
Insurgency, Resistance, and Social Interaction

Archaeological Exploration of the New Kingdom Egyptian Fortress in Jaffa

For approximately 300 years from ca. 1460 to 1150 B.C. Egyptians controlled the former Canaanite port city of Jaffa (ancient Yapu), employing it as a staging ground for regular military campaigns into Canaan and the administration of its empire in the southern Levant. While the importance of Jaffa’s role could be generally reconstructed from limited historical references and limited publications of the preliminary results from the 1950s excavations, recent research by the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project under the direction of Aaron A. Burke (University of California, Los Angeles) and Martin Peilstöcker (Israel Antiquities Authority) enable a reassessment of the Egyptian presence in Jaffa and the nature of Egyptian and Canaanite interactions during this period.

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