Ausgewählte Publikationen

  • Gollo, A., Cecco, M., Haller, A., Partel, P., & Bender, O. (2025). Embedded in the park: the Vanoi Ecomuseum as a lever for sustainable landscape management in the Italian Alps. Eco.mont - Journal On Protected Mountain Area Research And Management, 17, 43-50.
  • Hasenauer, L., Haller, A., Polderman, A., Zeh, J., & Redl, M. (2024). Co-creating a sustainable future in the mountain destination of St. Corona am Wechsel, Austria. In Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Ed.), Promoting innovation and tradition – Solutions for climate change adaptation in mountains (pp. 51–53).
  • Cano, D., Cacciuttolo, C., Haller, A., Rosario, C., Guerra, J. C., & de Oliveira, G. G. (2024). Spatio-temporal tendencies of urban land surface temperature on the Andean piedmont under climate change: A case study of Metropolitan Lima, Peru (1986-2024). Remote Sensing Applications-Society And Environment, 36, ARTN 101378.
  • Bender, O., Kanitscheider, S., Ruso, B., & Winkler, H. (2024). Vorwort. In O. Bender, Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (Eds.), Organismus-Umwelt-Beziehungen. Perspektivenwechsel im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs (pp. 7-13).
  • Bender, O. (2024). Deutsche und ladinische Sprachinseln in den südlichen Alpen (Trentino-Südtirol und Venetien) – ihre Umweltbeziehungen in wechselnder Perspektive. In O. Bender, Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (Eds.), Organismus-Umwelt-Beziehungen. Perspektivenwechsel im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs (pp. 139-197).
  • Bender, O., Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (Eds.). (2024). Organismus-Umwelt-Beziehungen. Perspektivenwechsel im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs. BoD. Retrieved de
  • Braun, V., Gravey, M., Haller, A., Heinrich, K., Keiler, M., Polderman, A., & Ruiz Peyré, F. (2024). Tackling Inter- and Transdisciplinary Challenges: A New Research Approach for the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research. Mountain Research And Development, 44, P1-P2.
  • Haller, A. (2024). Mountain Cityscapes. In F. Sarmiento & Gunya, A. (Eds.), Mountain Lexicon: A Corpus of Montology and Innovation (pp. 139-142).
  • Haller, A., Monge-Rodríguez, F., Huamán-Chulluncuy, E., Bautista-Cañari, R., & Branca, D. (2024). Rural–Urban Change in Highland Peru: Perceived Impacts and Preferred Performance. Mountain Research And Development, 44, R22–R33.
  • Branca, D., & Haller, A. (2024). «Antes que se urbanice»: conservación, urbanización y turistificación en Cusco. Revista De Pensamiento Crítico Aymara, 5, 72-97. Retrieved de
  • Bender, O., Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (Eds.). (2023). Risiko – Gefahr und Wagnis. BoD. Retrieved de
  • Bender, O. (2023). Risiko Hochgebirge? – Eine kleine Risikogeschichte der Alpen. In O. Bender, Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (Eds.), Risiko - Gefahr und Wagnis (pp. 137-163).
  • Bender, O., Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (2023). Vorwort. In O. Bender, Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (Eds.), Risiko - Gefahr und Wagnis.
  • Haller, A., Branca, D., & Cano, D. (2023). Between plaza and peak: a montological perspective on verticality and urbanization in highland Peru. Journal Of Mountain Science, 20, 2783–2803.
  • Haller, A. (2023). Reseña de "The Spatial and Economic Transformation of Mountain Regions. Landscapes as Commodities" de Manfred Perlik. Espacio Y Desarollo, 38, 61-64.
  • Soini, K., Anderson, C. C., Polderman, A., Teresa, C., Sisay, D., Kumar, P., et al. (2023). Context matters: Co-creating nature-based solutions in rural living labs. Land Use Policy, 133, 106839.
  • Branca, D., Haller, A., & Mossa, M. (2023). From the mountains to the sea: The Tepilora Natural Regional Park, Sardinia. Eco.mont, 15, 28-34.
