK-section Science Communication, University of Göttingen, Germany. 3–5 February 2021. With B. Fähnrich & S. Post.
Wissenschaftskommunikation und Kommunikationsgeschichte: Umbrüche, Transformationen, Kontinuitäten[Science Communication and Communication History: Upheavals, Transformations, Continuities]. Joint annual conference of the DGPuK-sections Communication History and Science Communication, University of Münster, Germany. 5–7 February 2020. With T. Birkner, B. Fähnrich, & C. Schwarzenegger.
100 Jahre Kommunikationswissenschaft in Münster[100 Years of Communication Studies in Münster]. Ceremony and exhibition at the 64th annual conference of the DGPuK, University of Münster, Germany, 2019. With T. Birkner, B. Blöbaum, & A. Scholl.
100 Jahre Kommunikationswissenschaft: Das Fach Kommunikationswissenschaft im Kontext von Gesellschaftsgeschichte und wissenschaftlicher Institutionalisierung[100 Years of Communication Studies: The Discipline of Communication Studies in the Context of Social History and Institutionalization of Science]. Special panel at the 61th annual conference of the DGPuK, University of Leipzig, Germany. 30 March – 1 April 2016. With T. Birkner, E. Koenen, & M. Löblich.
Auswertung qualitativer Daten[Analyzing Qualitative Data]. Guest-panel at the annual conference of the DGPuK-section Methods, University of Hohenheim, Germany, September, 2015.
Auswertung qualitativer Daten: Strategien, Verfahren und Methoden der Interpretation nicht-standardisierter Daten in der Kommunikationswissenschaft[Analyzing Qualitative Data: Strategies, Procedures, and Methods of Interpreting Non-Standardized Data in Communication Studies]. Conference at the University of Munich (LMU), Germany, 26–27 March 2015. With M. Meyen.
Fischer, L., Barata, G., Scheu, A. M., & Ziegler, R. (Eds.) (2024). Connecting Science Communication Research and Practice: Challenges and Ways Forward. Journal of Science Communication, 23(02). https://jcom.sissa.it/collections/117/
DFG-Netzwerk Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Erinnerungsforschung (Eds.). (2023). Handbuch kommunikationswissenschaftliche Erinnerungsforschung [Handbook Memory Research in Communication Studies]. De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110629743
Scheu, A. M. (Ed.). (2018). Auswertung qualitativer Daten. Strategien, Verfahren und Methoden der Interpretation nicht-standardisierter Daten in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Analyzing qualitative data. Strategies, procedures, and methods of interpreting non-standardized data in communication studies]. Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-18405-6
Scheu, A. M. (2012). Adornos Erben in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Eine Verdrängungsgeschichte? [Adorno’s Heritage in Communication Studies. A History of Marginalization?]. Herbert von Halem.
Scheu, A. M. (2005). Manfred Rühl – Ein Pionier der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft [Manfred Rühl – A Pioneer of German Communication Studies]. (Magister-Thesis). Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Available online. http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/733/1/MA_Scheu_Andreas.pdf
Fischer, L., Barata, G., Scheu, A. M., & Ziegler, R. (2024). Connecting science communication research and practice: Challenges and ways forward. Editorial. Journal of Science Communication, 23(02). https://doi.org/10.22323/2.23020501
Kosyk, A., Kirsten, A., Scheu, A., & Uth, B. (2023). COVID-19 sceptics’ attitudes and expectations toward the media: Understanding the role of moral judgements on trust and distrust in in journalistic communication on COVID-19. Studies in Communication and Media.
Scheu, A. M., & Jünger, J. (2022). Potenziale und Limitationen automatisierter Transkription in der qualitativen Forschung. In T. Wiedemann & C. Lohmeier (Hrsg.), Datenvielfalt. Springer VS.
