IPA  listen  VLACH phonetic descriptionexample (translation)
aAanear-open central unroundedcá (house)
bBbvoiced bilabial plosivebag (I put)
çHʲhʲvoiceless palatal fricativeári, ári, ári (gall)
ɕŚśvoiceless alveolo-palatal sibilantśóri (sun)
dDdvoiced alveolar plosivedínti (tooth)
ðΔδvoiced dental fricativeGR δorḙán (for free)
d͡zʣʣvoiced alveolar sibilant affricateʣḙána (at the top)
d͡ʒDždžvoiced palato-alveolar affricateam (glass)
d̠͡ʑDźdźvoiced alveolo-palatal affricateḙána (at the top)
eEeclose-mid front unrounded vowelmeš (months)
əĂămid central vowel Ts. cásă (house); lnă (wool) 
ɛƐɛopen-mid front unrounded vowelfέti (girls)
fFfvoiceless labiodental fricativeáflu (finds)
ɡGgvoiced velar plosivegúvă (whole)
h, χ▶, Hhvoiceless glottal (uvular) fricativehránă (food)
iIiclose front unrounded voweldínti (tooth)
ɪɪɪnear-close near-front unroundeddέdɪ (he/she gave)
jĬĭpalatal semi-vowel or approximantĭa (bath), ĭésti (he/she is)
kCcvoiceless velar plosivecásă (house)
 Kʲkʲvoiceless palatal plosiveári (he/she loses)
lLlalveolar lateral approximantlup (wolf), laf (word)
ɫⱢɫvelarized alveolar lateral approx.ind. ɫup (wolf)
ʎLʲlʲpalatal lateral approximantépur (rabbit)
mMmbilabial nasalmári (big)
nNnalveolar nasalnári (nose)
oOoclose-mid back rounded vowelfoc (fire)
ɔƆɔopen-mid back rounded vowellɔ́nă (wool), rușɔ́ni (shame), cɔ́ni (dog)
pPpvoiceless bilabial plosivelu(wolf)
rRralveolar trillráʦi (cold)
sSsvoiceless alveolar sibilantsóră (sun)
ʃŠšvoiceless palato-alveolar sibilantúšă (door)
tTtvoiceless alveolar plosivetétă (aunt)
t͡sʦʦvoiceless alveolar sibilant affricate ʦap (he-goat)
t͡ʃČčvoiceless palato-alveolar affricatefičór (boy)
t̠͡ɕĆćvoiceless alveolo-palatal affricatefićór (boy)
uUuclose back rounded vowelburíc (heart, stomach)
vVvvoiced labiodental fricativeváli (valley)
wŬŭvoiced labio-velar approximantind. nḙáŭă (snow)
zZzvoiced alveolar sibilantzắʦi (he/she says)
ʑŹźvoiced alveolo-palatal sibilantźuníćă (row); źoc (dance)
ʒŽžvoiced palato-alveolar sibilantžuníʦă (row); žoc (dance)
Diphthongs and triphthongs vs. semivowels

The diphthongs ḙa/i̭a and o̭a/ṷa contrast with ĭa (IPA /ja/) and ŭa (IPA /wa/) respectively, though they sound similar and they do not form minimal pairs. We usually note them as diphthongs (ḙa/i̭a, o̭a/ṷa) and use ĭ and ŭ only when the approximant has a clear consonantal character; both may appear according region, speaker and phonetical surroundings (e.g. i̭ásti/ĭásti, bi̭ui̭/bĭui̭, ṷa/ŭá, nḙáṷă/nḙáŭă).


GRin Greek loanwords only
ind.  individual pronouncation
Ts.Tsrnareca variety