  • Sarmiento, F., Haller, A., Marchant, C., Yoshida, M., Leigh, D., Woosnam, K., et al. (2023). 4D Global Montology: toward convergent and transdisciplinary mountain sciences across time and space. Pirineos, 178, e075.
  • Sarmiento, F., Haller, A., Branca, D., Aguirre, C., Kremsa, V., Marchant, C., & Yoshida, M. (2023). Socioecological gradients: contesting traditional ecoclines to explain the high biocultural diversity of the Andean verdant. In R. Myster (Ed.), Neotropical gradients and their analysis (pp. 451–459).
  • Viesi, D., Baldessari, G., Polderman, A., Sala, S., Zanetti, A., Bolognese, M., et al. (2023). Developing and testing an “Integrated Energy Management System” in a ski resort: The “Living Lab Madonna di Campiglio”. Cleaner Energy Systems, 100050.
  • Bender, O. (2023). Die Entwicklung der Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen im Alpenraum. Geographische Rundschau, 75, 4-9.
  • Haller, A., & Branca, D. (2023). Urbanization and the Verticality of Rural–Urban Linkages in Mountains. In F. O. Sarmiento (Ed.), Montology Palimpsest. A Primer of Mountain Geographies (pp. 133-148).
  • Branca, D., & Haller, A. (2022). “Prima che si urbanizzi” – Conservazione, urbanizzazione e turistificazione a Cusco. In T. Boos & Salvucci, D. (Eds.), Cultures in Mountain Areas: Comparative Perspectives / Culture in aree di montagna: prospettive comparative / Kulturen in Gebirgsregionen: Vergleichende Perspektiven (pp. 89–122).
  • Bender, O., Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (2022). Vorwort. In O. Bender, Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (Eds.), Nachhaltigkeit - das Fortbestehen komplexer Systeme.
  • Bender, O. (2022). Nachhaltigkeit – Versuch einer interdisziplinären Einführung. 50 Jahre ‚Grenzen des Wachstums‘. In O. Bender, Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (Eds.), Nachhaltigkeit - das Fortbestehen komplexer Systeme (pp. 13-54).
  • Bender, O. (2022). Der Ukraine-Konflikt. Anmerkungen zur Nachhaltigkeit in der Geopolitik. In O. Bender, Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (Eds.), Nachhaltigkeit - das Fortbestehen komplexer Systeme (pp. 113-154).
  • Bender, O. (2022). Trägt der Alpentourismus zu nachhaltiger Regionalentwicklung bei? Das Beispiel Österreich. In O. Bender, Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (Eds.), Nachhaltigkeit - das Fortbestehen komplexer Systeme (pp. 213-230).
  • Haller, A., & Branca, D. (2022). La urbanización y la verticalidad de los vínculos rurales-urbanos en las montañas. Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad Y Medio Ambiente, A-011.
  • Kratzer, A., Mainetti, L. M., & Unthan, N. (2022). Geography of grassroots innovations in the Dublin Bay Biosphere Reserve. Geoforum, 136, 161-172.
  • Braun, V., & Haller, A. (2022). Entstehungsverläufe von Naturparks am Beispiel Tirols in den österreichischen Alpen. Histoire Des Alpes, 2022/27, 97-112.
  • Ruiz Peyré, F., & Schmitt, T. (2022). Emanzipation und Empowerment. In D. Gottschlich, Hackfort, S., Schmitt, T., & Winterfeld, U. (Eds.), Handbuch Politische Ökologie. Theorien, Konflikte, Begriffe, Methoden (pp. 351-357). Retrieved de
  • Haller, A., & Branca, D. (2022). More than Landscape: Toward Cosmophanic Diversity in Environmental Planning and Governance. Soc. Nat. Resour., 35, 1123-1133.
  • Dorn, F. M., Hafner, R., Peyre, F. R., & Krapovickas, J. (2022). (Counter-)Imperial Mode of Living and Surviving: contextualizations from South America. Erde, 153, 97-108.
  • Haller, A. (2022). The Spatial and Economic Transformation of Mountain Regions. Landscapes as Commodities. Mitteilungen Der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 163, 485-486.
