The Athens Branch of the Austrian Archaeological Institute (OeAI), founded in 1898, serves the study of the cultural heritage of Greece and the Aegean, which in many ways has become formative for Europe and the world. The branch office forms a central interface between Greece and Austria, as it represents and communicates Austrian research in Greece and vice versa.

The building of the OeAI was constructed according to plans by the architect Ernst Ziller on a plot of land donated for this purpose by the Greek state on Leoforos Alexandras near the Greek National Museum and opened in 1908. Today, in addition to office space, it houses a flat for the guests of the Institute and scholarship holders as well as a specialist library, which is open to colleagues for study.

The tasks of the OeAI Athens include research and excavation work, technical and administrative support for Austrian scholars and students in their research in Greece. It represents Austrian applications for archaeological field research (excavations, surveys, geophysics), study permits, material autopsies, analysis of material samples and guide permits (for excursions) at the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports. When preparing the proposals to the Greek Department of Antiquities, it is important to use the guidelines for submitting applications.

Fellowships of the Austrian Academy of Sciences offer qualified researchers from all fields of ancient studies and archaeology the possibility of a research stay at the OeAI in Athens, in order to be able to use the ideal research infrastructure at the OeAI, but also at the many other foreign institutes in Athens.

The OeAI at Athens also regularly organises events such as specialist conferences and lecture series with the participation of international and national specialists. Among other things, they offer scholarship holders and visiting researchers a forum for presenting their research projects. The main topics of the lecture series are shaped by the work and projects of the OeAI.

At irregular intervals, the Austrian Archaeological Institute at Athens organises a summer school that takes place with the participation of university lecturers from Austrian universities and research institutions. The call for proposals on a specific theme are directed towards small groups of motivated young researchers (doctoral candidates and postdocs) from all Austrian universities in the fields of Prehistory and Early History, Classical Archaeology, Architecture (Building History), Ancient History and Classical Studies, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Classical Philology and Byzantine Studies. The next Summer School is planned for 2024.

The new publication series »Arete. Publications of the OeAI in Athens« serves the publication of research on Greek topics ranging from antiquity to the Byzantine era. In particular, the research and excavation projects, but also events and conferences carried out by the Austrian Archaeological Institute in Greece, will be published here.



Birgitta Eder


Christoph Baier (FWF-Projekt P 37071-G, »A Unique Urban Social Space in Pompeii: Insula VII 4«)
Walter Gauß (Grabungsleitung Aigeira)
Federica Iannone (Gastforscherin)
Efthymios Kakavogiannis (Bibliothek, Direktionsassistenz)
Gudrun Klebinder-Gauß (Gastforscherin)
Georg Ladstätter (assoziiert, Grabungsleitung Lousoi)
Christina Marini (FWF-Projekt P 34614: »Aigeira. The Archaeological Survey Project, AASP«)
Ioanna Nastou (Office Managerin)
David Scahill (FWF-Projekt P 34614: »Aigeira. The Archaeological Survey Project, AASP«)
Dimitra Voutyrea (FWF Projekt P35244-G: »Crossing the Sea: Pottery from Asia Minor in Athens«)


Leoforos Alexandras 26
106 83 Athens, Greece
T (+30) 210 8213708

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