Attention: This page reflects the state of 2005. It is meant for documentary purposes and will not be updated any longer.
This dictionary was the first attempt to make the formal terminology as developed in the early period of Indian philosophy accessible. Its aim was to show the historical development of this terminology from the beginnings of systematic philosophical reflection up to the times of Dignāga (ca. 480–540 C.E.) using the following sources: the early Samhitas and texts of the grammarians, texts of the Tantrayukti-tradition of the medical schools of Caraka, Susruta etc. and the Kautiliyarthasastra, the sutras of the classical schools (Nyaya, Vaisesika, Sankhya and Mimamsa) including their early commentaries, as well as the texts of the dialectical traditions of early Buddhism. Three volumes of the dictionary were published (see Vol. I, Vol. II, Vol. III).