Mag. Christina Krakovsky
Junior Scientist (OeAW)
Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC)
Austrian Academy of Sciences / University of Klagenfurt
1010 Wien, Bäckerstraße 13 / 1. Stock, Austria
Phone: +43-1-51581-3121
Email: christina.krakovsky(at)
Research Interests
Media Change & Communication History, Journalism, Gender & Intersectionality, Media Participation
Current Projects
Former Projects
- Shifting the Boundaries of What can be Said – A Longitudinal Analysis of Elizabeth T. Spira's “Alltagsgeschichte”
- The Development of the Austrian Media System: Market Structures, Journalistic Practices, and News Consumption Patterns
- Organization of the ECREA Communication History Section Workshop 2019
- Determinants of Journalism´s Democratic Quality: The Case of Austria´s Capital Vienna
Academic Education
Academic Education
since 2018: PhD Student at the Faculty of Social Sciences / Department of Communication, University of Vienna.
Thesis (working title): “Skandalisierte Kunst. Werte- und Normdebatten in den österreichischen Medien von 1968 bis 1988“ („Scandalized Art. Debates on Values and Standards in the Austrian Media from 1968 to 1988“)
2011: Master of Philosophy
Thesis: „Medial vermittelte Repräsentationen von ArchitektInnen und Bauträgern in der deutschsprachigen, fachspezifischen Presse“ („Representations of Architects and Developers in the German-speaking, specialized press“), Department of Communication, University of Vienna.
Diploma examinations: emphasis on narrative history in journalism and methodology in historic communications research.
Since 2008: Student at the Department of Comparative Literature, University of Vienna
Professional Career
Professional Career
since 2012: Board member at the “AHK – Arbeitskreis für historische Kommunikationsforschung” (Working Committee for Historical Communication Research), publishing the journal “medien & zeit. Kommunikation in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart” (media & time. Communication in past and present).
2012-2023: Freelance journalist for the historical supplement "Zeitreisen" of the former newspaper "Wiener Zeitung". Managing editor from August 2017 to April 2018."
2018: Associated Research Assistant at the Franz Vranitzky Chair for European Studies, University of Vienna / Research Project: “Viennese Actionism as Point Of No Return”
2015 – 2017: Research Assistant at the Franz Vranitzky Chair for European Studies, University of Vienna / Research Project: „Generation In-between. The ‚Europeanness‘ of the Balkan War Children“
2014: Research Assistant / Research project “KIS – Kommunikation im Zusammenhang mit Sicherheit” (communication and security) commissioned by the Press and Information Service (PID), Vienna.
2013 – 2014: Research Assistant / Research project “ESTi – Erwartungen an die Stadt, intensive” (Expectations of the City) commissioned by the Press and Information Service (PID), Vienna.
2013: Research Assistant / Analysis of Austrian daily newspapers for the general collection of essential, political media coverage, commissioned by the Press and Information Service (PID), Vienna.
2012 – 2013: Research Assistant / Research project “Medienbiographien! Medienkompetenz bei jungen Erwachsenen” (Media biographies. Media literacy among young adults) commissioned by the Österreichische Institut für angewandte Telekommunikationsforschung (ÖIAT)
2012 – 2013: Research Assistant / Analysis of Austrian media on the topic „Social Housing in Vienna 2006-2012“, commissioned by “Wiener Wohnen”.
2010 – 2011: Student Assistant / Research project “KIM - Kommunikation im Spannungsfeld von Integration und Migration in Wien” (Communication between integration and migration in Vienna) commissioned by the Press and Information Service (PID), Vienna.
2010 – 2011: Student Assistant / FFG Research Project “RUNA - Ruf der Nachbarschaft” (Call for a community).
2009 – 2010: Student Assistant / Research project “Schule – Medien – Gewalt” (school – media – violence), University of Vienna.
2008 – 2011: Student Assistant / FWF Project “Modes of Design. The Architectural Project as a Cultural and Sozial Process”.
Fellowship and Awards
Fellowship and Awards
Riedl, A., Rohrbach, T., & Krakovsky, Ch. (2022): Top Student Paper Award, ICA
Memberships in Professional Associations
Memberships in Professional Associations
Member of the 'History of Media Studies'-group of the Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine (seit 2023)
Obfrau im Arbeitskreis für historische Kommunikationsforschung, Wien (seit 2023)
Redaktionelle und fachliche Mitarbeiterin im Fachjournal "medien & zeit. Kommunikation in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart".
