Mo, 10.02.2025 14:00

Chemical Analysis on Terra Sigillata and Red Slipped Wares from Klaros

Vortrag | Wien

© G. Schneider (FU Berlin)
»Chemical Analysis on Terra Sigillata and Red Slipped Wares from Klaros: Outcomes of the P-XRF Method«

Hakan Aycan | Research Assistant Ege Üniversitesi Izmir, dzt. FU Berlin

Classification in ceramic studies is the pillar of the basis for accurate cultural, social and commercial modeling. Therefore, the success of the classification directly affects the ultimate conclusions. Roman tableware has characteristic features due to their standardized mass production, which facilitates their classification. However, even though they have distinctive features, it has become inevitable to resort to archaeometry methods. This presentation offers the results of a comparative analysis of previously unexplored Roman tableware from Klaros, using both archaeology and archaeometry methods. P-XRF results in comparison with a robust WD-XRF database demonstrate how these results have significant implications and also indicate their limitations.



10. Februar 2025, 14.00 CET

Otto Wagner Postsparkasse, Georg Coch Platz 2, 1010 Wien, Raum 4.A.1


Anna Maria Borowska