Dr. phil., Mag. iur., BA Corinna Gerard-Wenzel
Former Senior Scientist
Lecturer at University of Salzburg (Department of Communication)
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies
1010 Wien, Postgasse 7, Austria
Research interests
Media politics, media governance, media subsidies, public service media, political communication, media law
Current projects
- Funding Public Service Journalism: New Models, New Prospects?
- Public Service Media in Digital Communication Environments
- Governance of Public Service Media: Traditions and Transitions
Academic education
Academic education
2010-2014: Dr. phil., University of Salzburg
Thesis: “Media policy in times of crisis. Focus on media policy reactions to the media crisis, comparison of seven different states”
2009-2016: Maga. iur., University of Linz
Thesis: “Constitutional court rulings on ORF using Facebook”
2006-2010: Maga. Komm., University of Salzburg
Thesis: “Externe Regulierung des ORF, Public Value und Selbstorganisation“
2008-2012: BA, University of Salzburg
2006-2009: Bakk. Komm., University of Salzburg
Consulting and Refereeing Activities
Consulting and Refereeing Activities
Since 01.2016: Consulting engagement for the European Commission: Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) as part of the “Digital Agenda for Europe” (with Josef Seethaler)
Third Party Projects
Third Party Projects
2017: The legality of project-based media funding (funded by Heinrich Graf Hardegg‘sche Stiftung)
In the media
In the media
Blogartikel vom 06.03.2017, Derstandard.at: "Warum wir Meinungsfreiheit neu denken müssen."
Interview, Die Presse vom 05.08.2016: „Politisch beeinflusst – und zu wenig transparent“.
ORF Dialogforum vom 18.05.2016: Teilnahme an der Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema „Generation What“.
Conference papers (selected)
Conference papers (selected)
Wenzel, Corinna (2011): “Community Media and the production of Public Value”. Civil Media Conference, 14. April 2011. Salzburg.
Wenzel, Corinna (2011): Response to the presentation of Barbara Thomaß. Symposium 'Changing Democracy: Journalism, civic participation and ICTs. ICT&S Center; Universität Salzburg, Mai 2011.
Wenzel, Corinna (2011): Public Value and the Public Interest - Should Civil Society be involved in Public Service Broadcasting Policies? 9th International Conference on Mass Media and Communictions, ATINER: 17. Mai 2011, Athen.
Wenzel, Corinna (2011): Self-Regulation and Public Service Broadcasting. IAMCR Conference; 14. Juli 2011. Istanbul.
Wenzel Corinna/ Sergio Sparviero/ Trappel Josef (2011): Dimensions of Value Creation in the News Industry: Inserting Social Value to the Debate. DGPuk Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Medienökonomie. 12. November 1011, München.
Wenzel, Corinna (2012): Partizipative Journalismus-Angebote des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks und seine regulatorischen Grenzen. Presentation at the SGKM Conference. Neuchatel, 21st of April 2012.
Trappel, Josef/ Wenzel, Corinna (2012): How to justify public money for private broadcasting. ECREA Conference in Istanbul 2012, Contribution to Media law and policy section.
Grünangerl, Manuela/ Trappel, Josef/ Wenzel, Corinna (2012): What value(s)? The commitment to civil society and its different forms of realization: Public Service Media and Community Media in Comparison. ECREA Conference in Istanbul 2012, Contribution to Communication and Democracy Section.
Trappel, Josef/ Wenzel, Corinna/ Gadringer, Stefan (2013): Media Crisis, self-regulation and the state – The problem solving potential of media stakeholder`s governance in tough economic times. Presentation at the 2013 Workshop of the ECREA Communication Law and Policy Section. Communication & Media Policy in Europe: Assessing the Past, Setting Agendas for the Future. 25-26 October, MediacityUK, Salford Quays, Salford, Manchester.
Wenzel, Corinna (2014): Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft einer demokratischen Medienpolitik. Strategien, Chancen und Perspektiven. Presentation at the SKGM Conference. Zürich; Universität Irchel, 12th of April 2014.
Wenzel, Corinna (2014): Media Policy and non-commercial Media organisations in times of crisis. Presentation at the Civil Media Conference, Salzburg. 29th of May 2014.
Wenzel, Corinna (2014): Media Policy as Research object of Political Science – An interdisciplinary perspective. Paper presented at the ECPR Conference in Innsbruck. 04th of July 2014.
Wenzel, Corinna (2015): Das Konzept Medienqualität und seine Passfähigkeit in Bezug auf Community Medien [The concept of Media Quality and ist Relation to Community Media]. Vortrag im Zuge der Konferenz „CivilMedia“, Mai 2015, Salzburg.
Wenzel, Corinna/Seethaler, Josef (2015): Informed vs. Intepretative Citizens: The Changing Role of Citizenship and its consequences for the Quality of News Coverage. IAMCR Conference 2015. Political Communication Research Section. Montreal, 12th -16th of July 2015.
Wenzel, Corinna (2015): Public funding of news organizations - democratic news performance? The situation in Switzerland. Präsentation im Rahmen der “MediaTrends Conference“ 2015, Webster Private University, Wien. 11. September 2015.