Reviewing and Consulting Activities
Reviewing and Consulting Activities
since 2023: Reviewerin für das Fachjournal "Media Studies" (seit 2023)
since 2019: Reviewer for the European Communication, Research and Education Association (ECREA)
2020: Reviewer for the Franz Vranitzky Chair for European Studies, University of Vienna (project: "Youth in the Balkans: Their Cultures of Communication and Non-Communication, and their Notions of Reconciliation")
since 2011: Reviewer for the German Communication Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, DGPuK), Division: Communication History
since 2016: Reviewer for the journal for historical communication research “medien & zeit. Kommunikation in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart“
2014-2015: Scientific advisor for the exhibition “Von der Propagandaschmiede zur Kommunikationswissenschaft” (From Propaganda Machine to Communication Studies) at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna. Exhibition manager: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Duchkowitsch
Congress Organisation
Congress Organisation
Krakovsky, Ch. (SoSe 2024). Gender & Diversity, Lehrveranstaltung (LV), FH St. Pölten.
ECREA Communication History Section Workshop on
"Jeopardizing Democracy throughout History: Media as Accomplice, Adversary or Amplifier of Populist and Radical Politics"; Austrian Academy of Sciences / Vienna, September 11-13, 2019.
“Longing for ‘Communism’? 21st Century Youth Cultures in Past, Present and Future Eastern Germany, and Southeast and Eastern Europe”
in cooperation with the Chair of Modern History, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany; the Chair for Transformation Processes in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, University of Vienna, Austria; Franz Vranitzky Chair for European Studies, Transdiciplinary Chair at the Department of Contemporary History and the Department of Communication, University of Vienna, Austria.
Vienna, 23 October 2017.
Kategorien, Typen und Stereotypen in Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. 2. Fachtagung zu Kommunikation. (Categories, Types and Stereotypes in Humanities and Social Sciences. 2nd Conference on Communication).
Vienna, 20 – 22 October 2016
Generation on the Move. Children of the 90s in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, and Serbia, in Cooperation with the Center for Advanced Studies for Southeastern Europe, Rijeka.
Rijeka/Croatia, 9 – 10 October 2015.
Partizipation in Geschichte und Gegenwart. – Fachtagung junger Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft. (Participation from history to present. – young scholars conference on communication).
Vienna, 12-14 November 2015.
Books and Monographs
Books and Monographs
- (2023). Sichtbarkeit von Frauen* in wissenschaftlichen Fachgeschichten. medien& zeit 38 (2). Retrieved from
- (2023). Open Section. medien& zeit 38 (2). Retrieved from
- (2022). Offenes Heft zu historischer Kommunikations- und Medienforschung - medien& zeit 37 (4) [Open Issue: Historical Communincation and Media Studies]. Vienna: Working Committee for Historical Communication Research (AHK)..
- (2021). Revolution und Medien [Revolution and Media] [= medien & zeit, 36(3)]. Wien. Retrieved from
- (2021). Jeopardizing democracy throughout history: Media as accomplice, adversary or amplifier of populist and radical parties [= medien & zeit, 36(1)]. Wien..
- (2019). Offenes Heft zu historischer Kommunikations- und Medienforschung - Medien& Zeit 34 (4) [Open Issue: Historical Communincation and Media Studies]..
Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
- (2024). What is journalism’s contribution to deliberative communication and democracy?. In European Media Systems for Deliberative Communication: Risks and Opportunities..
- (2024). Journalism: Collaboration is the key to monitoring. In Lauk E., Alonso M. O.,, & Harro-Loit H., (Eds.), Monitoring Mediascapes. A Premise of Wisdom-Based EU Media Governance (pp. 106-134). Tartu. Retrieved from
- (2023). From Literacy to Skills. Discussing Media Education and Its Goals. Media Literacy And Academic Research, 6, 55-63. doi:10.34135/mlar-23-02-03.
- (2022). Die Wiener Aktionisten – Von enfantes terribles zu Staatskünstlern: Ein kursorischer Blick auf die Entwicklung der medialen Darstellung zur Performance „Kunst und Revolution“ 1968 und 1989. Medienjournal, 31–44. doi:10.24989/medienjournal.v46i2.