Nölleke, D., Scheu, A. M., & Birkner, T. (2021). The other side of mediatization: Expanding the concept to defensive strategies. Communication Theory, 31(4), 737–757, https://doi.org/10.1093/ct/qtaa011
Birkner, T., & Scheu, A. M. (2019). Konflikte, Theorien, Perspektiven – Forschung zur Fachgeschichte. Ein Werkstattbericht aus einem Forschungsseminar zu 100 Jahren Kommunikationswissenschaft in Münster. medien & zeit, 1, 57–64.
Scheu, A. M. (2019). Between offensive and defensive mediatization. An exploration of mediatization strategies of German science-policy stakeholders. Journal of Science Communication, 18(3), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.22323/2.18030208
Scheu, A. M. (2019). Medienorientierung der Justiz. Strukturelle Anpassungen der deutschen Justiz an Anforderungen öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeit. MedienJournal, 42(4), 33–54. https://doi.org/10.24989/medienjournal.v42i4.1741
Scheu, A. M., & Blöbaum, B. (2019). Strategische Kommunikation von Hochschulen in Governance-Prozessen. In B. Fähnrich, J. Metag, S. Post, & M. Schäfer (Hrsg.), Forschungsfeld Hochschulkommunikation (S. 247–269). Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-22409-7_12
Nölleke, D., & Scheu, A. M. (2018). Perceived media logic: The point of reference for mediatization. In C. Thimm, M. Anastasiadis, & J. Einspänner-Pflock (Hrsg.), Media logic(s) revisited. Modelling the interplay between media institutions, media technology and societal change (S. 195–216). Palgrave Macmillan.
Scheu, A. M., & Olesk, A. (2018). National contextual influences on mediatization: The comparison of science decision-makers in Estonia and Germany. Science Communication. Advance online publication,1–27. https://doi.org/10.1177/1075547018766917
Scheu, A. M., & Schedifka, T. (2018). Wissenschaftskommunikation im Netz. Eine explorative Studie zur Nutzung webbasierter sozialer Kommunikationskanäle. In C. Lüthje, L. Hagen, F. Dobrick, & C. Seifert (Hrsg.), Wissenschaftskommunikation: Die Rolle der Disziplinen (S. 179–212). Nomos.
Scheu, A. M., Vogelgesang, J., & Scharkow, M. (2018). Qualitative Textanalyse. Blaupause und Potenziale (teil-)automatisierter Verfahren. In A. M. Scheu (Hrsg.), Auswertung qualitativer Daten. Strategien, Verfahren und Methoden der Interpretation nicht-standardisierter Daten in der Kommunikationswissenschaft (S. 309–322). Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-18405-6_20
Scheu, A. M., & Volpers, A.-M. (2017). Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften im öffentlichen Diskurs. In H. Bonfadelli, B. Fähnrich, C. Lüthje, J. Milde, M. Rhomberg, & M. S. Schäfer (Hrsg.), Forschungsfeld Wissenschaftskommunikation (S. 391–404). Springer VS.
Blöbaum, B., Nölleke, D., & Scheu, A. M. (2016). Das Experteninterview in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. In S. Averbeck-Lietz & M. Meyen (Hrsg.), Handbuch nicht standardisierte Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft (S. 175–190). Springer VS.
Scheu, A. M. (2016). Grounded Theory in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. In S. Averbeck-Lietz & M. Meyen (Hrsg.), Handbuch nicht standardisierte Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft (S. 81–94). Springer VS.
Scheu, A. M. (2015). Medialisierung von Forschungspolitik: Medialisierungstypen und Einflüsse auf die Medialisierung forschungspolitischer Akteure. In M. S. Schäfer, S. Kristiansen, & H. Bonfadelli (Hrsg.), Wissenschaftskommunikation im Wandel (S. 153–179). Herbert von Halem.
Scheu, A. M., Volpers, A.-M., Summ, A., & Blöbaum, B. (2014). Medialisierung von Forschungspolitik. Wahrnehmung von und Anpassung an Medienlogik. In B. Stark, O. Quiring, & N. Jackob (Hrsg.), Von der Gutenberg-Galaxis zur Google-Galaxis. Alte und neue Grenzvermessungen nach 50 Jahren DGPuK (S. 71–93). UVK.
Scheu, A. M., Volpers, A.-M., Summ, A., & Blöbaum, B. (2014). Medialization of research policy: Anticipation of and adaptation to journalistic logic. Science Communication, 36(6), 706–134. https://doi.org/10.1177/1075547014552727
Blöbaum, B., Scheu, A. M., Summ, A., & Volpers, A.-M. (2013). Medien, Fächer und Politik. Wie Medien forschungspolitische Entscheidungen in verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen beeinflussen. In E. Grande, D. Jansen, O. Jarren, A. Rip, U. Schimank, & P. Weingart (Hrsg.), Neue Governance der Wissenschaft: Reorganisation – externe Anforderungen – Medialisierung (S. 289–309). transcript.
Scheu, A. M., Summ, A., Volpers, A.-M., & Blöbaum, B. (2013). Strategische Kommunikation in medialisierten Governance-Konstellationen. Eine exemplarische Annäherung anhand der deutschen Forschungspolitik. In U. Röttger, V. Gehrau, & J. Preusse (Hrsg.), Strategische Kommunikation. Umrisse und Perspektiven eines Forschungsfeldes (S. 303–321). Springer VS.
Blöbaum, B., Scheu, A. M., Summ, A., & Volpers, A.-M. (2012). Science policy in mediatized constellations of politics, science, and media. Studies in Communication and Media, 1(1), 149–165. Online verfügbar unter http://www.scm.nomos.de/aktuelles-heft-und-archiv/2012/heft-1/
Löblich, M., & Scheu, A. M. (2011). Writing the history of communication studies: A sociology of science approach. Communication Theory, 21(1), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2885.2010.01373.x
Meyen, M., & Scheu, A. M. (2011). The role of external broadcasting in a closed political system: A case study of the German post-war states. Global Media and Communication, 7(2), 115–128.
Scheu, A. M., & Wiedemann, T. (2008). Kommunikationswissenschaft als Gesellschaftskritik. Die Ablehnung linker Theorien in der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft am Beispiel Horst Holzer. medien & zeit, (4), 9–17.
Scheu, A. M., & Wendelin, M. (2010). Medialisierung – aus der Perspektive der Kritischen Theorie. In K. Arnold, C. Classen, E. Lersch, S. Kinnebrock, & H.-U. Wagner (Hrsg.), Von der Politisierung der Medien zur Medialisierung des Politischen? Zum Verhältnis von Medien und Politik im 20. Jahrhundert (S. 441–463). VS.
Scheu, A. M. (2024). Wissenschaftskommunikation in Deutschland: Status Quo in den Ländern. https://transferunit.de/thema/laenderstudie/
Metag, J., & Scheu, A. M. (2023). Qualitative Befragungen im Kontext von Wissenschaftskommunikation. In P. Niemann, V. van den Bogaert, & R. Ziegler (Hrsg.), Evaluationsmethoden der Wissenschaftskommunikation (S. 105–116). Springer VS. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-39582-7_7
Scheu, A. M. (2023). Journalismus aus der Perspektive der Kritischen Theorie. In M. Löffelholz & L. Rothenberger (Hrsg.), Handbuch Journalismustheorien. Springer VS.
Scheu, A. M. (2023). Medien im Dienst der Macht. Agents of Power. The Role of the News Media in Human Affairs. In A. Scholl & W. Loosen (Hrsg.), Schlüsselwerke der Journalismusforschung. C. H. Beck.
Scheu, A. M. (2023). Fachgeschichte als Erinnerungsforschung? Funktionen fachgeschichtlichen Erinnerns und Vergessens am Beispiel der Kommunikationswissenschaft. In DFG-Netzwerk Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Erinnerungsforschung (Hrsg.), Handbuch kommunikationswissenschaftliche Erinnerungsforschung. De Gruyter.
Schuster, S., & Scheu, A. M. (2023). Wie beeinflusst die Kommunikation wissenschaftlicher Unsicherheiten Vertrauen in Wissenschaft? Ein Systematic Review. Berlin: Transfer Unit Wissenschaftskommunikation. transferunit.de/thema/kommunikation-von-unsicherheiten-und-vertrauen-in-wissenschaft
Scheu, A. M. (2021). Medienwandel und Populismus. In I. Nord & T. Schlag (Hrsg.), Die Kirchen und der Populismus. Interdisziplinäre Recherchen in Gesellschaft, Religion, Medien und Politik (S. 59–73). Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
Scheu, A. M. (2018). Auswertung qualitativer Daten in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. In A. M. Scheu (Hrsg.), Auswertung qualitativer Daten. Strategien, Verfahren und Methoden der Interpretation nicht-standardisierter Daten in der Kommunikationswissenschaft (S. 1–10). Springer VS.
Scheu, A. M., Bischof, A., & Pentzold, C. (2018). Medienbezogene Lebenswelten mit Grounded Theory erforschen. Ansatzpunkte, Hindernisse und Perspektiven. In C. Pentzold, A. Bischof, & N. Heise (Hrsg.), Praxis Grounded Theory. Theoriegenerierendes empirisches Forschen in medienbezogenen Lebenswelten. Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch (S. 311–326). Springer VS.
Scheu, A. M. (2016). Journalismus aus der Perspektive der Kritischen Theorie. In M. Löffelholz & L. Rothenberger (Hrsg.), Handbuch Journalismustheorien (S. 369–384). Springer VS.
Scheu, A. M. (2015). Franz Dröge. In M. Meyen & T. Wiedemann (Hrsg.), Biografisches Lexikon der Kommunikationswissenschaft (S. 1–4). Herbert von Halem. Online verfügbar unter blexkom.halemverlag.de/franz-droege/
Scheu, A. M. (2015). Manfred Rühl. In M. Meyen & T. Wiedemann (Hrsg.), Biografisches Lexikon der Kommunikationswissenschaft (S. 1–4). Herbert von Halem. Online verfügbar unter blexkom.halemverlag.de/manfred-ruehl/
Scheu, A. M., & Heyl, A. (2007). „Sprachrohr der Ossis“. Nutzungsmotive von Lesern der Tageszeitung Neues Deutschland. In S. Pfaff-Rüdiger & M. Meyen (Hrsg.), Alltag, Lebenswelt und Medien. Qualitative Studien zum subjektiven Sinn von Medienangeboten (S. 257–273). Lit.
Scheu, A. M. (2004). Wissenschaftskommunikation in Deutschland: Status Quo in den Ländern [Science communication funding in Germany: Status quo on the level of federal states]. Research report. BMBF. Available online. https://transferunit.de/thema/laenderstudie/
Scheu, A. (2022). Medialisierung von Organisationen: Ein Vergleich der Intensität und
Qualität von Anpassungen an die Logik öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeitsgenerierung [Mediatization of organizations: A Comparison of the intensity and quality of adaptations to the logic of public attention]. Research report, DFG.
Keynotes (4)
Wissenschaft, Medien, Gesellschaft: Herausforderungen guter Wissenschaftskommunikation [Science, Media, Society: Challenges of Good Science Communication]. WiFF-Bundeskongress, „Vom Transfer zur Transformation – Strategien der Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und Praxis in der Frühen Bildung“. Keynote. Robert-Bosch-Stiftung, Berlin, Germany. November 14 2023.
Wissenschaft im Wettbewerb um Aufmerksamkeit [Science Communication in Competition for Attention]. Keynote. Symposium „Kommunikationsforschung an der TU Dresden“, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany. July 6 2023.
Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Perspektive(n) auf Wissenschaftskommunikation [Communication studies perspective(s) on science communication]. Keynote at the joint workshop “Challenges and Opportunities of Science Communication in the Social Sciences” by DGS, ÖGS, and SGS, online conference, October 1 2020. With B. Fähnrich.
Linking mediatization and Critical Theory. Keynote at the conference “Critical Mediatization Research. Power, Inequality and Social Change in a Mediatized Age” of the ECREA-section Mediatization and the Schwerpunktprogramm “Mediatized Worlds”, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany, August 30–September 1, 2016.
