
Thomas Kletečka

was an honorary associate working on the edition 'The Minutes of the Council of Ministers of Austria and of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy 1848−1918’ in the research unit Digital Historiography and Editions.

Brief Biography

Thomas Kletečka studied psychology, Slavic studies and history at the University of Vienna where he received his PhD in 1985. He was employed as a research assistant at the Institute of History at the University of Vienna and as a researcher at the Institute for Human Sciences. From 1985, he collaborated on the edition ‘The Minutes of the Councils of Ministers of Austria and of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy 1848−1918’ as volume editor and project leader at the Austrian East and Southeast Europe Institute, and from 2008 at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Commission for the History of the Habsburg Monarchy, later the Institute of Modern and Contemporary History). He worked on the encyclopedia ‘Biographisches Lexikon zur Geschichte der böhmischen Länder’ and the compendium ‘Handbuch der historischen Stätten: Böhmen und Mähren’. Thomas Kletečka is an expert consultant for the ‘Prague Papers on the History of International Relations’.

Research Interests

Period: 19th century
Area: Habsburg Monarchy, especially Bohemia
Topics: Austrian and Czech history, problem of nationalities, Age of Revolution (1848–1849), beginning of Neoabsolutism

Selected Publications

  • Paradigmenwechsel in der österreichischen Kunstförderung des 19. Jahrhunderts. In: Collective and Individual Patronage and the Culture of Public Donation in Civil Society in the 19th and 20th Centuries in Central Europe, hg. v. Milan Hlavačka, Magdaléna Pokorná, Tomáš Pavlíček (= Práce Historického Ústavu AV ČR, Series A – Monographia 31, Prague 2010) 90−129.
  • Außenpolitische Vorstellungen von Parteien und Gruppen in Cisleithanien. In: Adam Wandruszka − Peter Urbanitsch (Hg.), Die Habsburgermonarchie 1848−1918. Band VI/1: Die Habsburgermonarchie im System der internationalen Beziehungen (Wien 1989) 399−458.
  • Von der Revolution zur Reaktion. Quellen zur Militärgeschichte der ungarischen Revolution. Bearbeitet von Róbert Hermann, Thomas Kletečka, Elisabeth Gmoser und Ferenc Lenkefi. Hg. v. Christoph Tepperberg und Jolán Szijj (Budapest/Wien 2005).
  • 8 Bände der Edition „Die Protokolle des österreichischen Ministerrates 1848−1867“, darunter: Die Protokolle des österreichischen Ministerrates 1848−1867. I: Die Ministerien des Revolutionsjahres 1848, 20. März 1848−21. November 1848, bearbeitet von Thomas KLETEČKA, mit einem Vorwort von Waltraud HEINDL (Wien 1996).
  • Der Ausgleichsversuch des Ministeriums Hohenwart − Schäffle mit Böhmen im Jahre 1871 (Dissertation, Wien 1984).


Minutes of the Council of Ministers of the Habsburg Monarchy