  • Bardy-Durchhalter, M., Bender, O., Bertolotti, G., Branca, D., Braun, V., Bohleber, P., et al. (2022). Joint Endeavor Toward Sustainable Mountain Development: Research at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Mountain Research And Development, 42, P1-P4.
  • Guenay-Greunke, Y., Bohan, D. A., Traugott, M., & Wallinger, C. (2022). A multiplex PCR assay for detecting slug species common in European arable land in the diet of carabid beetles. Entomol. Gen., 42, 117-126.
  • Branca, D., & Haller, A. (2022). Verticalidad, urbanización y turistificación en los Andes: el caso de Huaraz, Perú. Ambiente, Comportamiento Y Sociedad, 4, 1-31.
  • Bender, O., Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (Eds.). (2021). Fälschen, Täuschen, Lügen. BoD.
  • Bender, O. (2021). Fake Democracy? Wesen und Wahrnehmung unserer Staatsform. In O. Bender, Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (Eds.), Fälschen, Täuschen, Lügen (pp. 13-44).
  • Haller, A. (2021). Theory of Mountainurbanology. By Guangyu Huang. Mountain Research And Development, 41, M2-M3.
  • Haller, A., & Borsdorf, A. (2021). Montología urbana: ciudades de montaña como enfoque de investigación transdisciplinaria. Cuadernos De Geografía: Revista Colombiana De Geografía, 30, 509–523.
  • Branca, D., Haller, A., Blanco-Gallegos, B., & Alanoca-Alanoca-Arocutipa, V. (2021). Mediating mind-sets: the Cerro Khapía Landscape Reserve in the Peruvian Andes. Eco.mont, 13, 52-57.
  • Branca, D. (2021). Visiones de los Andes: Ensayos críticos sobre el concepto de paisaje y región [Visions of the Andes: Critical essays on the notion of landscape and region]. Edited by Ximena Briceño and Jorge Coronado. Mountain Research And Development, 41, M1-M2.
  • Branca, D., & Haller, A. (2021). Urbanization, touristification and verticality in the Andes: a profile of Huaraz, Peru. Sustainability, 13, 6438.
  • Polderman, A., Haller, A., Pellegrini, C., Viesi, D., Tabin, X., Cervigni, C., et al. (Eds.). (2021). Smart Altitude: A low-carbon, high-impact and resilient future for Alpine winter tourism territories. Smart Altitude/Interreg Alpine Space.
  • Branca, D., & Haller, A. (2021). Cusco: profile of an Andean city. Cities, 113, 103169.
  • Bender, O., Kanitscheider, S., Mehl, A., Ruso, B., & Winkler, H. (Eds.). (2021). Analogie als Quelle der Erkenntnis. BoD.
  • Dorn, F., & Ruiz Peyré, F. (2020). Lithium as a Strategic Resource: Geopolitics, Industrialization, and Mining in Argentina. Journal Of Latin American Geography, 19, 68-90.
  • Wymann von Dach, S., & Ruiz Peyré, F. (Eds.). (2020). Vibrant Mountain Communities. Regional Development in Mountains: Realizing Potentials, Tackling Disparities. Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing.
  • Kratzer, A., Unthan, N., & Coy, M. (2020). Linking actors to promote sustainable development in rural areas: Grosses Walsertal. In S. Wymann von Dach & Ruiz Peyre, F. (Eds.), Vibrant mountain communities. Regional development in mountains: Realizing potentials, tackling disparities (pp. 34-35).
  • Ruiz Peyré, F., Turin, C., & Wymann von Dach, S. (2020). Mountain economies: diverse and rich in potential. In S. Wymann von Dach & Ruiz Peyré, F. (Eds.), Vibrant Mountain Communities. Regional Development in Mountains: Realizing Potentials, Tackling Disparities (pp. 8-13).
  • Kratzer, A. (2020). Netzwerk Biosphere Reserves – Einblicke in die Innovationspotentiale der Peripherie am Beispiel Entlebuch (Schweiz) und Großes Walsertal (Österreich). In A. Borsdorf, Jungmeier, M., Braun, V., & Heinrich, K. (Eds.), Biosphäre 4.0 - UNESCO Biosphere Reserves als Modellregionen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung (pp. 139-158). Springer Spektrum.
