short bio
Himal Trikha studied Indology at the University of Vienna. He graduated in 1999 (Mag. phil.) on Viśiṣṭādvaitavedānta with Gerhard Oberhammer and completed his doctorate in 2009 (Dr. phil.) on the reception of Vaiśeṣika in Jaina works with Karin Preisendanz.
From 1999 to 2011 Trikha was employed with short interruptions at the Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies of the University of Vienna. He worked at the IKGA from 2012 to 2015 as part of the project "Fragments of Indian Philosophy". This was followed by a research stay in 2016–2018 at the Institut Mondes iranien et indien, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, as part of the Erwin-Schrödinger project "Perspectivism and intertextuality in Vidyānandins works", which has been continued at the IKGA since 2019.
- Perspektivismus und Kritik: Der epistemische Pluralismus der Jainas angesichts der Polemik gegen das Vaiśeṣika in Vidyānandins Satyaśāsanaparīkṣā. (Publications of the De Nobili Research Library 36). Wien: De Nobili Research Library, 2012.
Recent articles
- Trends of research on philosophical Sanskrit works of the Jainas. In: Sanmati. Essays Felicitating Professor Hampa Nagarajaiah on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday. Ed. by Luitgard Soni and Jayandra Soni. Bangalore: Sapna Book House 2015, pp. 423–435.
- An example of logical argumentation in Vidyānandin’s Satyaśāsanaparīkṣā. In: Handbook of Logical Thought in India. Ed. by S. Sarukkai. New York: Springer 2017, pp. 1–24.
- Creativity within limits. Different usages of a single argument from Dharmakīrti’s Vādanyāya in Vidyānandin’s works. In: Adaptive Reuse. Aspects of Creativity in South Asian Cultural History. Ed. by Elisa Freschi and Philipp Maas. (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 101). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2017, pp. 63–108.
Online research facilities
- DCVW – Digital Corpus of Vidyānandin's Works: (since 2016)
- BBDP – Biobibliography of Digambara Philosophers: (since 2011)
A detailed curriculum vitae with a list of publications can be found at