Peer reviewed conference presentations (37)
Systematic review of strategies for science communication to mitigate mis- and disinformation. Conference paper. Annual Conference of the DGPuK-Section Science Communication “Science Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence“, June 6, 2024, Zürich, Switzerland. With C. Schuster
Bridging the gap – research-practice collaborations in science communication. Problemsolving Workshop, PCST, Rotterdam, Netherlands, April 12, 2023. With L. Fischer, R. Ziegler, & P. Hyldgård.
COVID-19 sceptics’ attitudes and expectations toward the media: Understanding the role of moral judgements on trust and distrust in scientific journalistic communication Science Sceptics. ECREA 2022, Aarhus, October 22, 2022. With A. Kirsten, A. Kosyk, & B. Uth.
Better together – Wie können sich Praxis und Forschung der Wissenschaftskommunikation gegenseitig bereichern? Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation, Hannover, October 4, 2022. With L. Fischer, R. Ziegler, & L. Mertin.
COVID-19 skeptics’ attitudes and expectations toward mediated science communication. Preconference “The Science of Science Communication: Mapping the Field,” ICA, Paris, Mai 25, 2022. With A. Kirsten, A. Kosyk, & B. Uth.
Open access and the field of communication: The struggle is real. ICA, Online, May 10-27, 2020. With H. Cohen, A. Fung, J. Pooley, X. Ren, C. Soriano, & C. Stabile.
Medialisierung der Wissenschaft: Anpassungen wissenschaftlicher Organisationen an sich
verändernde Bedingungen der Aufmerksamkeitserzeugung [Medialization of Science: Adaptations of Scientific Organizations to Changing Conditions of Attention Generation]. Joint conference of the DGPuK-sections Communication History and Science Communication. Münster, Germany. February 5–7, 2020.
Media Orientation and the transformation of the judiciary. Structural adaptations of the German judiciary to the demands of media publicity and public attention. ICA, Washington, D.C., USA. May 23–29, 2019.
Potenziale und Limitationen automatisierter Transkription in der qualitativen Forschung [Potentials and limitations of automated transcription in qualitative research]. Conference “Datenvielfalt: Potenziale und Herausforderungen”, Network “Qualitative Methoden”, Salzburg, Austria. April 25–26, 2019. With J. Jünger.
Legal courts, the media, and public attention. Exploring structural adaptations to ‘media logic’ within the judicial field in Germany. European Communication Conference “Centres and peripheries: Communication, research, translation”, ECREA, Lugano, Switzerland. October 31–November 3, 2018.
Repercussions of journalism in German science policy-constellations. An exploration of mediatization strategies of science policy-stakeholders from the perspective of decisionmakers. ICA, Prague, Czech Republic. May 24–28, 2018.
Protecting against repercussions of journalism. Re-conceptualizing mediatization in regard to defensive adaptations to news media logic. ICA, Prague, Czech Republic. May 24–28, 2018. With D. Nölleke & T. Birkner.
Scholarly networks and disciplinary identity. The role of social networks considering intellectual conflicts and the collective memory of communication studies. Pre-Conference “Network(ed) Histories” of the Communication History Division of the ICA, Prague, Czech Republic, May 24, 2018. With T. Birkner & C. Schwarzenegger.
Wissenschaft – Politik – Medien: Die Rolle der medialen Öffentlichkeit in der Governance von Forschung [Science – Politics – the Media: The role of media discourse for the governance of research]. Conference of the DGPuK-Section Science Communication in cooperation with AK Politik, Wissenschaft und Technik, DVPW “Science-Policy-Interfaces –
Kommunikation zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik”, Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany, February 1–3, 2018. With A.-M. Volpers.
Collective memory and the construction of our disciplinary identity. The case of critical communication studies. ECREA Communication History Section workshop, Eötvös Loránd University/Faculty of Humanities, Budapest, Hungary, September 8, 2017. With C. Schwarzenegger & T. Birkner.
