Semiannual reports and short studies on current issues and trends as a service for parliamentarians

Together with the AIT, the ITA prepared monitoring reports for the Austrian Parliament in order to support it in its forward-looking research, innovation and technology (FTI) policy.

The continuous observation and analysis of current, international, scientific and technological developments in the social context was the basis for identifying key future topics. In such a monitoring procedure, important scientific and technical drivers for changes become visible, which opened up extended options for action to Parliament if they are taken into account at an early stage. The results of this monitoring thus support an anticipatory policy for research, technology and innovation.

Two reports per year

Together with its partner AIT, the ITA sent written information to Parliament every six months, once in autumn and once in spring. Each monitoring report first contained a general overview of developments in the past six months (including the main issues of international and national scientific and research policy, but also societal debate) and an overview of the sources evaluated in the monitoring process. Subsequently, four topics were presented in more depth. The selection of these topics has been based on topicality and political relevance.

Service for politicians: Overview and trends

The topics and content presented were not limited to specific areas (such as the remit of individual committees), but covered the entire spectrum of parliamentary work and were thus potentially relevant to all committees and MPs. The focus of the reports was on a pointed presentation of results, enabling MPs to gain an overview of all current developments and trends in a short amount of time. 

However, the monitoring reports also serve as a basis for members of parliament to commission short in-depth studies on selected topics, which also formed part of the framework agreement and were prepared separately on request.



  • Nentwich, M., Weber, M., Appelt, D., Buchinger, E., Capari, L., Filippova, E., Gudowsky-Blatakes, N., Heller-Schuh, B., Kienegger, M., Kubecko, K., Mehnert, W., Ornetzeder, M., Peissl, W., Schaper-Rinkel, P., Wang, A., & Wasserbacher, D. (2022). Foresight und Technikfolgenabschätzung: Monitoring für das Österreichische Parlament, neue Themen, Ausgabe November 2022 (p. 428). Wien. doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-AIT-19
  • Riedlinger, D. (2022). Neue Zukunftsthemen für das Parlament. Ita-Newsfeed. Retrieved from
  • Nentwich, M., Weber, M., Appelt, D., Buchinger, E., Capari, L., Filippova, E., Gudowsky-Blatakes, N., Heller-Schuh, B., Kienegger, M., Kubecko, K., Mehnert, W., Ornetzeder, M., Peissl, W., Schaper-Rinkel, P., Wang, A., & Wasserbacher, D. (2022). Foresight und Technikfolgenabschätzung: Monitoring für das Österreichische Parlament, neue Themen, Ausgabe Mai 2022 (p. 396). Wien. doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-AIT-18
  • Peissl, W. (2021). Elektronische ID: eine für alle(s)?. Wien. Retrieved from
  • Gudowsky, N. (2021). Länger leben. Wien. Retrieved from
  • Nentwich, M. (2021). Folgen digitalen Lesens. Wien. Retrieved from
  • Capari, L. (2021). Vormarsch des digitalen Euro?. Wien. Retrieved from
  • Bayer, T., & Peissl, W. (2021). Digitale Identität (Infografik), Wien. Retrieved from
  • Bayer, T., & Gudowsky-Blatakes, N. (2021). Länger Leben (Infografik), Wien. Retrieved from
  • Bayer, T., & Nentwich, M. (2021). Deep Reading (Infografik), Wien. Retrieved from
  • Bayer, T., & Capari, L. (2021). Digitaler Euro (Infografik), Wien. Retrieved from
  • Nentwich, M., Weber, M., Appelt, D., Capari, L., Gudowsky, N., Ornetzeder, M., Peissl, W., Buchinger, E., Filippova, E., Heller-Schuh, B., Kienegger, M., Kubeczko, K., Schaper-Rinkel, P., Wang, A., & Wasserbacher, D. (2021). Foresight und Technikfolgenabschätzung: Monitoring für das Österreichische Parlament, neue Themen, Ausgabe November 2021. Wien. doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-AIT-15
  • Riedlinger, D. (2021). Blackout und Cybersecurity: Parlamentsberatung wird fortgesetzt. Ita-Newsfeed. Retrieved from
  • Bayer, T., & Gudowsky-Blatakes, N. (2021). Phosphorrecycling (Infografik), Wien. Retrieved from
  • Bayer, T., & Capari, L. (2021). Spielzeug 2.0 (Infografik), Wien. Retrieved from
  • Bayer, T., & Peissl, W. (2021). Im Schatten des WLAN (Infografik), Wien. Retrieved from
  • Bayer, T., & Capari, L. (2021). CO2-neutrale Flugzeuge (Infografik), Wien. Retrieved from
  • Bayer, T., & Gudowsky-Blatakes, N. (2021). Klimaschutz und zunehmende Digitalisierung, ein Widerspruch? (Infografik), Wien. Retrieved from
  • Nentwich, M., Weber, M., Appelt, D., Buchinger, E., Capari, L., Filippova, E., Gudowsky-Blatakes, N., Heller-Schuh, B., Kienegger, M., Kubecko, K., Ornetzeder, M., Peissl, W., Schaper-Rinkel, P., Wang, A., & Wasserbacher, D. (2021). Foresight und Technikfolgenabschätzung: Monitoring für das Österreichische Parlament, neue Themen, Ausgabe Mai 2021 (p. 326). Wien. doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-AIT-14
  • Capari, L. (2021). Spielzeug 2.0. Wien. Retrieved from

Conference Papers/Speeches

Conference Papers/Speeches

  • 17/12/2019 , Wien
    Michael Nentwich: 
    FTA-Monitoring für das Parlament: Bezüge zur Smart City
    Arbeitskreis Smart City Wien
  • 18/01/2019 , Wien
    Michael Nentwich: 
    Was ist Technikfolgenabschätzung, wofür braucht man das und wie wird es gemacht?
    FachMittag der Parlamentsdirektion
  • 1

Articles/Book Contributions

Articles/Book Contributions

  • Gudowsky, N., Nentwich, M., Capari, L., & Peissl, W. (2018). Early detection of potential topics for advice-giving mechanisms in technology assessment. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) – Future in the Making. Brussels. Retrieved from
  • 1


07/2017 - 11/2022

Project team

