Short bio
Marcus Schmücker is a senior researcher at the IKGA. He studied Indology, Philosophy and Islamic Studies at the University of Hamburg and Vienna. From 1992 to 1995 he was a research fellow at the Institute for Theology of Religions at the University of St. Gabriel (Mödling, Lower Austria). In 1997 he completed his doctoral thesis with the title: Neither determinable as being nor as non-being. Vimuktātman's Doctrine of the Reality of the World (Vienna 2002). He has been a research fellow at the IKGA since 1996. In addition to interdisciplinary work in the fields of theology and philosophy, his research interests focus on the traditions of Advaita Vedānta and Viśiṣṭādvaita Vedānta.
Marcus Schmücker, 2001
„Weder als seiend noch als nichtseiend bestimmbar“: Vimuktatmans Lehre von der „Realität“ der Welt. (Publications of the De Nobili Research Library 29.) Wien, Delhi: Gerold und Motilal Banarsidass, 2001.
Edited volumes
Marcus Schmücker, Fabian Heubel (eds.), 2013
Dimensionen der Selbstkultivierung: Beiträge des Forums für Asiatische Philosophie. Freiburg: Karl Alber Verlag, 2013.
Gerhard Oberhammer, Marcus Schmücker (eds.), 2003
Mythisierung der Transzendenz als Entwurf ihrer Erfahrung: Arbeitsdokumentation eines Symposiums. (BKGA 41.) Wien: VÖAW, 2003 (order online).
Gerhard Oberhammer, Marcus Schmücker (eds.), 1999
Raum-zeitliche Vermittlung der Transzendenz: Zur „sakramentalen“ Dimension religiöser Tradition. (BKGA 30.) Wien: VÖAW, 1999 (order online).