The other side of mediatization: Shielding as a facet of adaptations to media logic. ECREA, Prague, Czech Republic, Vovember 9–12, 2016. With D. Nölleke & T. Birkner.
Mass media‘s influence on science policy. An explorative study of science policy decisionmakers’ mass media relations and willingness to adapt to media logic. IAMCR, Leicester, UK, July 27–31, 2016.
National structural influences on mediatization: comparison of science decision-makers in Estonia and Germany. IAMCR, Leicester, UK, July 27–31, 2016. With A. Olesk.
Die andere Seite der Medialisierung: Abschirmung als Aspekt von Medialisierung in Gesundheit, Politik, Recht, Sport und Wissenschaft [The other side of mediatization: Shielding as an aspect of mediatization in health, politics, law, sports and science]. DGPuK, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany. March 30–April 1, 2016. With D. Nölleke & T. Birkner.
Wissenschaftskommunikation 2.0. Eine explorative Studie zur Nutzung von webbasierten Kommunikationskanälen aus Sicht von Wissenschaftlern [Science Communication 2.0. An exploratory study on the use of web-based communication channels from the perspective of scientists.]. Ad-Hoc-Group Science Communication of the DGPuK, University of Dresden, Germany. February 4–6, 2016. With T. Schedifka.
Perceived media logic as orientation horizon of mediatization processes. Conference “Media Logic(s) Revisted: Modeling the Interplay between Media Institutions, Media Technology and Societal Change”, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. September 21–23, 2015. With D. Nölleke.
Medialisierung von Forschungspolitik. Medialisierungstypen und Einflüsse auf die Medialisierung forschungspolitischer Akteure [Mediatization of research policy. Types of mediatization and influences on the mediatization of research policy actors]. Ad-Hoc-Group Science Communication of the DGPuK, University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland. January 31–February 1, 2014.
The point of reference for mediatization processes. What stakeholders perceive as the logic of journalism. European Communication Conference of the ECREA, Lissabon, Portugal, November 2014. With D. Nölleke, S. Boberg, J. Meiring, & N. Zerrer.
The role of journalism in the governance constellation of science and politics. IAMCR, Dublin, Ireland, July 2013. With A. Summ, A.-M. Volpers, & B. Blöbaum.
Adornos heritage in German communication studies – A history of marginalization? Preconference “Histories of Communication Studies”, ICA, London, UK, June 2013.
The process of institutionalization: How actors, institutional structures and the competition of theories shaped the institutionalization of the Department of Communication in Münster, Germany. Preconference “Histories of Communication Studies”, ICA, London, UK, June 2013. With T. Birkner.
Beobachtung und Beeinflussung über Massenmedien: Die Medialisierung der forschungspolitischen Governance-Konstellation [Observation and influence via mass media: The mediatization of the research-policy constellation]. DGPuK, Mainz, Germany. May 2013. With B. Blöbaum, A. Summ, & A.-M. Volpers.
Scientific research in news about social risks. A quantitative and qualitative approach. IAMCR, Istanbul, Turkey, July 13–17, 2011. With A. Summ & A.-M. Volpers.
Adornos Erben in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Verdrängung und Distanzierung eines „kritischen“ Selbstverständnisses [Adorno‘s heirs in communication studies. Suppression and distancing of a “critical” self-conception]. DGPuK, University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany. June 1–3, 2011.
Media logic and science policy. Science policy in mediatized constellations of politics, science, and media. ICA, Boston, USA, May 26–30, 2011. With B. Blöbaum, A. Summ, & A.-M. Volpers.
Writing the history of the discipline: a sociology of science approach to the history of communication research. ICA, Chicago, USA, May 21–25, 2009. With M. Löblich.
The marginalisation of Critical Theory in German communication studies. A comparative analysis of unequally successful scholars of critical communication studies in Germany. Conference “Twenty Years at the Margins: The Herman-Chomsky Propaganda Model and Critical Media and Communication Studies, 1988–2008”, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK. December 19, 2008.
„Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft“. Die Ablehnung linker Theorien in der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft am Beispiel Franz Dröge [„Critical Communication Studies“. The Rejection of Leftist Theories in German Communication Studies Using the Example of Franz Dröge]. DGPuK, Lugano, Switzerland. April 30–May 2, 2008.
Kommunikationswissenschaft als Gesellschaftskritik. Die Ablehnung linker Theorien am Beispiel Horst Holzer. DGPuK-Section Communication History, Munich, Germany. January 17–19, 2008. Wit T. Wiedemann.
„Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft“. Eine qualitative Studie zur Rezeption und zum wissenschaftlichen Potential der Kritischen Theorie aus der Perspektive der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft [Critical Communication Studies. A Qualitative Study on the Reception and Scientific Potential of Critical Theory from the Perspective of German Communication Studies]. Conference „Medienhistorisches Forum für Absolventen und Forschungsnachwuchs“ oft he „Studienkreis Rundfunk und Geschichte“ in cooperation with the DGPuK-section Communication History, Wittenberg, Germany. November 1–2, 2007.
Invited Talks (13)
Trust in science: How should we communicate scientific uncertainty? Presentation at “Megatrends 2050. Shaping the future with scientific foresight”, Luxembourg Parliament and Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg, Luxembourg. May 4, 2023.
Grounded Theory in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Grounded Theory in communication Studies]. Lecture at the doctoral seminar “Transcultural Gender”, University of Salzburg. April 26 2021.
Remembering and forgetting the history of the field: 100 years of communication studies in Münster. DFG-Network “Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Erinnerungsforschung”, University of Augsburg, Germany, October 23–25 2019. With T. Birkner.
100 Jahre Kommunikationswissenschaft in Münster. Konflikte, Theorien und Perspektiven eines Jahrhunderts [100 years of communication science in Münster. Conflicts, theories, and perspectives of a century]. Poster exhibition at the ceremony for the 100th anniversary of the Institute of Communication Studies at WWU Münster during the 64th Annual Conference of the DGPuK, Münster, Germany, May 9–11 2019. With T. Birkner, J. O. Dominiak, V. Döring, L. C. Horna, A. I. Kläs, S. Knittig, J. Menke, M. Pauli, Y. S. Petkova, L. L. Popp, S.-C. Rydzik, E. F. Weber, & M. Zenka.
Populismus und Medialisierung – Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Einordnungen. [Populism and mediatization – communication studies classifications]. Presentation at the conference “Churches and Populism. Interdisciplinary Research in Society, Religion, Media, and Politics” by the Schader Foundation, the Conference of German-speaking Pastoral Theologians, and the Practical Theology Section of the Scientific Society for Theology, in cooperation with the German Communication Association (DGPuK), the Sociology of Religion Section of the German Society for Sociology (DGS), the German Association for Social Work (DGSA), and the AK “Politics and Religion” of the German Association for Political Science (DVPW). Schader-Forum Darmstadt, Germany, September 10–12 2018.
Gutachten schreiben – für Tagungen, Zeitschriften und Forschungsförderer [Writig reviews].
Workshop, DGPuK-Nachwuchstags 2018 (in cooperation with SGKM and ÖGK), University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany, September 6–8 2018.
Chances and risks of science communication regarding legitimization & trust. Presentation
and panel discussion at the “Science College 2018 ‚Building Trust in Research(ers)‘“. University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany, July 3 2018.
Social networks, collective memory, and the disciplinary identity of communication studies. Netzwork „Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Erinnerungsforschung“, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany. April 18–20 2018. With T. Birkner & C. Schwarzenegger.
Die Geschichte Kritischer Perspektiven in der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft [The history of critical perspectives in German communication science]. Guest lecture in the Master’s seminar “BLexKom: Writing Disciplinary History” at LMU Munich, Munich, Germany, January 15 2018.