- (2022). Austria: Critical junctures in the media transformation process. In Approaching deliberative communication: Studies on monitoring capability and on critical junctures of media development in 14 EU countries, CS2. In (pp. 2-36). Tartu: Mediadelcom. Retrieved from
- (2022). Austria: Risks and opportunities related to media and journalism studies (2000–2020). Case study on the national research and monitoring capabilities. In Approaching deliberative communication: Studies on monitoring capability and on critical junctures of media development in 14 EU countries, CS1. In (pp. 2-33). Tartu: Mediadelcom. Retrieved from
- (2022). "I can't just pull a woman out of a hat". A mixed methods study on journalistic drivers of women’s representation in political news. Journalism &Amp; Mass Communication Quarterly, n/a, n/a. doi:10.1177/10776990211073454.
- (2021). Scandalogy meets field theory. In A. Haller, Michael, H., & Seeber, L. (Eds.), Scandalogy 3: Scandals in new media (pp. 181-200). Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-85013-5.
- Beteiligung und Journalismus. In Handbuch Journalismusforschung..
- Journalism dimension. In Zrinjka Peruško, Epp Lauk,, & Halliki Harro-Loit (eds.), (Eds.), “Media Systems and Deliberative Communication: Risks and Opportunities”. Routledge Communication Series..
Other Articles and Book Chapters
Other Articles and Book Chapters
- (2021). Jeopardizing democracy throughout history: Media as accomplice, adversary or amplifier of populist and radical parties. Medien &Amp; Zeit, 36, 2-5..
- (2019). Mit dem Diarium auf Zeitreisen: Wie die Wiener Zeitung ihr Archiv als journalistische Quelle nutzt und dabei LeserInnen Geschichte schreiben [Time Travels with "Diarium". How "Wiener Zeitung" uses its archives as a journalistic source and writes a reader´s history]. Wiener Geschichtsblätter, 74, n.a..
- "Critical Junctures" in demokratischen Mediensystemen. Medien &Amp; Zeit, n.a..
Research Papers
Popular Articles and Book Chapters
Popular Articles and Book Chapters
- (2023). Eine Rundschau zum österreichischen Mediensystem. Auf Dem Weg Zu Einer Wissensbasierten Media Governance. Die Mediadelcom-Methode, 44-47. Retrieved from
- (2022). Was braucht unabhängiger Journalismus in Österreich?. Retrieved from
- (2022). Was Spiras „Alltagsgeschichten“ über Österreich verraten [What Spira's "Alltagsgeschichten" reveal about Austria] [Interview mit der ÖAW PR]. Öaw Homepage. Retrieved from
- (2021). „Alltagsgeschichten“: Zwischen verbalen Stammtischexzessen und Selbstzensur. Die ORF-Reportagereihe von Elizabeth T. Spira zeigt, wie sich das Sagbare in 20 Jahren verändert hat. Retrieved from
- (2021). Warum Frauen in politischer Berichterstattung kaum sichtbar sind [Why women are barely visible in political news]. Retrieved from
Invited Lectures
Invited Lectures
, Erfurt
Krakovsky, Ch. Eberwein, T. Oggolder, Ch.
Europas Mediensysteme am Scheideweg: Lehren aus einer Vergleichsstudie in Schweden, Österreich, Tschechien, Lettland und Bulgarien
. 69. Jahrestagung der DGPuK: Visionen für ein besseres Leben: Medien und Kommunikation in der Gesellschaft von morgen -
, Wien
Krakovsky, Ch. Jäger, I. Rozgonyi, K.
Partizipativer Journalismus aus Wien: Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und Demokratie
„Wissen für Wien“, Stadt-Wien-Präsentationsveranstaltung -
, Vienna
Krakovsky, C.
Inserate, Förderungen, Medienqualität [abgesagt]
World Café. Demokratietag „Manipulation – Polarisierung – Widerstand: Zur Zukunft der Medienöffentlichkeit“, CEU Vienna -
, Wien
Riedl, A. Krakovsky, Ch. Rohrbach, T.
A long way to go: Journalistische Einflüsse auf Gender-Vielfalt in österreichischen Medien. [A long way to go: Journalistic influences on gender diversity in Austrian media.]
VERLOTTERN? VERTEUFELN? VERHUNGERN? Qualitätsjournalismus unter Druck! 24. Journalistinnenkongress -
, Wien
Riedl, A., Krakovsky, C., & Rohrbach, T.
Journalistic factors influencing the representation of women in political news coverage: Results of a mixed methods study
Brown Bag Lunch Lecture Series, Vienna Centre for Societal Security (VICESSE)
Other Lectures
Other Lectures
, Salzburg
Rathmann, M. Rozgonyi, K. Krakovsky, C. Eberwein, T.
