Pascale Hugon
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- 2020, The Tibetan Translation of the Indian Buddhist Epistemological Corpus, Medieval Worlds 11, pp. 187-212. (The final publication is available at Medieval Worlds via
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- 2012, Inherited Opponents and New Opponents – A Look at Informal Argumentation in the Tshad ma rigs gter. Journal of Tibetology 8 (2012), pp. 26‒57. (Reproduced with kind permission of the editors.)
Birgit Kellner
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Helmut Krasser
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Anne MacDonald
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(Note: The article as it was printed in the journal contains a number of grave errors. A proof-reader in Korea changed my text and I was not sent proofs. The editors kindly reprinted a set of offprints with my original, correct text. Please rely on this version, and not the article as it appears in the journal, for any citations.)
Marion Rastelli
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Bernhard Scheid
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Ernst Steinkellner
Himal Trikha
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Kurt Tropper
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Toshikazu Watanabe
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