  • Ammering, U., Coy, M., Kindl, L., Kratzer, A., Töpfer, T., & de Mello-Théry, N. A. (2020). Am Rand großer Städte – Urbane Biosphere Reserves zwischen Konzept und Umsetzung. In A. Borsdorf, Jungmeier, M., Braun, V., & Heinrich, K. (Eds.), Biosphäre 4.0 - UNESCO Biosphere Reserves als Modellregionen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung (pp. 185-202). Springer Spektrum.
  • Schirpke, U., Scolozzi, R., Dean, G., Haller, A., Jäger, H., Kister, J., et al. (2020). Cultural ecosystem services in mountain regions: conceptualising conflicts among users and limitations of use. Ecosystem Services, 46, 101210.
  • Escobar-Mamani, F., Branca, D., & Haller, A. (2020). Investigación de montaña sobre y para la región andina. Revista De Investigaciones Altoandinas – Journal Of High Andean Research, 22, 311-312.
  • Haller, A., & Branca, D. (2020). Montología: una perspectiva de montaña hacia la investigación transdisciplinaria y el desarrollo sustentable. Revista De Investigaciones Altoandinas – Journal Of High Andean Research, 22, 313–322.
  • Kratzer, A., & Kister, J. (2020). Rural–urban linkages for sustainable development: A synthesis and conclusion. In A. Kratzer & Kister, J. (Eds.), Rural-urban linkages for sustainable development (pp. 234-244).
  • Kratzer, A., & Kister, J. (2020). Rural-Urban Linkages for Sustainable Development – An Introduction. In A. Kratzer & Kister, J. (Eds.), Rural-urban linkages for sustainable development (pp. 1-28).
  • Kratzer, A., & Kister, J. (Eds.). (2020). Rural-Urban Linkages for Sustainable Development. London, New York: Routledge.
  • Guenay, Y., Trager, H., Glarcher, I., Traugott, M., & Wallinger, C. (2020). Limited detection of secondarily consumed plant food by DNA‐based diet analysis of omnivorous carabid beetles. Environmental Dna, 2020, 1-9.
  • Polderman, A., Haller, A., Viesi, D., Tabin, X., Sala, S., Giorgi, A., et al. (2020). How Can Ski Resorts Get Smart? Transdisciplinary Approaches to Sustainable Winter Tourism in the European Alps. Sustainability, 12, 5593.
  • Traugott, M., Thalinger, B., Wallinger, C., & Sint, D. (2020). Fish as predators and prey: DNA-based assessment of their role in food webs. Journal Of Fish Biology, 2020, 1-16.
  • Bender, O., & Haller, A. (2020). Der sozioökonomische Strukturwandel in den Alpen. In J. L. Lozán, Breckle, S. -W., Escher-Vetter, H., Graßl, H., Kasang, D., Paul, F., & Schickhoff, U. (Eds.), Warnsignal Klima: Hochgebirge im Wandel (pp. 284–290).
  • Branca, D., Fabiano, E., & Pau, S. (2020). Sull'antropocene. Introduzione alla traduzione di “Umano, troppo umano” di Philippe Descola. América Crítica, 4, 75-80.
  • Branca, D. (2020). Prólogo. In V. Alanoca Aroctuipa & Yanqui Mamani, Y. D. (Eds.), Acreditación Escuela de Antropología UNA-Puno. Recreando alternativas frente al proceso de homogenización de la educación desde el Sur Andino (pp. 1-2). Retrieved de
  • Borsdorf, A., & Haller, A. (2020). Urban montology: mountain cities as transdisciplinary research object. In F. Sarmiento & Frolich, L. (Eds.), The Elgar companion to geography, transdisciplinarity and sustainability (pp. 140–154).
  • Ruiz Peyré, F., & Dorn, F. (2020). Aprovechamiento del litio en la Argentina – Realidades, desafíos y perspectivas en un mundo globalizado. Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica De Geografía Y Ciencias Sociales, 24, 1-27.