The value of differences: A transnational qualitative document analysis on the presence of inclusivity and diversity in codes of ethics
Annual conference of the International and Intercultural Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) -
, München
Eberwein, T. Krakovsky, C., Oggolder, C.
Media Monitoring als Chance für die nachhaltige Entwicklung von Mediensystemen: Das Beispiel Österreich [Media monitoring as an opportunity for sustainable media systems development: The case of Austria]
Jahrestagung des Netzwerks Medienethik und der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Kommunikations- und Medienethik, Hochschule für Philosophie -
, Brno
Berglez, P. Eberwein, T. Jansová, I. Krakovsky, C. Nord, L. Ots, M. Rapado, I. Raycheva, L. Rožukalne, A. Skulte, I. Stakle, A. Waschková Císařová, L.
Media change in Europe as a structure-agency process: Results from a comparative study of Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Latvia and Sweden.
14th Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference, Masaryk University -
, Kalgenfurt
Eberwein, T. Krakovsky, C. Oggolder, C.
Risks and opportunities of media change: First results from a comparative European study.
Research Café, Department of Media and Communications, Universität Klagenfurt. -
, Kaunas
Eberwein, T., Rozgonyi, K., & Krakovsky, C.
Mapping media accountability: The case of Austria.
Kick-off meeting of the project “Fostering capacity building for civic resilience and participation: Dialogic communication ethics and accountability” (DIACOMET), Vytautas Magnus University -
, Salzburg
Krakovsky, Christina Oggolder, Christian
50 years after – Remembering Valie Export and 1968 in Austrian media
Communicating Memory Matters: Next Steps in the Study of Media Remembering and Communicative Commemoration -
, Paris
Riedl, A. Rohrbach, T. Krakovsky, Ch.
Journalistic Drivers of Women’s Representation in Political News. A Mixed Methods Study
72nd Annual ICA Conference: One World, One Network‽ -
, Magdeburg
Riedl, A. Rohrbach, T. Krakovsky, C.
Journalistische Einflussfaktoren auf die mediale Repräsentanz von Frauen in politischer Berichterstattung. Ergebnisse einer Mixed Methods-Studie
"Medien und Ungleichheiten. (Trans-)nationale Perspektiven auf Geschlecht, Diversität und Identität" - Gemeinsame Jahrestagung 2021 der FG Internationale und Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Medien, Öffentlichkeit und Geschlecht DGPuK -
, Nairobi
Riedl, A. Rohrbach, T. Krakovsky, C.
Mr. Gates and his Boy’s Club? Understanding Gender Representations in Political News Coverage [online]
Annual Conference of the IAMCR -
, Bamberg
Krakovsky, Ch.
„Blood, filth and destruction“: Utilizing scandal theory for the analysis of journalistic practices over time [online; originally scheduled for 03.04.2020]]
3rd International Conference in Scandalogy -
, Potsdam
Krakovsky, Ch.
Skandalisierte Kunst: Werte- und Normdebatten in österreichischen Massenmedien von 1968 bis 1988 [postponed]
Medienhistorisches Forum 2020 -
, Wien
Krakovsky, Ch.
Skandalisierte Kunst: Werte- und Normdebatten in österreichischen Massenmedien von 1968 bis 1988
Fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation
Popular Lectures
Popular Lectures
Głowacki, M. Mikucki, J. Harro-Loit, H. Lauk, E. Rožukalne, A. Skulte, I. Eberwein, T. Krakovsky, C. Oggolder, C. Kreutler, M. Fengler, S.
Mediadelcom country teams’ reflections upon the project before grand finish, part 2
Podcast MEDIAdelcom – Finding risks and opportunities for media -
Sakzewski, T. Nord, L. Jansová, I. Avădani, I. Krakovsky, C. Eberwein, T. Larsen, E. Carcasson, M. Engen, G. Kreutler, M. Kandyla, A. Anderson, C.
What does a deliberative approach look like?
Podcast MEDIAdelcom – Finding risks and opportunities for media -
Sakzewski, T. Eberwein, T. Krakovsky, C.
Polarisation: challenges for the media in Austria
Podcast MEDIAdelcom – Finding risks and opportunities for media -
, Tartu
Eberwein, T. Oggolder, C. Krakovsky, C.
Observations in draft country case studies: Austria
Podcast MEDIAdelcom – Finding risks and opportunities for media -
Oggolder, C. Krakovsky, C.
„Alltagsgeschichten“ im Wandel der Zeit [„Alltagsgeschichten“ In the change of time] [Radio broadcast]
Punkt eins