Mediatisierung/Medialisierung. Entstehung, Entwicklung, Perspektiven, Widersprüche [Mediatization/Medialization. Emergence, development, perspectives, contradictions. Guest lecture in the Master’s lecture “Advances of Audience- and Media-Effects Research” at the University of Hohenheim, Hohenheim, Germany, December 13, 2017.
Paneldiscussion at the Preconference “Publication strategies”, DGPuK, University of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany. March 30 2017.
Veröffentlichung von Bildern in Online-Fachzeitschriften aus Sicht der Praxis [Publishing images in online academic journals from a practical perspective]. Keynote at the pre-conference “Showing Pictures? Challenges and Conditions in Dealing with Images in (Communication) Studies Publishing Practices” for the Focus Group Conference “Theories of Visual Communication Research” of the DGPuK-section Visual Communication, Erfurt, Germany, November 19, 2015.
Medien, Fächer und Politik. Wie Medien forschungspolitische Entscheidungen in verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen beeinflussen [Media, disciplines, and politics. How media influence research-policy decisions in various scientific disciplines]. Lecture at the conference of the BMBF funding initiative “New Governance of Science. Reorganization – External Demands – Mediatization”, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Berlin, Germany, October 2013. With B. Blöbaum, A. Summ, and A.-M. Volpers.
Popular presentations / Third Mission (11)
Workshop Wissenschaftskommunikation. Qualität, Zielgruppen, Kompetenzentwicklung [Workshop Science Communication. Quality, Target Audiences, Competences]. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, Germany. June 20 2024.
Perspektivenvielfalt in der Wissenschaftskommunikation [Perspectives on Science Communication]. #FactoryWisskomm-Talk, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Berlin, Germany. June 10 2024. With J. Henke
Wie viel Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft braucht die Demokratie? [How much trust in science does democracy need?]. Interactive format as part of the Salon Sophie Charlotte event, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, Germany. May 13 2024. With C. Schuster & L. Reinelt.
Im Wettbewerb um Aufmerksamkeit. Wahrheit unter Bedingungen des medialen Wandels [Competing for attention. Truth under conditions of media change]. Academy lecture at Brandenburg schools. Carl Bechstein Gymnasium, Erkner, Germany. March 28 2023.
Wissenschaftskommunikation in Deutschland: Status Quo in den Ländern [Science communication in Germany: Status quo in the states]. Presentation at the Federal-States Meeting, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Berlin, Germany, February 24 2023. With L. Reinelt, J. Henke, T. Maier, C. Voigt, & A. Wiedicke.
Wissenschaftskommunikation in Deutschland: Status Quo in den Ländern [Science communication in Germany: Status quo in the states. Presentation of results in the “Science Communication; Science Years” department, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Berlin, February 7, 2023. With L. Reinelt, J. Henke, T. Maier, C. Voigt, & A. Wiedicke.
Wie kann wissenschaftliche Evidenz besser Eingang in den politischen und gesellschaftlichen Diskurs finden? [How can scientific evidence better enter the political and societal discourse?]. Panel discussion. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, Germany. October 28, 2022. With B. Fähnrich, M. Landgraf, S. Post, C. Neuberger, & R. Ziegler.
Forschung und Praxis der Wissenschaftskommunikation: Strategien für mehr Dialog [Research and practice of science communication: Strategies for more dialogue]. Workshop as part of the #FactoryWisskomm: The Convention, Berlin, Germany. September 29 2022. With S. Engesser.
Die Transfer Unit Wissenschaftskommunikation [The Transfer Unit Science Communication]. Presentation at the Kick-Off “Science Communication hoch drei”, Hannover, Germany. September 20 2022. With R. Ziegler.
Zusammenarbeit von Forschung und Praxis in der Wissenschaftskommunikation [Collaboration between research and practice in science communication]. Workshop as part of the Kick-Off “Science Communication hoch drei”, Hannover, Germany. September 20 2022. With R. Ziegler.
Podium discussion of the documentary fil “HUMAN NATURE: The CRISPR Revolution”, Kino Cinema & Kurbelkiste, Münster, Germany. With J. S. Ach, S. Balbach, F. Tüttelmann.