Steinmaurer, Thomas/ Wenzel, Corinna (2015): Public Network Value. Technical and Professional Standards for Public Service Media in a digital environment. Presentation at the DCC Workshop: Digital Culture: Standards, disruptions and values. University of Salzburg, 27. November 2015. Digital Culture and Communication Section (ECREA) in cooperation with Department of Communication Studies, Center for ICT&S
Sparviero, Sergio/Wenzel, Corinna (2015): Standards in user comments and the creation of social value in online newspapers. Presentation at the DCC Workshop: Digital Culture: Standards, disruptions and values. University of Salzburg, 26. November 2015. Digital Culture and Communication Section (ECREA) in cooperation with Department of Communication Studies, Center for ICT&S
Wenzel, Corinna/ Sparviero, Sergio (2016): Emotionen und sozialer Mehrwert in User-Kommentaren österreichischer Online-Tageszeitungen. Präsentation im Rahmen der Gemeinsamen Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe „Kommunikation und Politik“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), des Arbeitskreises „Politik und Kommunikation“ der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW) und der Fachgruppe „Politische Kommunikation“ der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft (SGKM). 13.02.2016
Wenzel Corinna/ Steinmaurer Thomas (2016): Public Service Media`s own Social Network – Necessity or Utopia? Akzeptierter Vortrag, ECREA’s 6th European Communication Conference ‘Mediated (Dis)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures’. Prag, 9.-12.November 2016.
Wenzel, Corinna (2011): Linking Public Service Broadcasting and E-Democracy: The necessity of making Civil Society part of Public Service Broadcasting Policies. In: Estudos em Comunicação #9 - Maio 2011. Communication Studies. S. 45-60.
Wenzel, Corinna (2012): Die Zulässigkeit einer externen Regulierung des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks. Public Value im ORF. VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Wenzel, Corinna/ Trappel, Josef/ Gadringer, Stefan (2012): Zur Qualität im Privatrundfunk - Begleitforschung zum österreichischen Privatrundfunkfonds. Schriftenreihe der RTR-GmbH. Online: http://www.rtr.at/de/komp/SchriftenreiheNr22012
Grünangerl, Manuela/ Trappel, Josef/ Wenzel, Corinna (2012): Public Value and Participation of Civil Society – a case for Public Service or Community Media?. In: kommunikation.medien. Online: http://journal.kommunikation-medien.at/2012/03/public-value-and-participation-of-civil-society-a-case-for-public-service-or-community-media/
Grünangerl, Manuela/ Trappel, Josef/ Wenzel, Corinna (2012): Media Regulation in Austria. In: Sousa, Wolfgang/ Trützschler, Joaquim/ Lameiras, Fidalgo & Mariana (Ed.): Media Regulators in Europe: A Cross-Country Comparative Analysis. Online: http://www.lasics.uminho.pt/ojs/index.php/cecs_ebooks/issue/view/118/showToc
Wenzel, Corinna (2012): Medien- und kommunikationspolitische Steuerung in der Krise. Neue Spielräume, neue Handlungszwänge? In: Projektverbund Sinergia „Medienkrise“ (Hrsg.): Die Medienindustrie in der Krise. Ursachen, Formen und Implikationen für Journalismus und Demokratie in der Schweiz. Working Papers 1.
Wenzel, Corinna/ Gadringer, Stefan (2013): Medienpolitische Reaktionen auf die Medienkrise - Erste empirische Befunde. In: Projektverbund Sinergia „Medienkrise“ (Hrsg.): Working Papers 2.
Wenzel, Corinna (2014): Medienpolitik in Zeiten von Krisen - Das spannungsgeladene Verhältnis zwischen zivilgesellschaftlichen und ökonomischen Interessen. In: Meier/Bonfadelli: Sinergia – Abschlusspublikation (in Print).
Steinmaurer, Thomas/ Wenzel, Corinna (2015): „Public Network Value“. Studie im Auftrag des ORF und des Bayrischen Rundfunks.
Wenzel, Corinna/Trappel, Josef/Gadringer, Stefan (2016): How media policy erodes during times of crisis. Book chapter, Proceedings of ECREA`s Communication Law and Policy Section Workshop on “Communication and Media Policy in Europe: Assessing the Past, Setting Agendas for the Future.” London: Routledge.
Seethaler, Josef/Melischek, Gabriele/Eberwein, Tobias/ Wenzel, Corinna (2016): Changing Media – Changing Democracy. Tagungsband zur Konferenz "Changing Media - Changing Democracy" vom 6.-7. November 2014. Schriftenreihe „Relation“. Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien.
Wenzel, Corinna/ Sparviero, Sergio/ Trappel, Josef (2016): The Social Value of News Organizations. In: Seethaler, Josef/Melischek, Gabriele/Eberwein, Tobias/ Wenzel, Corinna (2016): Changing Media – Changing Democracy. Tagungsband zur Konferenz "Changing Media - Changing Democracy" vom 6.-7. November 2014. Schriftenreihe „Relation“. Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien.
Wenzel, Corinna (2016): Cultural Memory. In: Public Social Value – Public Value Studie des ORF, der EBU, der SRG SSR und des Bayrischen Rundfunks. S. 100 – 129.
Gadringer, Stefan/ Sparviero, Sergio/ Trappel, Josef/ Wenzel, Corinna (2016): REUTERS INSTITUTE DIGITAL NEWS REPORT 2016. Detailergebnisse für Österreich. Online: http://uni-salzburg.at/fileadmin/multimedia/Kommunikationswissenschaft/documents/Aktuelles/MedPolitik/DNR_Austria2016_01.pdf