European History of Academies Research Initiative

The European initiative was initiated by the German National Academy Leopoldina based in Halle, Germany in 2019. The initiative investigates the history of learned societies and academies from three perspectives – the international and interactive, the comparative and the contextual and directs its man focus on “Academies and Politics. The Cold War and beyond”. Affiliates of so far 7 European national academies have agreed to conduct workshops on a specific subject fitting the main topic. In May 2021 the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei made the start.

  • 3. Workshop in Vienna (May 2023), organized by Johannes Feichtinger at the Austrian Academy of Sciences on Developing Science Policy in occupied and liberated Europe, ca. 1930s–1960s
  • 2. Workshop in Stockholm (June 2022), organized by Karl Grandin at the Royal Academy of Sciences on Neutral Science and the Cold War
  • 1. Workshop in Rome (May 2021), organized by Giovanni Paolini at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei on the history of European academies in the 20th century: State of the art and institutional issues

Steering Committee:  Claude Debru (Académie des sciences); Johannes Feichtinger (ÖAW) Martin Franc (Czech Academy of Sciences); Rainer Godel (Leopoldina, Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung, coordinator of the European History of Academies Initiative); Karl Grandin (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences); Keith Moore (Royal Society), Giovanni Paolone (Università di Roma – Sapienza, Commission for the history of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei).